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  1. Hi @The Brigadier, might be a stupid question but where could we have found these? I've been reading your posts on tips in the forum as a new member and really enjoying them.
  2. Haha, well I think the silence might say everything...
  3. Hey all, So I am interested to put this put this out into the ether of this forum to see what comes back... I've been follow and proofing several "tipsters" over the past couple of years and low and behold most of them are rubbish... "surprise surprise" I hear some of you say. However, some are good to give them their credit... I know a few off OLBG and Twitter. Anyways, I'm relatively new to this forum and clearly there's some knowledgeable readers of the game in here too. I'd like to give a particular shout out to the The Brigadier who's post I've been catching up with over the past couple of days. What I'd like is if there's any tipsters out there, both on this forum and elsewhere (paid or free) who you'd recommend checking out?
  4. Hi all, Does anyone know if the tips put up on the main Punters Lounge website are by the same person or if it's a collaborative effort? Really enjoy reading the write-ups and curious who's responsible for them. Thanks in advance for any responses, Regards, Barney
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