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Posts posted by 2damnhype

  1. Re: poker.co.uk MTT League Series II I will be keeping trying, even if its a case of dropping down a level or two (for bankrolls considerations) - have found since following the advice given to me on the thread that I am more patient, but unless there are a few maniacs about early that the point at which i need to push comes when there are still quite a few in, and i end up being outdrawn (although after last night can't complain about that!!)

  2. Re: Struggling Ok its response time. First of all thanks for you all taking the time to reply with your advice. I don't go overboard on the bankroll management side of things, but I do have my poker bank separate from my betting bank, and these are both completely separate from my day to day expenses (or should i say my wife's day to day expenses :lol ). I don't want to get in a position where i have to consider a transfer to my poker account hence this thread so for the meantime i will be sticking at the $5 level - I appreciate that leaves me subject to a lower standard of play, but I am not gonna leap in and play any $20-$50 tables, and having played a few $10 ones in the past the standard isn't markedly different, but is twice the buy-in and i don't feel now is the time to move up. TheVillan mentions our home games - thats a completely different card game that leaves me baffled and confused everytime we play, and although it hasn't helped my recent mood, I don't think it has any relevance to my online play. Well I have a new avatar and a new sig to demonstrate my change in attitude and style - I shall de endeavouring to play less hands, and make a better job of the ones I do play. Rocky always wins in the end, through grit, determination, application (and cos he writes the screenplay!!) and so will I!!! Valiant mentioned the 'restricted time' thing and on reflection i have to say he is spot on, I have been playing more hands than i should. Any way I'm off to try it all out - apologies in advance if i end up 'pwning' of of you in the process :loon

  3. Re: Golf, the open Cracking first post Mike, the only problem i can see with using the stats from the pgatour website is that they are really only of relevance to the players that play there week in week out, and in an event like the British Open there is a fair portion of the field who don;t play much (if any) of their golf on the US Tour (in fairness you do mention this about Monty, but there are other players on the list whose overall performance might differ from what comes out from limited tournaments) You also have the problem that you are not able to compare like with like, as a British links course is nothing like the courses they play on over there. That said I think its a great idea,and one that could well pay dividends on a weekly basis rather than for the Majors. Can't see me getting a chance to study before tee off, so am gonna let the first two days play out and hopefully have a look on Friday evening.

  4. Re: Struggling Thanks for all taking the time to reply guys and gal, and really happy that it has led to some good discussion rather than just cries of MUPPET :lol I probably won't have the opportunity to play again until Friday night anyhow, and will respond properly then. :ok

  5. Re: Struggling In my defence i don't tend to play low suited connectors, and when the flop came I saw his pot sized bet as an attempt to pinch the pot, in hindsight irrespective of the turn and river, I appreciate that just calling the bet was the wrong thing to do. have no intention of moving up stakes!! i am still enjoying playing, and am playing within my bankroll, but i know what you are saying about tightening up and avoiding the flip situations, just that the longer the bad run (or play) goes on the more the urge to force the issue - which can only make things worse! cheers for the input so far :clap

  6. Been working up to this thread for the last couple of weeks, and apologies but it more about getting things off my chest, but any advice is appreciated (including any calls for me to jack in :) ) Have been playing online for about the last 18 months. Started off playing pretty much exclusively on Paddy Power, micro STTs then onto $3 / $5 and a few $10. Was doing okay, kept records of games played and results. I then started downloading other clients, getting involved in the PL games, managed to have a couple of good finishes in freerolls to put $300 in my neteller account. Haven't really used that money, have made a couple of deposits and a couple of withdrawls so its still around the $300 mark. A couple of months ago i felt that i was spending my (restricted) poker time chasing around different sites for free cash and not really concentrating on what i was playing, I wanted to restrict my playing to more or less a couple of sites (Poker.co.uk, Paddy Power) and get back to playing the STTs. So when threads were posted for the tracking spreadsheet and Staffy and Hodgys STT challenges I decided it was time to give it a go. I am currently 30 STT into my experiment and am getting murdered, I have won 2, finished 2nd once and 3rd once. I dont multitable and i dont get the opportunity to play every night, so for me this represents a 3 week run. I know its only a small sample and things should/will turn around, assuming i am not a complete muppet, but Christ it is frustrating, if i end up in situations where its overcards v pocket pairs then it doesn't seem to matter which side of the equation i start on, i always end up on the losing one!! Or I get things like this:

    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Hand Start.
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Seat 1 : notyuh has $1,555
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Seat 3 : OutsideEdge has $2,520
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Seat 4 : CHOMPSnROX has $2,210
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Seat 5 : soxman41 has $2,270
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Seat 6 : 2damnhype has $2,220
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Seat 7 : laban123 has $1,240
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Seat 8 : eamobud has $3,510
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Seat 9 : Ace's Lacey has $2,475
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : laban123 is the dealer.
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : eamobud posted small blind.
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Ace's Lacey posted big blind.
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Game [18] started with 8 players.
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Dealing Hole Cards.
    [Jul 17 22:55:28] : Seat 6 : 2damnhype has 7d 6d
    [Jul 17 22:55:30] : notyuh folded.
    [Jul 17 22:55:30] : Stakes: 50/100 Current level: 3 Next level in: 6 min.
    [Jul 17 22:55:39] : OutsideEdge called 100
    [Jul 17 22:55:42] : CHOMPSnROX called 100
    [Jul 17 22:55:42] : soxman41 folded.
    [Jul 17 22:55:45] : 2damnhype called 100
    [Jul 17 22:55:48] : laban123 folded.
    [Jul 17 22:55:49] : eamobud called 50
    [Jul 17 22:55:50] : Stakes: 50/100 Current level: 3 Next level in: 6 min.
    [Jul 17 22:55:53] : Ace's Lacey checked.
    [Jul 17 22:55:53] : Dealing flop.
    [Jul 17 22:55:53] : Board cards [6s 4c 7c]
    [Jul 17 22:55:27] : eamobud checked.
    [Jul 17 22:55:29] : Ace's Lacey checked.
    [Jul 17 22:55:34] : OutsideEdge bet 500
    [Jul 17 22:55:41] : Stakes: 50/100 Current level: 3 Next level in: 6 min.
    [Jul 17 22:55:49] : CHOMPSnROX has 10 seconds to respond.
    [Jul 17 22:55:52] : CHOMPSnROX folded.
    [Jul 17 22:55:54] : 2damnhype called 500
    [Jul 17 22:55:55] : eamobud folded.
    [Jul 17 22:55:55] : Ace's Lacey folded.
    [Jul 17 22:55:55] : Dealing turn.
    [Jul 17 22:55:55] : Board cards [6s 4c 7c 9s]
    [Jul 17 22:56:28] : OutsideEdge bet 1,920 and is All-in
    [Jul 17 22:56:30] : 2damnhype called 1,620 and is All-in
    [Jul 17 22:56:30] : Showdown!
    [Jul 17 22:56:30] : Seat 6 : 2damnhype has 7d 6d
    [Jul 17 22:56:31] : Stakes: 50/100 Current level: 3 Next level in: 5 min.
    [Jul 17 22:56:32] : Seat 3 : OutsideEdge has 4d As
    [Jul 17 22:56:32] : Seat 6 : 2damnhype has 7d 6d
    [Jul 17 22:56:37] : Board cards [6s 4c 7c 9s Ah]
    [Jul 17 22:56:37] : Seat 3 : OutsideEdge has 4d As
    [Jul 17 22:56:37] : OutsideEdge has Two Pair: Aces and 4s
    [Jul 17 22:56:37] : Seat 6 : 2damnhype has 7d 6d
    [Jul 17 22:56:37] : 2damnhype has Two Pair: 7s and 6s
    [Jul 17 22:56:37] : OutsideEdge wins 4,740 with Two Pair: Aces and 4s
    [Jul 17 22:56:41] : 2damnhype : ffs
    [Jul 17 22:56:44] : OutsideEdge : yep
    [Jul 17 22:56:47] : CHOMPSnROX : lol
    [Jul 17 22:56:47] : Hand is over.
    I must stress my comment in the chatbox is totally out of character, but this hand made up my mind that i would make this post. Any way thanks for listening (or should that be reading!!) and I hope to be able to report healthier figures based on the advice given. :ok
  7. Re: Punterslounge Live Pokernight - Birmingham Circus Casino, Saturday 5th August I made Brum last time (great to meet you all) and after the success of the last one there was sure there would be another and was looking forward to it (can't realistically make the ones further afield), but not gonna be able to make this one. Rather selfishly the wife has gone and got herself a job on Friday and Saturday evenings!!

  8. Re: Interforum Challenges whoops - gone in 122nd I keep losing the flips at the moment I raised with A9s (i know) got put all in for the remaining 1800 and was up against 6 6 - a third 6 came on the flop. Good luck to all remaining Pl'ers

  9. Re: Interforum Challenges Well doen lads, i did play last night, but you wouldn't have noticed - I finished in 1894th (or thereabouts). Username on Stars is Sagaman71 (there i go giving my age away!!)

  10. Re: Betfred League - Starting with Freeroll Quck question: I am gonna need to deposit some cash in order to play in these events, I am not too familiar with the Betfred set up. Is it a case of you have one account for betting, and you transfer money to the poker? My (unused) betting account is in Sterling, but i really want to use my Neteller account for depositing which is in Dollars. I can register my Neteller account, but will this mean me getting shafted twice for commission? Once when i deposit to Betfred (Dollars to Sterling), and then when i shift my money into the poker (Sterling to Dollars)?

  11. Re: Technical Advice I had this with SportingOdds a while back when the Dollar up was going. I had been knocked out and then had an error with the software whilst i was watchign the final table. I didn;t try to log back in, but the next day when i tried to place a bet on their betting site it wouldn;t let me cos i was still logged in at the poker site. Difference between PS and SO? Their customer services couldn;t log me out - i had to reboot the poker client and log out manually!!

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