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Re Bidibot


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Re: Re Bidibot Hi piston, We have as you know, had a lot of problems with the tournament tickets on 888 and therefore now just offer the credit. We cannot continue offering products or prizes where our partners cannot provide the top level of customer support we require. I hope your future experiences with our partners will be a lot more positive.

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Re: Re Bidibot

Has the update not happened' date=' i see me-me-me has won 4 already today[/quote'] I think you're mistaken there as they do not count 24h as such but the actual "day of play" it seems. However one question I had is that I followed that also and a player who had won 3 standard actions in the past few hours (non bidpack) had a bidbot set for another of these and while I bid on it his bidbot automatically bid back - even though he as by then over the daily limit already. I hope that's clear :) Fred
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Re: Re Bidibot Hi Warbirds, Allow me to paraphrase, the time SHOULD be 09:00 to 08:59 of following day. There are a few glitches and we have programmers working on it all the time to improve and enhance the software. We have a major server upgrade happening tomorrow morning so hopefully that will solve these issues. If not, please let me know. John

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Re: Re Bidibot

Hi Warbirds, Allow me to paraphrase, the time SHOULD be 09:00 to 08:59 of following day. There are a few glitches and we have programmers working on it all the time to improve and enhance the software. We have a major server upgrade happening tomorrow morning so hopefully that will solve these issues. If not, please let me know. John
Thanks John, no problem. And your reactivity here is much appreciated
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Re: Re Bidibot Hi John They got there in the end, Im playing Sunday Thanks if you gave them a nudge PnB

Hi piston, We have as you know, had a lot of problems with the tournament tickets on 888 and therefore now just offer the credit. We cannot continue offering products or prizes where our partners cannot provide the top level of customer support we require. I hope your future experiences with our partners will be a lot more positive.
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Re: Re Bidibot Hi, The $10 worth of free bids are given so you can test and understand the site. We have auctions with a variety of features, for those that do not like the bidbot which aids users, we have certain auctions that clearly state on them "no bot". Those auctions only accept manual bids. We also have auctions for users who have never won one before, these receive very little competition due to little traffic, so are relatively easy to win. Look out for the horseshoe on those ones. We also just introduced "rakeback" auctions today, where certain users receive x amount of their placed bids back based on their final position at close of auction. Normally, it will be the person who comes 2nd and / or 3rd who will receive some kind of 'rakeback'. If you have any other ideas or comments to improve the user experience, please let me know. Reg, John Tabatabai CEO www.bidibot.com

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Re: Re Bidibot I think you should do away with bidbot. I've noticed while watching the auctions that when someone knows there up against a bot they don't bother carrying on after their first bid. It cost $1(a bid) every time you bid so why waste your bids on ones that 9 times out of 10 a bot is going to win. I've had my fun on there unless the bidbots stop I won't be buying any bid packs.

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Re: Re Bidibot Hi, The bidbot is definitely a topic of contention as many love it, and many hate it. I believe the solution is about to be unravelled this coming week when the new logic (delayed from last week) will be uploaded which makes the bids the bidbot place, completely random. So you do not know how many bids that person has placed on bidbots as well as whether or not it is outside of their price parameters set initially. I believe this will help considerably. We will also be introducing a full bidding history, so you can gather more information on the users and understand their tendencies better. The last note on this topic is that we have a new feature called 'no bot' which only allows bids to be placed manually. I would like your feedback on this, whether you would like to see more of these (I assume yes) auctions and if so, on what types of auctions. Secondly regarding BurnleyJoe's comment, I have been told this has been fixed and the win restriction limit is based on the 09:00 to 08:59 time clock now. Remember, this excludes freebid, bidpack and featured auctions on www.bidibot.com. In any event, we are working on developing a categories section shortly. Any ideas on that or anything general, always appreciated. Best of luck John

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Re: Re Bidibot Would also like to mention another new feature, 'rakeback' where certain users based on the description will get a predefined amount of their bids placed back. There are a couple of them on today as a trial, where the person who comes 2nd in the auction will receive 50% of their bids placed back. As always, thoughts and suggestions encouraged. $10 worth of free bids to the best suggestion today :) John

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Re: Re Bidibot

Hi, I believe the solution is about to be unravelled this coming week when the new logic (delayed from last week) will be uploaded which makes the bids the bidbot place, completely random. So you do not know how many bids that person has placed on bidbots as well as whether or not it is outside of their price parameters set initially.
Congraulations to any one who understands that:ok
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Re: Re Bidibot I just reread that back, not my finest piece of writing! When users set bidbots to help place their bids automatically, they have to set how many bids they wish to use, and at what price to start and what price range to finish. For example, a user must choose, "I want to spent 10 bids maximum" and only bid between $1.23 and $2.55". That is what I meant by parameters set! Apologies for the techy jargon.

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Re: Re Bidibot

For example, a user must choose, "I want to spent 10 bids maximum" and only bid between $1.23 and $2.55".
So it would be possible then for a bidibot to be set for 10 bids and the item to be sold to another bidder before the bots 10 bids are made?
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Re: Re Bidibot Yes. You could place a bidbot to use a maximum of 10 bids on tomorrow featured auction, the $500 credit on Victory Poker but you think it will sell for around $4. You can place it to use your 10 bids around that price range. The auction could finish before it gets to $4 so your bids will have never been used as the price range, or trigger points that you set were never reached or activated. I hope that clears things up for you.

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Re: Re Bidibot Assuming that it does reach the range though, the example you gave 1.23-2.35 could require 56 bids so the new set up would generate 10 spots between 1.23 and 2.35. Say for example one of the random figures was 1.53 then the item could sell for 1.47 even though the bot has used only two or three bids? I think your going to upset your bigger customers more than your going to attract new customers if this is the case. Unless bidbots have super human powers and know exactly when no one else is going to bid. (bit like betfairs in running markets that dip under 100% :eyes) Thanks for the replies on this and apologies for not being a fan of the concept. Nothing personal.

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Re: Re Bidibot The bidbot that you set will never let an auction end if it is within your set price range. It will bid at some point during your set price range. The purpose of the bidbot is to help you, to allow you to bid when you are away, out at the pub or even sleeping. Some people place bidbots with 2 bids to put you off so you think there is a huge bot on. We now have a big percentage of our auctions with 'no bot' as a feature. All changes that are being made are to ensure bots are not so predictable and easy to play against.

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Re: Re Bidibot Hopefully eventually you will have enough traffic to stop any one from using bots and still make what ever margin you require. From what I can see you arent exactly skinning the punters yet and i do hope you get the auction prizes at a good discount from the sites involved. If thats the case then perhaps the punters combined contribution will pay less than the acutual value of the prize and you can still make a profit. Do that and I'll nominate you for the christmas honours list:clap

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Re: Re Bidibot

Rje won all 4 big ones yesterday $500 on UB $200 on 888 $50 on BF $75 on GC Also he won over 600 in bid packs, so until there are restrictions, you stand no chance cos this guy will just keep bidding
He is a 2+2er and if I'm right has 2 'fan' boys called 'rje6868' and 'FUrje8686'.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Re Bidibot Email from Bidbot today. Bidibot is constantly aiming to improve and enhance your experience on our site. So, we have listened to the hundreds of feedback emails you have sent us on improving our win limits. As of today, users are able to win up to a maximum of 3 standard auctions a day. Auctions that fall outside this remit are the following which have their own win limits:

  • 1 x BidPack auction per day.
  • 1 x Minted Poker auction per calendar month
  • 2 x DiceArena auctions per calendar month.
  • 1 x JackpotJoy auction per calendar month.
  • 1 x Titan Poker auction lifetime.
'Freebid' auctions are excluded from all restriction categories. These changes have been implemented due to feedback from our Bidibot users and we intend to increase the limits as we bring on board more brands and products. In addition to the above brand specific restrictions, there will also be the following item value restrictions:
  • $500 value + can be won once per calendar month
  • $200 value + can be won once a week
  • $100 value + can be won three times a week

We are planning on running some incredible Christmas promotions, prizes and even new auction variations. Everyday we will be auctioning the latest gadgets, televisions, laptops, DVD releases and in demand games! Go to www.bidibot.com today, buy your bids and get ready for the Christmas bonanza, the new place to win your Christmas presents!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Re Bidibot Burnley Joe, later than we expected but all restrictions are now in place and it may seem slightly confusing initially, but users are restricted by certain brands as well as by value to ensure everyone has a fair chance of winning auctions. Also, we have just launched a redesign of the site as well as offering 100% extra bids throughout the whole of December, so bids are effectively costing 50c during this period. Not to mention we are running electronic items daily :) Happy Bidding and Merry Christmas, John Tabatabai

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