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GeordieGaz's GUKPT Blackpool Side Event Staking - THURSDAY! - COMPLETE


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  • Name: Gary Graham (GeordieGaz on PL)
  • Stake Requested: £110 @ 100 shares of £1.10
  • Event/Tournament: GUKPT Blackpool Side Event
  • Offer: 70% any winnings = 1 share worth 0.70%
  • Date of Event/Tournament: Thursday 11th November 2010

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Gary Graham agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. Hi guys, bit ambitious this one with such short notice but I'll give it a shot anyway. I will be in Blackpool for the side event on Friday anyway so am hoping to play the side event on the Thursday too as I shall be there then. Preferably bank transfer for payment although other methods could be arranged. Thanks for looking. Gaz :ok Shares sold Dave488 = 20 shares for £22 willfriend = 10 shares for £11 Dan Richards = 5 shares for £5.50 Eddie graham = 10 shares for £11 runadrum = 10 shares for £11 teaulc = 10 shares for £11 Mrs GeordieGaz = 10 shares for £11 Heniek = 10 shares for 11 quid Burnley joe = 15 shares for 16.50 quid

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Re: GeordieGaz's GUKPT Blackpool Side Event Staking - THURSDAY! - 75% SOLD

Gaz went out in 22nd place, blinds 4k/8k and he has 22k and gets AK,2 all ins before him,he calls,up against A/6 and A/10.......... flop J/Q/K......sick. ul mate
thanks for updating Al. So yea, this was more or less what happened in my exit hand but a big hand was very early on (the 2nd hand in fact) when my aces were cracked by 4's but I still believe that I should have maybe got away from that hand with half of my original stack remaining. Starting stack of 7.5k and blinds at 25/50 I find the bullets UTG and raise to 325. I get 2 callers and the flop comes 2x 4x 7x .... a nice looking flop for aces I think. I lead out with a bet of 600, early pos folds and mid-position raises to 1500. I don't like this and decide to find out exactly where I'm at by re-raising to 3500.... he tanks for a bit before pushing all in - there's my answer but I just can't bring myself to folding even though I think I'm behind, I think I was hoping he had 10/10, JJ maybe and make the call and find that he has 4's. Definately think I could have folded this hand! Anyway I grinded back up to a peak stack of 45k before the blinds took hold leaving me with less than 3 blinds which is when the above mentioned exit hand occurred. Sorry guys, I tried my very very best!! :\
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