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Posts posted by Machine

  1. Re: One size fits all After the Lord Mayors show or what :$ Cant comment on yesterdays runners as I didnt see the races but they must have been rubbish because 3 lost :@ Only Alfie Spinner brought home some bacon 22167406.jpg Bets 65 Wins 40 staked 470 profit 275.60 yield 58.63% :ok

  2. Re: One size fits all 4 for today. Couple of odds on but they fit the bill so in they go, take the rough with the smooth etc etc :\ Will virtually all be done and dusted by 12.50 as they're all early KO's bar 1 Chepstow 12.30 Alfie Spinner 3.50 Tiger Maguire Limerick 12.40 Captain Ocana Southwell 12.45 Regal Lady 40793067.jpg :ok

  3. Re: One size fits all No system bets for today I was going to wait until I got to 100 bets but as there seems some interest and as Ive nothing better to do :eyes lets see how its performing . Runners 55 winners 34 SR 61.82% Estimated longest losing run = 4.......log(55)/-log(1-0.6182) Actual longest losing run = 3 Estimated longest winning run = 8.....log(55)/-log(0.6182) Actual longest winning run = 8 ALLR - ELLR = 3-4 = -1 this should always be negative or zero :D ALWR - ELWR = 8-8 = 0 this should preferably be plus or zero :D So far so good everything looks ok :ok Now lets give it an Archie test. This is a way to statisticaly evaluate how a system is performing,similar to a chi test. Anyone who doesnt know about an Archie test can read up HERE. What have we got.... Runners 55 winners 34 Expected winners 23.98 (the sum of the %ages of all bets) Average advantage = 1.42 (34/23.98) Archie = runners*(winners-expected winners)² ------------------------------------- expected winners*(runners-expected winners) 55*(34-23.98)² ------------- 23.98*(55-23.98) 5522.022 -------- 743.8596 =7.42 (7.5 to the nearest 0.5, the higher the score the better) When looked up in the archie table we get 0.0062 This means that there is a 0.62% chance of these results being by luck or in other words a 99.38% chance of being by a reliable system :D The average advantage means at the present time we are hitting 42% better than the bookies think we should. :D Now we have an average advantage score of 1.42 we can use that as a datum for how the system performs in later bets. At the moment everything is running sweet as, but dont forget this is only 55 bets so dont go pawning the family silver thinking youve found a get rich quick scheme because you havent, things can soon go tits up. Nothing going on now till Monday when theres about a million meetings so should be several selections. Laters :ok

  4. Re: One size fits all Absolute disaster today guys , I hate it when this happens 0 from 3 is not good :spank Two 2nds show at least were getting triers,but the run by Rydalis was to say the least abysmal. just goes to show nothing is carved in stone :sad Bets 55 Wins 34 staked 420 profit 233.74 yield 55.65% No bets tomorrow :ok

  5. Re: One size fits all nice winner yesterday adds a few more shekels to the pot Each race is rated and given an average price that price is divided into the price of the selections price if the result is between 1 and 2 the selection stands Kazlians price rating was only 0.87 which is less than 1 so was not a selection. its only a simple set up but it does the job and works for me. kazlain.jpg Kazlain won, but shit happens as they say, the price rating for the race is there to try and weed out the under/overpriced ones which in the past have proved unprofitable in that type of race/distance.

  6. Re: One size fits all Was very lucky today actually, hadn't even had a look as I was sorting a lot of work stuff out. It was only when my mate rang to see if I was going out tonight then asked me if I'd had a bet that I decided to have a look, so I owe him a pint now I suppose :lol.

  7. Re: One size fits all

    Just to let u know machine' date=' this is great thread and its been a pleasure following your selections, hope you carry it on! if not then thanks for sharing such valuable information.[/quote'] Thank you for the kind words sir :ok Its about trying to win a few bob in a structured way,with as little risk as possible using as much relevent data as you can. As Ive stated before I just work with numbers and their outcomes and it seems to work (sometimes) for me,I have no desire to read through all the pages of timeform,trainer form,jockey form etc so its pointless even asking me about it. 99% of systems put up on message boards are thrown together in 2 mins and put up after a short winning run oh and dont forget the legendary 1000 bank they just happen to have lying around :eyes These have never been researched,thought out or anything so when the inevitable losing run comes along the person who put up the system doesn't give a crap he's playing with his mythical grand, but some may actually be following these tips and end up losing a lot of money so some degree of responsibility is needed. Have to go out for a while but I will start a new thread later with how they are selected and why some are left out and hopefully that will keep the amateur 'ive sussed it out' detectives away while some of us try an make a profit with minimum interruptions. 2 candidates today Ffoss Lass 12.40 Kazlian Ludlow 1.00 Quincy des Pictons Kazlian is a no bet 13311122.jpg :ok
  8. Re: One size fits all

    so yes' date=' we get the racing post and look to see what horses are tipped by the top three tipsters, postdata, spotlight and rrp,[/quote'] I ve never mentioned them Polymer said he'd worked it out to be them (oops sorry, he got them of this mystery free system someone just happened to send him) and from the examples he put up they looked like the old harvester system When did patternform come into it ? Gets more bizarre by the day :loon
  9. Re: An easy system.

    If anyone wants to post qualifiers during the week please do' date=' as i have other commitments and would then be aftertiming. cheers.:beer[/quote'] Would you like me to do it , as you seem about as reliable as a ten bob watch ;) Sorry I've remembered I cant I have my own to do you know how it is :cigar Seven selections does seem a lot for Monday tho :\ , perhaps this 'free system' which mysteriously arrived 3 months ago is a select one horse get another one free sort of system. You never know it might be that golden egg your looking for :unsure Beats the pants of mine for number of bets :eek , I cant get anywhere near that many But good luck all the same :ok Nobody ever sends me these free systems smiley-sad006.gif smiley-sad006.gif smiley-sad006.gif
  10. Re: One size fits all

    "The software pinpoints the most profitable RACES which work with the system this is what cuts it down from around 6 a day to much less and that is the part which makes it profitable." How does it do that then.:D
    Through pattern recognition from past results using NN or as some like to call it multiple regresion
  11. Re: One size fits all The 2 for yesterday were both losers stormy weather and kudu country

    I was sent this for free about 3 months ago
    :rollin yeh right
    Why do you suggest that the 1 rule comes from your own private ratings when all you need to do is buy racing post.
    Thats how much you know then isnt. The software pinpoints the most profitable RACES which work with the system this is what cuts it down from around 6 a day to much less and that is the part which makes it profitable. You carry on with your mythical free system following Topspeed ,RP top rated and Spotlight (by the way that ones called the Harvester System) start with the 236 bank Ive left and see how long you last ;) )
    yet your suggesting that you send these to your members in advance. are you a tipster
    These are members of this board who get them the day before racing for FREE due to being unable to have internet connection before racing starts for the day, nothing more sinister than that. (its called helping other members and not trying to be a smug no it all ;) ) Oh and by the way I've been using it for a long while and it originated from the days of the old smartsig group of which I was a member and from ideas bounced around and tested using neural network programs, disregarding how simple a system ends up a lot of time and effort was needed then to collect data,buy the NN programs (not cheap those days) and actually run the data to test different variables on the shit slow computers. Thats the difference between systems that are thrown together and lose money and winning systems. I posted one system on the old Gummy Racing under the sig GTO (which some on here might know) which was one of most profitable they had ever had, in fact it was that good a famed internet shiester with the initials CD thought he'd sussed it and was selling his version 2 months later ripping people off for 49.99 :eek (surprise surprise it crashed and burned). Anyway I'll let you carry on as your wisdom seems to hold no bounds :ok
  12. Re: One size fits all you said more than 4 thats 3 personally id be glad if someone did post them up because Im starting to find the thread tedious,after a week I wished I'd never bothered as I said in Ralphies thread so its not just stemmed from your posts.

    Gotta give you your due fella Certainly in it for the long run.... 7 years jeezus :eek I find it a ball ache posting selections after 7 days :rollin
    Oh you got 1 right
  13. Re: One size fits all Ive sent tomorrows selections out in advance to a couple of members, I was waiting to see yours and they would confirm your a mile out because my software is the 1 system rule it has to meet so without that you only have something like. And for your info there are only 2 for tomorrow ;) But you were right on Big Bucks not being one as the race doesnt even qualify :lol

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