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GUKPT Brighton - updates posted here for Teaulc & Guppie


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Re: GUKPT Brighton - updates posted here for Teaulc & Guppie we are gonna be knackered tomorrow :loon Leg 7 of the 2010 tour has been in Brighton all week, and now its time for the main event.. For the 1st time in the tour's history, there will be 2 starting times on 1 starting day.. They will be playing 8 levels per flight.. Flight 1 starts at 12pm and finishes at 10pm. Flight 2 starts at 6pm and finishes at 4am. Its going to be interesting to see the numbers and which flight is the busier of the 2.. So play gets under way at 12pm for the 1st time, with the team in place to bring all the action live and exclusive. http://www.thenutz.tv/live for all the action as it happens, and an update thread here, with pictures, chip counts and the editorial of significant hands..

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Re: GUKPT Brighton - updates posted here for Teaulc & Guppie

When I looked at the forum and saw latest post in this thread was from Al, I have to admit my first thought was 'that was quick' :lol Good luck mate. TID.
Cruel lol Alun can ya pm me your phone number please. Cheers:ok
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Re: GUKPT Brighton - updates posted here for Teaulc & Guppie No news of their exit but cannot see them in the day 2 list, it was a very tough field yesterday and some good players in day 2. I always remember playing Brighton a couple of years ago as AlunB bought me a beer - wish I took a pic to prove it though :( Peter Lody - 98,850 Fuad Serhan - 93,700 John Eames - 85,475 Simon Mairs - 83,950 Jenyue Chiang - 82,825 Michalis Michael - 82,400 Mark Chantler - 82,375 Steven Watts - 76,400 James Dempsey - 76,000 Paul Romain - 70,700 Kathleen Padovani - 62,375 Manuel Palanca - 59,850 Paul Foltyn - 55,625 Sebastian Gohr - 55,275 Tejinderpal Dedyal - 54,075 Toby Lewis - 53,400 Martyn Robinson - 53,150 Jose Azorin - 52,200 Nik Persaud - 50,975 Mark James - 50,275 Alwyn Davies - 47,700 David Johnson - 44,150 Mike Ellis - 43,300 Jamil Ogunmakinwa - 43,025 Andrew Georgiou - 41,800 John Earle - 40,950 Robinder Dhinta - 40,300 Anthony McKay - 34,200 Steve Bunce - 32,125 Rob Sherwood - 31,625 Steven Eames - 31,125 Tim blake - 30,925 Rob Bright - 30,700 Alan Dean - 30,150 Adrian Passfield - 30,075 Damian Evans - 30,000 Sonia Padovani - 28,925 Bharminder Maker - 28,875 Priyan DeMel - 28,225 Richard Glading - 28,025 Sam Grafton - 26,325 Vik Kanwar - 25,375 Lee Taylor - 25,150 Dave Jones - 24,100 Tom Sambrook - 18,475 Will Martin - 18,050 Stuart Rutter - 17,625 Rob Topp - 17,175 Felix Afolter - 16,775 Martin Frey - 16,700 John Murray - 15,900 Nicholas Baghai - 15,675 Jeff Kimber - 12,525 George White - 11,750 Graham Pound - 10,850 Rob Boon - 9,875 Graham Whyte - 9,050 Edna Adams - 6,625

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Re: GUKPT Brighton - updates posted here for Teaulc & Guppie hi guys, as Brian said, a tough field. found myself on one of the overflow tables so no atmosphere and very strange,found it rough going as well as the table didnt suit my play at all and whenever i tried anything it ended up with me having to pass,one example i raise preflop with AQ and 1 caller flop Q/6/7 i raise and player reraises 3x what i put in,had to put him on trips which i found out later i as right and folded the hand. later still i am to 7k and pretty much just getting Razz hands.. anyway, seat 1 raises 450 with blinds at 150/300 seat 3 and 4 call i have 88 and push to steal. the rest fold and seat 1 calls seat3 and 4 fold. seat 1 has AQo. flop all good but turn is the Q,i ready to go home when river is the 8 :eek:D.,so i get my double up and should have just let the next hand go,but..............player 1 again raises to 450 ,fold,fold,fold and i raise to 1k with AQ spades the rest fold. player 1 calls it..flop is A/3/7.........player 1 checks i raise 2k,he calls. flop has 2 clubs by the way. turn is 5 clubs,player 1 checks i fire out 3k and he pushes what he has left,,i call and he shows 8/6 clubs :loon:loon:loon:unsure:unsure:unsure jeez i wasnt happy but tried to stay composed,anyway left me with 1100 chips, so 2 hands later i have 10/J suited so shove preflop and player 1 calls,,he has AQ and his hand holds up.. i have to say i was very disappointed and the game itself or rather my table at least was like playing in a freeroll not a 1k buy in. still more experience and i am going to have to open up my game a bit more to progress. i now look forward to APAT Luton Pro league. i dont what happened with Paul,but at the break he was struggling as well.

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Re: GUKPT Brighton - updates posted here for Teaulc & Guppie

my table at least was like playing in a freeroll not a 1k buy in. still more experience and i am going to have to open up my game a bit more to progress. i now look forward to APAT Luton Pro league. i dont what happened with Paul,but at the break he was struggling as well.
Unlucky Alan but at least it's another experience to add to your portfolio. By the way, I thought it was a freeroll. ;) I believe Paul was going straight off on holiday after this, so don't think it's odd folks if he doesn't post up. :ok
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Re: GUKPT Brighton - updates posted here for Teaulc & Guppie Spoke to Paul, he went out late last night with his QQ all in against 99 but the turn spiked the 9 :puke and he was out. I Popped in to give Al some support but he had already gone out :(

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