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3 x Full Tilt Stakings Offered - Be Quick


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Re: 3 x Full Tilt Stakings Offered - Be Quick $25.91 sorry it was not more Full Tilt Poker Game #24975887619: Super Stack $14K Guarantee (193154080), Table 184 - 1200/2400 Ante 300 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:14:53 ET - 2010/10/24 Seat 1: tomirie (41,169) Seat 2: Pliko (60,392) Seat 3: LasAllIn (31,940) Seat 4: Michal Blaha (24,458) Seat 5: lambda6987 (27,100) Seat 6: I Click Buttons (51,950) Seat 7: dre stijl (37,972) Seat 8: Shane Gamble (71,629) Seat 9: John G Fitz (36,742) tomirie antes 300 Pliko antes 300 LasAllIn antes 300 Michal Blaha antes 300 lambda6987 antes 300 I Click Buttons antes 300 dre stijl antes 300 Shane Gamble antes 300 John G Fitz antes 300 LasAllIn posts the small blind of 1,200 Michal Blaha posts the big blind of 2,400 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to John G Fitz [Ah Td] lambda6987 folds I Click Buttons folds dre stijl folds Shane Gamble raises to 4,955 John G Fitz raises to 7,510 tomirie folds Pliko folds LasAllIn folds Michal Blaha has 15 seconds left to act Michal Blaha folds Shane Gamble has 15 seconds left to act Shane Gamble calls 2,555 *** FLOP *** [3c 8c Qh] Shane Gamble checks John G Fitz checks *** TURN *** [3c 8c Qh] [7s] LasAllIn has been disconnected LasAllIn has reconnected Shane Gamble checks John G Fitz checks *** RIVER *** [3c 8c Qh 7s] [Qc] Shane Gamble checks John G Fitz bets 28,932, and is all in Shane Gamble calls 28,932 *** SHOW DOWN *** John G Fitz shows [Ah Td] a pair of Queens Shane Gamble shows [2c 2h] two pair, Queens and Twos Shane Gamble wins the pot (79,184) with two pair, Queens and Twos *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 79,184 | Rake 0 Board: [3c 8c Qh 7s Qc] Seat 1: tomirie folded before the Flop Seat 2: Pliko (button) folded before the Flop Seat 3: LasAllIn (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 4: Michal Blaha (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 5: lambda6987 folded before the Flop Seat 6: I Click Buttons folded before the Flop Seat 7: dre stijl folded before the Flop Seat 8: Shane Gamble showed [2c 2h] and won (79,184) with two pair, Queens and Twos Seat 9: John G Fitz showed [Ah Td] and lost with a pair of Queens

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Re: 3 x Full Tilt Stakings Offered - Be Quick

cant see you out of pocket(too much)' date=' full winnings returned, thanks again[/quote'] Dont be daft mate, you just spent 5hrs playing ffs! Sent half it back as per the deal UL on the last hand, how the fck can he call with 22 lol, madness:ok
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Re: 3 x Full Tilt Stakings Offered - Be Quick Well done :clap:clap While i was watching your game i stumbled across a game called matrix it was in the play chips, it cost 2000 to playand i came out with 6480 :ok. It is 4 SnG's play with the same 9 players on each table easy :ok

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