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3 x Full Tilt Stakings Offered - Be Quick


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Hi Guys Gonna give a little back after a nice cash injection via a rush poker idiot lol 3 x $11 entries to the following tourney on Full Tilt - REBEL, SPOONER AND STU SIMMY Tourney ID -193154080 Buy In - $11 Superstack $14k Guarantee Starts at 6pm UK Simple staking, 50-50 of any cash....... Post below if you wish to play:ok

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Re: 3 x Full Tilt Stakings Offered - Be Quick Built up to around 7k, back down to 5k now after this...expect nothing else on Full Tilt. :lol Seat 1: G1ant1 (6,335) Seat 2: SpoonerPL (6,825) Seat 3: kalassalak (5,425) Seat 4: Ramona Lazda (4,480) Seat 5: McMoneysack7 (6,120) Seat 6: axmacys (4,815) Seat 7: Poking_Fun (4,820) Seat 8: cuban5834 (5,600) Seat 9: RochesterRags (1,570) kalassalak posts the small blind of 20 Ramona Lazda posts the big blind of 40 The button is in seat #2 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to SpoonerPL [Kd Kh] McMoneysack7 has 15 seconds left to act McMoneysack7 calls 40 axmacys folds Poking_Fun folds cuban5834 folds RochesterRags raises to 1,570, and is all in G1ant1 folds SpoonerPL raises to 6,825, and is all in kalassalak folds Ramona Lazda folds McMoneysack7 folds SpoonerPL shows [Kd Kh] RochesterRags shows [6h 7h] Uncalled bet of 5,255 returned to SpoonerPL *** FLOP *** [Ah 7s Th] *** TURN *** [Ah 7s Th] [2h] *** RIVER *** [Ah 7s Th 2h] [2s] SpoonerPL shows two pair, Kings and Twos RochesterRags shows a flush, Ace high RochesterRags wins the pot (3,240) with a flush, Ace high *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 3,240 | Rake 0 Board: [Ah 7s Th 2h 2s] Seat 1: G1ant1 didn't bet (folded) Seat 2: SpoonerPL (button) showed [Kd Kh] and lost with two pair, Kings and Twos Seat 3: kalassalak (small blind) folded before the Flop Seat 4: Ramona Lazda (big blind) folded before the Flop Seat 5: McMoneysack7 folded before the Flop Seat 6: axmacys didn't bet (folded) Seat 7: Poking_Fun didn't bet (folded) Seat 8: cuban5834 didn't bet (folded) Seat 9: RochesterRags showed [6h 7h] and won (3,240) with a flush, Ace high RochesterRags: f your kings

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Re: 3 x Full Tilt Stakings Offered - Be Quick Full Tilt Poker Game #24970116229: Super Stack $14K Guarantee (193154080), Table 17 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:06:10 ET - 2010/10/24 Seat 1: bate22 (20,650) Seat 2: Nate Avenson (8,790) Seat 3: Spocks_Logic (15,370) Seat 4: Nickelback Suck (1,930) Seat 5: theman425 (17,210) Seat 6: Raffios (14,305) Seat 7: StuSimmy (10,615) Seat 8: JJsLocks (10,690) Seat 9: snowman_ba (5,440) Nate Avenson posts the small blind of 100 Spocks_Logic posts the big blind of 200 The button is in seat #1 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to StuSimmy [Qh Qs] Nickelback Suck has 15 seconds left to act Nickelback Suck folds theman425 has 15 seconds left to act theman425 calls 200 Raffios calls 200 StuSimmy raises to 800 JJsLocks folds snowman_ba folds bate22 folds Nate Avenson folds Spocks_Logic folds theman425 calls 600 Raffios calls 600 *** FLOP *** [2h 2s 6d] theman425 bets 16,410, and is all in Raffios folds StuSimmy calls 9,815, and is all in theman425 shows [7d 7s] StuSimmy shows [Qh Qs] Uncalled bet of 6,595 returned to theman425 *** TURN *** [2h 2s 6d] [7h] *** RIVER *** [2h 2s 6d 7h] [Td] theman425 shows a full house, Sevens full of Twos StuSimmy shows two pair, Queens and Twos theman425 wins the pot (22,330) with a full house, Sevens full of Twos Sick :puke Sorry morls :sad Would have been nicely stacked too.

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