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Morlspins IPO Thread


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Re: Morlspins IPO Thread

All the best Graeme:ok No luck here 5 and a half hours of nothing but blind stealing before I got called. Even less luck in the 50 euro turbo, I got called straight away:rollin
Unlucky mate, catch ya tomorrow for a few drinks tho if your free:ok
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Re: Morlspins IPO Thread After 5 hrs of play we reach the dinner break and thank fook for that cos im starvin! Burger n chips as usual and im a happy lad again haha Sitting on average chips of around 17700 with 320 players remaining in todays flight. Not really played many hands, which made me dwindle down to 9100 when getting junk for 2hrs solid, i finally pick up a hand which doubles me up. Blinds 300/600 with 50 ante i have 9750 I pick up QQ on the Big Blind and a guy raises to 1800 utg+2 I consider a small raise but decide to shove it in and he calls with A10o :loon My hand holds up and i return to getting junk for the last 20 mins before lunch.:eek Katharine Hartree is on my table still and going well, knocking out one of the other bounties on the way :clap

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Re: Morlspins IPO Thread Sorry Guys :wall Went out around 180th today and cant really complain. I was on 14500 after the break and with the blinds 400-800 with 100 ante i didnt have much play left. I picked up nothing in an hour and a half and eventually saw 1010 in the SB with just 9400 remaining. mid position flat called, button raised to 3k and i pushed in for 9.4k Mid position raised to 20k and button went all in for 33k, Mid position called. Me = 1010 Button = QQ Mid = AK Flop brings the Ace and were both out.:( I lasted just over 7hrs and played well without ever gaining a big stack to enjoy. Thanks for the support and heres to next time:hope

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Re: Morlspins IPO Thread Unlucky Graeme, Didnt see you around today, you in tommorow? After yesterdays boredom I was a complete card rack today with every possible premium starting hand- still didnt make the break in the side event or the money in the Turbo:puke Might look for a job next week:lol

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