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PL WSOP Satellites - Sun + Wed 9pm- Now Up and Running


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Hi All The Satellites for the PuntersLounge WSOP are now up and in the lobby ready to play. They are £5+50p entry with 1 rebuy allowed. A £75 package to both PLWSOP events is on offer for each £75 in the prizepool. Dates will be each Wednesday and Sunday to coincide with the GUKPT games we have and they start at 9pm. I know not everyone will want to try and satellite into the games, but if we could get one or two of these running it will be great. Best of Luck all. :ok

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Re: PL WSOP Satellites - Sun + Wed 9pm- Now Up and Running

Just noticed that you win a seat into both events. IF i win can i give the omaha ticket to someone that wants it as i am working until 4 so cant make it and i dont know how to play
I'm sure something can be sorted mate. :ok I can't play Omaha either, but after 10 JD's, it's amazing what you pick up. ;)
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