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Anyone earn a living?


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Re: Anyone earn a living? I doubt it too. A 'real' job still pays better in my case cry.gif Think most players here are tournament players, and few of those can make a living out of it. Think it's mostly cash players who grind the tables every day that can make a living from poker. The reason for that is that multitabblng cashtables is easier, starting 8 cash tables all at once is easier then finding 8 tournaments on a pro level that start around the same time. And tournaments have a higher variance in general, so getting a steady income out of it is tough. I play tournaments and only now and then. If I would try and make a living out of it I would have to play many hours every day. I think I'd start hating poker if I had to play that much. The money is nice, but if I disliked playing poker I wouldn't play it for just the money.

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Re: Anyone earn a living? My 2 sons,one is 22 and the other 25 play for a living. The youngest has been playing since he was 18 and the other one worked for 4 years before he became full time player. Just waiting for them to move out so I can reclaim my house.:rollin

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Re: Anyone earn a living?

Think most players here are tournament players, and few of those can make a living out of it. Think it's mostly cash players who grind the tables every day that can make a living from poker. The reason for that is that multitabblng cashtables is easier, starting 8 cash tables all at once is easier then finding 8 tournaments on a pro level that start around the same time. And tournaments have a higher variance in general, so getting a steady income out of it is tough.
It's definitely realistic to make a good living playing MTTs. Say you were a winning but not amazing player, making 33% profit (I'm pretty sure the top guys are more like 100%). To make $100k a year (the minumum I'd want to be playing poker full time) you need to be playing $333k worth of buy-ins, or less than $1k/day on average. With the amounts of tournaments that run on Stars and Full Tilt and at decent buy-ins this is easily achievable, albeit you probably want to avoid the highest stakes/toughest tournament, which are most likely -EV for most players. You'd probably have to have a crazy sleep schedule though as the highest volume tournaments are during US hours. And the softest games run Friday through Sunday, so you'ld not be getting many weekends off. It's not easy, but it is acheivable.
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Re: Anyone earn a living?

Even a bad player if they put the volume in could easily make $3k a month in rakeback at low stakes these days.
Wouldn't a bad player lose more a month then they would get from rakeback? :$ Simple math shows that more money is lost on the cash tables then won, since the pokerroom takes the rake and the rest of the money moves from the bad/unlucky to the good/lucky players. There are more losers then winners in poker, and out of the winners only a few can make a living out of it. Poker is one of the toughest jobs you could get...
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Re: Anyone earn a living?

You'd probably have to have a crazy sleep schedule though as the highest volume tournaments are during US hours. And the softest games run Friday through Sunday, so you'ld not be getting many weekends off. It's not easy, but it is acheivable.
Yeah it's possible for tournament players. There are a lot of MTT's at all hours, but it still isn't as flexible as cash games. It is easier for cashplayers to start multible games at the level they want, when they want it (and stop it). I have done a few light MTT grinding, and I know making a good profit out of them is certainly possible (Just look at the staking section). It's just.... really difficult, and almost impossible when you have a full time job and a life...
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Re: Anyone earn a living? It's not enough these days to just be above average, you have to be very good to make a good living at the game. I've lived off poker for about 3yrs now but just over a year it's been fulltime and the games are very tough these days and i haven't been consistently winning the last 6months like i had done the previous 2yrs but it's just a case of adapting your game, i'm now trying my hand at MTTs and HU cash to go along with 6max cash as the cash games are a tough grind though have still beaten them well when i put my mind to it the last 2months but it's taken A LOT of work. To make $3k a month rakeback at small stakes you need to 16/24 table a lot of hours a day, for example at the old rate of rakeback on FullTilt you'd have to play 180k hands a month @100nl to get $3k/month - now the rakeback is less on there so even more hands/month is needed. So i'd say Woodie just pulled that figure out of the sky as TBH that's anything but easy.

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Re: Anyone earn a living? You can buy the $1500 cash bonus on pokerstars for 100kfpps you can easily grind this in a month and then you can also use the concierge service for a further $1k for like another 50kfpps. Both these are very doable if you play 100k + hands a month. Ok not 3k that is a rough figure but also other sites with all the rake races raketherake have and other sites i do think it's very easy to rake +2k a month on most sites just playing 4 5 hours a day.

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Re: Anyone earn a living? Rakeback is now calculated by how much you put into the pot individually rather than being split equally between the players which is fairer, but people are now not getting the 27% rakeback they signed up for instead they're getting a lesser amount unless they play 28%+ VPIP it is widely thought. HU players, SNGs and MTTs are un-affected. The full-ring nits have been pretty much crushed into the ground on FTP now with this update, their RB in some cases has probably been halved. This was all done under the guise of the amazing Black Card.

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Re: Anyone earn a living?

but people are now not getting the 27% rakeback they signed up for
Is rakeback now not 27% of rake that you actually pay, instead of 27% of total rake in every pot, regardless of what you pay? If so, they're still getting 27% of rake - it's just a different definition of rake. I can see why FT grinders are upset by it, but it doesnt sound unreasonable to me :unsure
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Re: Anyone earn a living?

Is rakeback now not 27% of rake that you actually pay, instead of 27% of total rake in every pot, regardless of what you pay? If so, they're still getting 27% of rake - it's just a different definition of rake. I can see why FT grinders are upset by it, but it doesnt sound unreasonable to me :unsure
This is nothing compared to what ongame have done. Ongame now determine your rakeback by your winrate (amongst other factors) which means that all of the rake is assigned to accounts without rb deals who signed up directly through the skin (meaning that they pay out less and pocket the difference). They wont reveal the exact formula that assigns the rake paid to each player but it clearly involves volume and winrate. I had a 52% deal there and I ended up getting like 22% equiv after a month of winning.
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  • 1 month later...

Re: Anyone earn a living?

This is nothing compared to what ongame have done. Ongame now determine your rakeback by your winrate (amongst other factors) which means that all of the rake is assigned to accounts without rb deals who signed up directly through the skin (meaning that they pay out less and pocket the difference). They wont reveal the exact formula that assigns the rake paid to each player but it clearly involves volume and winrate. I had a 52% deal there and I ended up getting like 22% equiv after a month of winning.
Wow that seems to be quite a calculation for a rake. Is this what a lot of sites are starting implementing?
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Anyone earn a living? I play 4/5 hours a day and have made a steady profit since starting about 6 years ago. $1/2 limit holdem at first often at £5 FOR 5 HOURS 0N THE CRYPTON. I now play Omaha hi lo Pl 10c/25c- 50c/1 There are sponsored pros who play these tables! In December I risked some profits and played $1/2 PL for a month on AP. A good start helped me overcome the variance but I lost $1k one weekend. I only played 2/3 tables at once for a RB of $500. I currently make about £40 a week. If you've a good job why risk it? Supplement your income online if your a winner!

You can buy the $1500 cash bonus on pokerstars for 100kfpps you can easily grind this in a month and then you can also use the concierge service for a further $1k for like another 50kfpps. Both these are very doable if you play 100k + hands a month. Ok not 3k that is a rough figure but also other sites with all the rake races raketherake have and other sites i do think it's very easy to rake +2k a month on most sites just playing 4 5 hours a day.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Anyone earn a living?

I play 4/5 hours a day and have made a steady profit since starting about 6 years ago. $1/2 limit holdem at first often at £5 FOR 5 HOURS 0N THE CRYPTON. I now play Omaha hi lo Pl 10c/25c- 50c/1 There are sponsored pros who play these tables! In December I risked some profits and played $1/2 PL for a month on AP. A good start helped me overcome the variance but I lost $1k one weekend. I only played 2/3 tables at once for a RB of $500. I currently make about £40 a week. If you've a good job why risk it? Supplement your income online if your a winner!
I do NOT mean to sound rude, but... £40 a week profit for 5 hours a day is a long long grind in terms of reward to work ratio. But if it's mostly a hobby and not to make big profits then no problem at all. And of course many people are losing money for weeks not even making £40 profit a week. But when you lose $1k in a weekend thats weeks and weeks of £40 to make back. What is your total bankroll? I recommend the Ipoker network if you want a big pool of European fish. Avoid the American sites.
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