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Re Bidibot


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Re: Re Bidibot Have used it too with zero problems (albeit only for the free bids you get on signup!). Won a couple of those newbie auctions, paid and was credited funds on the poker sites within a few hrs. All good and hassle free ;) If it brings any further peace of mind as well, I'm pretty sure it's the baby of John Tabatabai so I doubt he's the kind of dude who is likely to do a runner with everyone's dosh!

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Re: Re Bidibot I tried this a few weeks ago, won a sunday tournament ticket on 888 but didn't hear anything for a week, had to e-mail Bidi when they then said there had been issues and it would be sorted out sometime, it was a couple of weeks later and i think i played the tournament but can't remember tbh. So i'm not too impressed with their service but i got the prize in the end.

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Re: Re Bidibot Hi guys, TQD, you are quite correct I am the CEO of Bidibot and again, you are spot on that we will not run away with anyones money! Nade, unfortunately we had some teething problems with 888 which caused the delays in the credit of your tournament entry. These should all be sorted now and we are back on track for payment within 24hours. Of course this varies site to site as they have their own customer support teams. We officially launched 5 weeks ago at poker in the park, in Leicester Square. We are aware that there are many issues and features that need to be developed and improved. We are working around the clock to makes these enhacements and bring on board a greater variety of products and more high value items which should garner more interest. If you have any questions feel free to contact a member of our live support team or leave your comments here and I will try to respond to them the best I can. Have a good weekend and give bidibot a try :) We are currently running a competition where you guess the final selling price of the nintendo wii on Bidibot's facebook page. Whoever is closest to the real final price wins 100 free bids. John Tabatabai

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Re: Re Bidibot The hosting company are currently working on it and should have it up and running within a few minutes. Great first impression! We are with the most reputable hosting provider in the UK so am incredibly surprised this has happened. Apologies for any inconvenience.

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Re: Re Bidibot

The hosting company are currently working on it and should have it up and running within a few minutes. Great first impression! We are with the most reputable hosting provider in the UK so am incredibly surprised this has happened. Apologies for any inconvenience.
You multiaccounting John? Thats frowned upon aparantly ;) GL With Bidibot, a great idea and bargains to be had once you learn how to win and not just bid aimlessly:ok
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Re: Re Bidibot lol @ Morlspin! I was sure I had an account on here before but thought I would keep all my Bidibot forum accounts the same. Hope you guys don't mind :) Site back up. Lovely Friday evening treat that was. Yes, new users should definitely read the strategy article by one of our users. Mostly obvious but still worth the read.

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Re: Re Bidibot I had a go on bidibot last night and like the concept. Due to the niche market (poker only) it will be hard to attract traffic for the site which I guess means its good news for the users. I won a betfair credit ($15) and used my other 9 free bids trying to win 20 more bids but one of the regulars rje8686 decided they wanted it more. It seems to me that some people don't bid much against these regulars as they know that they are prepared to outbid you. That's why so many auctions end with just one or 2 bids... Good luck bidibotceo.

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Re: Re Bidibot Aldric, That is right about the regulars. They have created fierce reputations for themselves so they can pick up other packages for a lot less as people are scared to go against them. We have already put restrictions in place, where you can win only 3 standard auctions a day to make it fairer as well as "unlucky" auctions where only first time bidders can bid. We are soon going to introduce categories on bidibot.com to make it even fairer for users of all budgets. Any feedback is always appreciated to help improve the site.

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Re: Re Bidibot I just wanted to add that I was credited with the betfair credit this morning, 2 days after the auction and at the weekend. I wasn't expecting it as the t&c's state working days.... so well done bidibot. I will keep an eye out on the new categories and it was definately a good idea to restrict the number of auctions that can be won each day. Poker players are known to like their days out, how about to add to the prizes looking at doing some of the 'thrill days' such as racing around Donnington or spa days for the playesr partner etc etc........ a partnership with red letter days where you offer vouchers to be used on their site would be ideal :ok http://www.redletterdays.co.uk/Home?campaign=google&kw=letter+days

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Re: Re Bidibot Thanks Nade! Aldric, great idea and that is on the table for the future along with a few other cool and unique products / packages. At the moment we are focusing on the online gaming sector, once we streamline this process and have on board the variety required, we will start the real expansion! If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the way the site operates, features, enhancements I would like to hear them.

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Re: Re Bidibot The restriction is suppose to be 3 standard auctions a day. This excludes all bidpack auctions. There are a few minor problems but we are scheduled to have 2 major coding upgrades this week. Hopefully everything will run a lot smoother then. Also we are introducing a few more partners and new products this week too! Happy Bidding!

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Re: Re Bidibot Hi John, Good Luck with the site, i have 2 items to pay for, not issue with paying but i was just wondering if you had any plans that would allow a customer to pay for a few items from the same brand in one transactions instead of many low value transactions. Regards, Rebel

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Re: Re Bidibot

The restriction is suppose to be 3 standard auctions a day. This excludes all bidpack auctions. There are a few minor problems but we are scheduled to have 2 major coding upgrades this week. Hopefully everything will run a lot smoother then. Also we are introducing a few more partners and new products this week too! Happy Bidding!
Thanks john, i hope so as fje8686 and the hulk both got quite a few last night
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Re: Re Bidibot Go for the credit not the tourney entries on 888 i won an entry to an 888poker 50,000 sunday challenge , i was registered for last sundays tourney unfortunately i could not play due to a family outing. i contated support but got no answer, I unregistered a couple of hours before the tourney and sent another email to support. 888 do not seem to have a system to credit you if you unregister - no tickets no tourney dollars ect, i presume that why they register you manually for the tourneys. I eventually rung 888 to try and get them to put me into next weeks, they said they would pass it onto the relavent department, that was monday, im still waiting for a reply,

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