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GeordieGaz's "Out of Retirement" Comeback Staking - SOLD OUT


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  • Name: Gary Graham (GeordieGaz)
  • Stake Requested: £35 @ 100 shares of £0.35p
  • Event/Tournament: Aspers Casino Live £55 Freezeout with £500 Added
  • Offer: 55% paid back = 1 share worth 0.55%
  • Date of Event/Tournament: Monday October 4th 7pm

Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Gary Graham agree to play the above tournament and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. This is the game that will officially see me come out of my mini-retirement... I have played about 3 or 4 games since June/July time simply because I had lost interest in the game. However, I'm back properly starting on Monday and I thought that a great game to start off with is Aspers' First Monday of the Month Tournament which is a £55 Freezeout with £500 Added. It is 8k chips with a 25 minute clock and looks to be a great game with around 80 runners last month, so good value. I am requesting £35 (the remaining £20 to be paid by myself) for a 55% share in any winnings. Payments would preferably be by bank transfer or paypal, however other methods would be OK if required. Thanks Guys and it's good to be back. Gaz :ok

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Re: GeordieGaz's "Out of Retirement" Comeback Staking - SOLD OUT

Good luck. Gary from curcus casino now runs the card room in Aspers You going to play in sky poker tourny this year??
Yea I know, he's a great lad too and will do wonders with Aspers Card Room.... it's got so much potential but consistenly let's its players down.... great to see Gary there now, he'll sort it! Haven't really looked at the Sky game.... will have a look now, you playing?
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Re: GeordieGaz's "Out of Retirement" Comeback Staking - SOLD OUT Sorry for the late response to this. The game went quite well and I was happy with my general play although I did make quite a big mistake when holding K10 on a king high board only to run into AK (which was obv by the way it was played tbh), I lost half of my 23k in that hand! :\ The blinds were getting steep as we approached the final two tables and I had little over 10 big blinds when I pushed in on the Small Blind with A4 which was called by K10, a king on the flop and I was gone in 22nd!

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