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Posts posted by Machine

  1. Re: One size fits all لا شيء,нищо,没有,niÅ¡ta,Nic,intet,niets,ei mitään,nichts,τίποτα δεν,何も,nimic,ничего,zip,zilch,nada,nothing today :ok (cant you tell Im bored this morning,roll on 11 ish then im going for a few :beer )

  2. Re: One size fits all

    If there had been a tortoise with a broken leg on the track Fergus Sweeney would have managed to get Avonvalley stuck behind it :@ As for Speedy Yak :eyes ... where they got the speedy part from god only knows :spank Bets 123 Wins 66

    staked 764.62 profit 305.19

    yield 39.91% :ok

  3. Re: Forum Speed? Good, Bad or just Urrrrrrrrrrrgly?

    Just seen this thread I dont venture in here much. Been erratic lately but may just be teething problems, certain times of day does lag a lot slower than other sites I should have no probs speed wise but it does seem a bit up and down. 1. Custom built , Intel Core i7-2600 , CPU 3.4GHz processor. 8GB Ram, windows 7 pro 64-bit 2. Capacity of C Drive is 1TB, Free Space is 766.3 GB. 3. Virgin Media - 50mb speed. 4. Chrome. 5. Erratic of late,but not unusable

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