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Posts posted by Machine

  1. Re: Accumulators superior to singles Excellently put Slapdash I believe from posts Ive read that your the maths Guru round these parts. Is there a simplified version of the RoR formula. Ive found various ones on trading sites but Im finding them hard to code in a project Im doing. If there is a 'general purpose' one, could/would it be possible for you post it up please Cheers :hope

  2. Re: Accumulators superior to singles Draws I can do anything I want with the code ,it was only thrown together in a few mins when I was bored this morning. But Ill leave Shylock to educate you in the finer points as he seems to be the 'expert' in these matters,and I wouldnt want my 'attitude problem' getting in the way. :lol Nice post Froment He'll still deny it though You can lead a horse to water etc etc ;)

  3. Re: Accumulators superior to singles :rollin :rollin :rollin Ive proved you haven't got a clue what your talking about . Or are you going to deny you ever typed those statements Was your account hacked by someone. Why should I be tired of punters lounge Oh no, you going to get me barred. Good job I learned how to back 4 doubles from 8 and win 25% of the time before my swords snapped in two and all my buttons cut off Adios

  4. Re: Accumulators superior to singles Im changing it am I Well lets see what you said then Eh........

    I dont agree. 8 matches, 2,2 odds and 50% winning chance, stake = 100 pr match 8 singles = 8 x 100 x 2,2 = 1760. You win 50% = 880, = 80 profit (880-800) 4 doubles = 4 x 200 x 2,2 x 2,2 = 3872. You win 25% = 968, = 168 profit (968-800) Betting the same 8 matches, you gain a profit 88 if you bet them as doubles.
    I am not talking permutation. I think that is where you go "wrong". 8 singles, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8. 4 doubles, (1,2), (3,4),(4,5) and (7,8)
    You are right Froment' date=' [/quote'] Every time your proved wrong you change your tune. Have fun losing your money.
  5. Re: Accumulators superior to singles

    odds 4,84 and a 25% winning chance (higher variance, higher value)
    If your betting as you say...Doubles 1&2..3&4...5&6..7&8 Where are you getting 25% winning chance from ? For a start your only playing 4 possible doubles from 28 That gives you a 14.28% (4/28) of catching a winning double not a 25% chance. If you have python on your comp place this code in its IDLE and run
    import random
    print 'assuming 4 correct from 8'
    lines = int (raw_input('Enter number of attempts ,' ) )
    for i in range(lines):
        x = (random.sample(range(1,9),4))
        print '%9s%3d%3s%3d%12s%3d%3s%3d' % ('double A',x[0],'&',x[1],'double B',x[2],'&',x[3])
    raw_input('Press enter to close', )

    You will get a random doubles output like this IDLE 2.6 ==== No Subprocess ==== >>> assuming 4 correct from 8 Enter number of attempts ,12 double A 2 & 3 double B 1 & 8 double A 3 & 6 double B 8 & 2 double A 3 & 2 double B 6 & 5

  6. Re: Accumulators superior to singles

    That was confusing me in the beginning; the way I see it' date=' he doesn't place all available doubles - in that case your math is correct; he rather places "consecutive" doubles, and theoretically, he wins every fourth one.[/quote'] But he can also end up with nothing so he hasnt got an edge. Thats what I said in my first post. Hes so full of it Ill just leave him to it Horses and water springs to mind
  7. Re: Accumulators superior to singles Are you real or taking the piss

    4 doubles, (1,2), (3,4),(4,5) and (7,8)
    How do you manage to get the correct 4 pairs from the 8 selections without perming ? Are you some sort of superstar ? Why should one be correct 1 wins 2 loses 3 wins 4 loses 4 loses 5 wins 7 wins 8 loses Fck nows where six went Your wrong just trying to worm your way out of it
  8. Re: Accumulators superior to singles

    I dont agree. 8 matches, 2,2 odds and 50% winning chance, stake = 100 pr match 8 singles = 8 x 100 x 2,2 = 1760. You win 50% = 880, = 80 profit (880-800) 4 doubles = 4 x 200 x 2,2 x 2,2 = 3872. You win 25% = 968, = 168 profit (968-800) Betting the same 8 matches, you gain a profit 88 if you bet them as doubles.
    Singles = 4*100*2.2= 880 - stake 800 = 80 profit Doubles Personally I thought that there were 28 possible doubles in 8 singles (I may be wrong but I dont think so) Wouldnt that make it 28.57 (800/28) per double (not 200) 4 correct would give you 6 doubles 2.2*2.2*28.57*6 = 829.67 - stake 800 = 29.67 Singles = 80 profit Doubles = 29.67 profit Hmmmm 1 of us is wrong somewhere :ok
  9. Re: Accumulators superior to singles

    whats my point? if you have an edge dont bet in singles
    But you are presuming that you will hit the theoretical 25% of doubles. What if all your doubles are win x lose you still are getting your 50% sr but not as doubles.... POP bank gone. On paper and theoretically it looks good in reality not so good :ok
  10. Re: A.I horses (AUG) I have been analysing the past selections to see why recently selections have come to a virtual standstill. :( It is apparent that the programme is heavily biased towards non handicap(mainly 2y olds) races hence the plentiful selections (and profit) in May which then starts to taper off in June and July as more and more h'cap races are run ,therefore leaving a smaller eligible pool to pick from. :\ Though it has selected some h'cap races they are few and far between and the remaining non h'caps are either too competitive or dross hence the lack of selections. Might as well close the thread and take the small profit made overall as its pointless trying to force the prog to pick a selection(s) each day just to get something to bet on as that would be defeating the object. :ok

  11. Re: System Backtesting RSB was a systems database I have the discs but they wont re-load on my comp anymore (xp) after I had a major comp crash . Tried them on my laptop still wont work, but will work on my old windows 95 comp for some reason. Not tech savvy enough to know which drivers or dll's are missing . RSB stopped trading about 4 yrs ago so I cant ask them either :sad

  12. Re: System Backtesting cheers BH Are you using RSB ? My RSB does'nt work anymore after I had a major crash on comp redone xp and all drivers etc but still wont work. Wont work on my laptop either (win7) so Im goosed as RSB is no more. Will have to drag my win 95 comp out of retirement :lol

  13. Re: System Backtesting

    Read this one years ago , can't even remember where , but followed it for a while . It didn't make a huge profit but did give a stredy flow of winners . Basically it involves selecting any Fav in any Non-Handicap race but not Claimers , Sellers , Apprentice , Lady riders only etc . The selection had to be priced between 6/4 and evens with the next best in the market being at least 3pts higher , eg 7/2 or above. Applies to Flat and NH races .
    Non-Handicap races only. Selection must be forecast favourite The selection must have a forecast price in the RP greater than 1/1 Second favourite must be at least double the odds of the favourite. 1/1 - 3/1 5/4 - 7/2 6/4 - 4/1 7/4 - 9/2 2/1 - 5/1 etc...... :ok 1 today Hereford 8.10 NH Flat Thespis of Icaria rp 6/4 fav...2nd fav 6/1 won 4/5 :clap
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