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Posts posted by winbet

  1. Re: Twenty20 Cup Dave/Swoop - I was just wondering if yesterday's performance has changed your views on Notts? On Paper and trying not to be bias, Notts batting line up looks sound to me. A solid line up consisting of 4-5 genuine allrounders who are all big hitters and can bowl well too. Franks is back for Notts with a bang though he didn't bowl, he smacked 23 runs off 7 balls. Two good overseas stars as well in Fleming and Hussey. Even our fielding was impressive yesterday. We have a few injuries to our bowlers, but we do have strength in depth in that department. Now Notts have remembered how to win at one day cricket, then hopefully we can at least qualify from the group. I am hoping Northants can keep up their momentum, I couldn't believe their outright price at the start with their batting line up (a few Notts old boys there as well) p.s. I won't put the mockers on Notts by tipping them for tomorrow, and I hope you won't either. I will post my views on Sunday's games tomorrow morning. I will be at Trent Bridge to watch Notts play Yorkshire. A few beers then straight off to Rome for me.

  2. Re: Twenty20 Cup Great previews swoop. I did consider sussex outright as I was surprised they are deemed outsiders, with only Derbys at a higher price. Check an odds comparision site to make sure you get the best odds - oddschecker is the main one I use, but there are many others. For instance Notts are available at evens at around half the bookies. I will chance a double for tomorrow - durham (8/13) + glamorgan (5/6) @ skybet. I just think these two should get the better of opponents Derbys and somerset respectively.

  3. Re: Embassy world snooker cheers Paul - after watching his performance in round 1 & first part of Higgins match, I saw the 33/1 as value. Needed some luck on the way e.g. O'Sullivan not bothered about the tournie. WIshing I hadn't hedged on Ebdon & O'sullivan, as with being on Stevens from the start would have made it even better. Pinched some more money in the Final as like I said, I laid Stevens when he had a good lead. Well done to Murphy for coming all the way as a qualifier to winning the whole thing. I look forward to doing some more snooker betting in the future.

  4. Re: Embassy world snooker Very hard to call for the final, will just have a few small fun bets off backing whoever falls behind in the final. Why is it though that whenever I hedge, you can gurantee my original selection would have come up trumps, and when I don't hedge then obviousely they don't. I guess it is just learning when & how much to hedge, which involves skill mixed in with bottle. I would say Murphy has been the most impressive player all throughout the tournament - you questioned me Paul when I called him as the value bet a week ago, but from what I saw in the early rounds it was a good call at 33/1, although obviousely would had been better had I go ton pre tournament. Ok he didn't have to play O'Sullivan which obviousely helped but a bit of luck when gambling never goes amiss. Murphy's weaknesses is his safety play (even his break offs) curb that then I am sure he will be ranked in the top 3 or 4 in the not too distant future. Stevens safety though hasn't been too hot either, so I don't think there will be too much in the way of safety exchanges in the final. and I haven't see Michael Holt since his exit last week, he is I guess treating himself to a holiday.

  5. Re: General Election Turnout. Value Bet. Betdirect go 11/10 for under 62%.. think I will take some of that, as I can't see turnout being as lower than 55%. I have being asking around 40 or so people in the last week (most in the 18-25 year age bracket) whether they will be voting.. I was surprised that over 75% of them said yes, although many said it was a waste of time as Labour will win easy.. and yes I will be voting - will help to try and kick Blair out of power, but that is just a slightly longer shot than forest sataying up..

  6. Re: County Cricket I am sure the start of play at trent bridge will be delayed, as it has only just stopped raining. Been a lot of heavy rain this morning, and forecasted for possibility of more showers during the day.. This has cuppered any hopes Notts had of winning this match..

  7. Re: Embassy world snooker odds have now halved on murphy after his great performance in beating higgins.. Great match between Williams & Mcculloch, great win from behind from ebdon although I nearly nodded off watching that one once the williams match had finished. I know you will tell me off for mentioning bets I am on and stakes/money Paul, but am wondering what you or others would do in this situation. I have 5 points on Stevens to win outright, 3 points on hendry and 2 points on Murphy. Won't tell you how much a point equates in pounds. Now Ronnie is 5/6 on betfair at the mo, and should really win the tournie, so am trying to decide how much to put on him to win the tournnament. Stevens & Hendry face each other unfortunately so there is no point hedging there. Think Murphy will get the better of Davis. I could go large on Ronnie, or just enough to cover stakes on the three I have money on.. Might be best to put a few quid on ebdon outright too just in case of a major upset.

  8. Re: Embassy world snooker Just put a few quid on murphy outright at ladbrokes. was 33/1 and think that will still be there.. Like the nugget, Ebdon is someone else you can never write off.. I did warn you all about Holt - about him having a concentration problem. If he didn't play at my local snooker club then I would have made much more money, especially with Davis's comeback.. Was going to say I will buy Michael a few drinks when I next see him, but he earned enough money from reaching round 2 so the drinks should still be on him. Michael does like the odd flutter so I will ask him if he wants to join the punters lounge when I next see him.. I wonder how many snooker players are gamblers. I know ex players John Parrott and Willie Thorne like a flutter.. Then there was this remark by Hendry to Williams when he had made his maximum: "I would like to see his face if anyone equals the maximum so Mark has to share the prize money, but I bet he has already laid the bet off against anyone equaling it" Anyone know the laws relating to snooker players and gambling on snooker? I can remember one or two players getting into trouble over it, but that was to do with the more obvious betting on themselves to lose,,

  9. Re: Embassy world snooker crucial last frame by holt who suddenly found he couldn't miss, after not being able to pot hardly anything the previos 5 frames.. In the end he wouldn't have minded playing another couple of frames tonight. Knew he would go for the pot and splitting the balls everywhere as I have seen him do it a few times in practice.. Still Hit & miss is our hitman so if I didn't have any bets on this match to date - Davis would still be the one for me..

  10. Re: Embassy world snooker Feel a bit guilty know as took put some more on Davis after evening out my liability after the first couple of frames.. Feeling this will go to the wire - currently 8-4 and a 4 frame deficit isn't that great in a race to 13. Come on Holt - Still rooting for you to go through..

  11. Re: County Cricket Once the Uk footy season is over, my interest will turn more to cricket. Glad to se my team Notts have had a good first few days. Bit worried about our bowling attack but even that is doing ok so far. We bat right down the order and have what you would class as 3 all rounders. Our number 8 Paul Franks made a very good century today.

  12. Re: snooker arb? I used to be able to spot many arbs a few years back ranging from 3% to as high as 15%. It is getting harder and harder now with the bookies prices seemingly in line with each other, or they are very quick now to spot if they are out of line.. I don't bother with arbs under 3%. Have to look now more towards trading for which the rise of Betfair and other exchanges has helped. If you have knowledge of which why the market is going, you can sometimes even make a trade even before a match starts. For instance Davis V Holt in the snooker - There was money available to back Davis at 2.16, but I am confident Davis will be favourite by the time the match starts. Can either hedge back then or wait until a frame or two or more is played. It depends how much of a risk taker you are..

  13. Re: Embassy world snooker I got matched on Davis at 2.16 with Betfair, now they are both evens and I expect Davis to be the favourite before the off against Michael "the hitman Holt. A bit naughty of me as I am going against a local lad - best not tell him when he gets back from Sheffield. Holt can be a bit hit & miss with his game and over the longer difference I think the class will prevail.. Think Davis safety game will grind him down as well. Sorry Michael - Please go ahead and prove me wrong, and I will still be rooting for you. Will look to trade back in running.

  14. Re: Embassy world snooker can never tell if Ronnie was matched at 310, on betfair or if it was a self trade. A bit annoyed as if had been played on any other day then a Saturday, I would have been trying to back Ronnie at a big price outright when 9-7 down.. I can't back ronnie at odds against, which he is now even on betfair, I wouldn't want to be laying him either though. Hamilton still has a good shout in his match with Gray. He used to be based at my local snooker club as well as Holt. Not sure when his match will get concluded, I guess they will have to wait until another match finishes later today before they can play the remaining frames.

  15. Re: Embassy world snooker Sorry no real analysis but have gone for 2pts stevens @ 16/1 form not too hot, but usually puts on a good show here. 2pts Hendry @ 6/1 been in decent nck this season and there may still be another world championship win in him yet. I doubt he could beat O'sullivan, but I would make him favourite against anyone else.. I may lump on ronnie if he beats maguire well and his odds are above 6/4. Michael Holt has been practicing regualarly at my local snooker club in the last couple of weeks. I had a brief chat with him while there and mentioned the Paul Hunter issue. He told me his focus would be entirely on the game and he will be just thinking of Paul Hunter as the excellent snooker player he is. He realises the crowd will be overwhelming on Hunter's side, but should be able to blank that out and just concentrates on his own game and shots.

  16. Re: Internationals...... can I pre-empt them by saying another rubbish performance by England, just scraping past northern ireland 1-0, and no Andy Johnson isn't a right back he is a centre forward sven. Half decent result by wales drawing against Austria. Gutsy performance by Scotland only going down to a late Italina winner.

  17. BYE BYE BEZ 2.8 still value at betfair Obviousely odds aren't as good now but BEZ still massive value to be the second evicted. I got on at 3.5 and e-mailed around. which is now around 2.8 on betfair. Badediting for Bez but he has not helped himself either with his antics over the weekend. I have lumped on big for this one. Reckon he will be around the evens mark by monday morning to allow some trade off.

  18. Re: UK Snooker Championships (Starts Nov 15th) I heard a lot of the top players are turning their hand at poker or having families or both. Top ranked players not practicing as hard and not as motivated. Not been watching much of the snooker myself , watched a little of the perry match tonight but the standard was so poor I switched off. Surely maguire is too short on the outright odds evens at betfair. You will get more for your money backing him each match - he is currently available at 1.44 to beat lee on betfair so the odds somewhere alone the line don't add up. Guess you could lay maguire outright but back the individual matches as some sort of hedge.

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