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Hugo Taylor

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A while ago i made a point about this individual tipping horses at prices which weren’t available to the masses. I was shot down in flames by his associates, yesterday i witness probably the most farcical episode of all time he suggested a 28/1 shot with a 3pt e/w stake in a maiden were the favourite was odds on! Anyone who has any knowledge about the game will have identified what his modus operadi is a long time ago. He doesn’t appear to be very subtle nowadays !

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Re: HUGO TAYLOR Hugh Taylor is a good tipster, the problem is he can never be followed by so many people and still show profit. Tom Segal is the same. He shows profit on early prices, but on SP it's a heavy loss. You can't say Hugh Taylor is a bad tipster, it's just not possible posting the prices on ATR, where hunderds can see them (especially bookies) and expect any profits.

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A while ago i made a point about this individual tipping horses at prices which weren’t available to the masses. I was shot down in flames by his associates' date= yesterday i witness probably the most farcical episode of all time he suggested a 28/1 shot with a 3pt e/w stake in a maiden were the favourite was odds on! Anyone who has any knowledge about the game will have identified what his modus operadi is a long time ago. He doesn’t appear to be very subtle nowadays !
is that the one that placed 3rd..whats that like 16pts profit?? hes terrible alright..hugh taylor is a good tipster..one of few along with pricewise etc that can move markets because the bookies are so scared of him...he gets paid for tipping horses..not a bad job..:nana
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Re: Hugo Taylor 16PTS PROFIT Yeh right, nobody got on e/w to those stakes i would suspect plenty of 3 win 1 place , cant think were i said he wasnt a good tipster! the type of bets hes suggesting are not there simple! P.S hes not in the same league as Tom Segal dont get kidding yourselfs

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Re: Hugo Taylor It may be difficult to get on but that is not Hughs fault. There was 28/1 available, and if it is with a smaller bookie then there will also be a general price too on the column. The bookies do literally refresh the page and wait for the tips. With Pricewise you get bookies that will guarentee the price for a certain time but they will not do this with Hugh. His column is excellent, even if it you are just reading his way of betting and opinions, and The Form Factor is also a great watch if you are a punter. At the end of the day the service is free as well so it's not like you are paying £100 a month

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Re: Hugo Taylor

16PTS PROFIT Yeh right, nobody got on e/w to those stakes i would suspect plenty of 3 win 1 place , cant think were i said he wasnt a good tipster! the type of bets hes suggesting are not there simple! P.S hes not in the same league as Tom Segal dont get kidding yourselfs
yes but 28-1 was available when he posted...what do you want him to put 10-1 when 28-1 available???
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Re: Hugo Taylor

Imagine people on here done that. "25-1 is widely available but I'll go with the 11-1 available from PaddyPower."
:loon it all stems from jealously imo..There are very big egos in this game of the tipster..for example many a time i see some one tip say at 20-1 winner,which says wins at 4-1....someone comes on and says "good 4-1 winner"....No it was 20-1 boss:nana At the end of the day hugh taylor is a good tipster who is in full time employment by atr...Now whilst been a "paid" tipster is not necessarily an indication you are good,the fact his prices collaspe when he posts alone in its self is a profit making exercise for backing and layers..:ok
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Re: Hugo Taylor Jealousy's a bitch. The man offers free selections and provides interesting reasoning to the public, what more can people want. Not a fan of him myself and I've rarely backed anything he has picked but he's a God to some people and goes about it the right way, he's hardly going to say he's taking 8/1 when he can put it up a 12's, it's not his fault the bookies slash the price instantly.

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Re: Hugo Taylor The 28/1 e/w is NOT there full stop . Yes you can have 3 pt win and 1pt place which reduces the profit what on earth are you clowns taking on! The man is a joke claiming profit that isnt there! No one is saying hes poor and yes he provides a free service for the arbers but why? Have you worked it out yet?

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Re: Hugo Taylor

The 28/1 e/w is NOT there full stop . Yes you can have 3 pt win and 1pt place which reduces the profit what on earth are you clowns taking on! The man is a joke claiming profit that isnt there! No one is saying hes poor and yes he provides a free service for the arbers but why? Have you worked it out yet?
You think he's trying to lengthen the price of the odds on fav by doing this? I'm not so sure mate. Don't believe he really needs to do this and it isn't really the right way of doing things, especially as he's employed by ATR. In any case, the 28/1 shot (or whatever it was) placed for profit.
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Re: Hugo Taylor What is your problem with Hugh, Casey? You clearly have something majorly against him, are you an owner or something and he ruined a touch you were planning? You said before that owners must get really annoyed with him smashing up the morning markets. I don't see what your beef is that people cannot take the 28/1 he is advising. If Hugh was running a paid service of which I was a member then I could understand problems about not getting on, because then I would be paying to try emulate profits that were never possible, but Hugh posts his selections for free (albeit he is paid to post by ATR). The way I see his tips is like a diary. They are not so much bets he is telling everyone to back but more a record of what he has backed. It would be great if we could all take the same prices as Hugh and make the same sort of profits but it just can never work now he has such wide publicity. The bookies cut the prices on his selections as soon as he puts the tips out, it doesnt matter to Hugh, he has his money down and thats all that matters. As long as Hugh's service is free I really don't see the issue. If people had to pay to receive them and we realising only 1/4 profits Hugh was claiming, then it would become a relevant debate. Just for the record I dont follow any of Hugh's tips but I enjoy reading his column and how can you not respect someone who continually churns out the profit he has?

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Re: Hugo Taylor

The 28/1 e/w is NOT there full stop . Yes you can have 3 pt win and 1pt place which reduces the profit what on earth are you clowns taking on!
I cannot see where the reasoning behind this quote is coming from, unless you are in the betting shop and the manager is dictating what you are allowed! Like others on here I read what HT has to say and if my bet matches his it is purely coincidental. Also if you look at his selctions table, he advises on where and how to put the bet on and as we all know betting odds are subject to market forces i.e.tipsters and weight of money ! Also a piece of advice would be not to call people clowns if you are trying to put your point across-
Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.
Mahatma Gandhi
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Re: Hugo Taylor

The 28/1 e/w is NOT there full stop . Yes you can have 3 pt win and 1pt place which reduces the profit what on earth are you clowns taking on! The man is a joke claiming profit that isnt there! No one is saying hes poor and yes he provides a free service for the arbers but why? Have you worked it out yet?
So when you're punting rather than take the best price available of 28/1, you'd take less than that? There is no logic to what you're saying.
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Re: Hugo Taylor Ok you say the price he advises is never available? So if we have a look at today's tip.... 3.10 REDCAR 2pts win LEES ANTHEM (12-1 Stan James, 10-1 general) As of now the best your going to get is about 15/2 with Hills et al, BUT looking at the history in the market we see that Stan James and Betfair were offering 12/1 this morning at 8:58 and even after the the tip was posted at 10:34, they we still offering 12's (11/1) on betfair at 10:36 and 11's (10/1) at 10:39 by which point the bookies had dropped the price to 17/2 - 15/2 So mate I think you really need to look at what your saying, basically the prices are there, but by christ when lists something you've got at best 5mins of Betfair to grab the price (or near to) before the market takes a drop.

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Re: Hugo Taylor I cant belive how thick you lot are! There isnt a firm in the world that will lay e/w in a maiden when the fav is odds on to any volume of money. Hence why most will allow 3 pt win 1 pt place! To claim profit which isnt there is a joke, to even suggest this type of staking in races with favs odds on isnt done by anyone else. Why does HUGO keep suggesting bets like these which quite clearly arent obtainable????????????? There is a reason but you clearly cant see it!

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Re: Hugo Taylor I think the point you should pay attention to here is not to be abusive. Calling people thick is very poor. Most of the members here work very hard to supply tips and info and our opinions matter. Its fine if you don,t agree but try to be more diplomatic. :)

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Re: Hugo Taylor

I cant belive how thick you lot are! There isnt a firm in the world that will lay e/w in a maiden when the fav is odds on to any volume of money. Hence why most will allow 3 pt win 1 pt place! To claim profit which isnt there is a joke, to even suggest this type of staking in races with favs odds on isnt done by anyone else. Why does HUGO keep suggesting bets like these which quite clearly arent obtainable????????????? There is a reason but you clearly cant see it!
Maybe you should get your own house in order before calling others thick. :lol Oh, and being a jealous person is always a bad characteristic to have.
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Re: Hugo Taylor Sorry mate, but I really don't see where you’re coming from on this one? Say if we call Hugh's web posts a blog merely listing what he's personally selected (and the odds he got on them at the time he backed them), would you then still dispute the odds he's claimed to get? If yes then are you basically calling him dishonest and trying to make himself appear a better tipper of horses then he really is, or even more subverted by trying to sway the market to push the fav out in the market? If no then..... I'm not really sure what your trying to say? Let just put this in non-racing terms, just because we still can see saber tooth tigers wandering about (just watched ICA AGE with the little one :ok) doesn't mean they never fooking existed! Finally mate, ever thought that that if 10+ people come to the same conclusion on this tread and post pretty much the same things, that doesn't make them thick, it merely means you need to provide a bit more clarity on what your actually saying (well more maniacal ranting about really). :cheers Take a chill pill it's Sunday

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Re: Hugo Taylor

I thought you only found mugs in coffee shops theres a shed on here! pmsl Clueless doesnt even come close to summing these lot up you keep lining Hugo Pockets hes making a fool of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CJ, You seem to suggest Hugh has some ulterior motive. Are you suggesting he is tipping one horse so that that effects the market; and getting a bigger price about some other horse in the race (for himself)? If so where is your evidence? Answer, you don't have any. Put up or shut up! I think this thread should be locked. When you continue talking in riddles CJ, it's clearly a vendetta against Hugh and you want to ruin his good name. This is the second thread about exactly the same topic. Suggest you make the same comments on "theracingforum" website, as Hugh is a member there and can defend himself, or better still; see it and take you to court. :@
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Re: Hugo Taylor I dont see why he has so much hatred for the guy, at the end of the day ATR would not be able to publish his profit claims if he was not able to substantiate the prices. The fact guys on here have looked on Oddschecker and seen through the price history that the prices are available is good enough for me. And if his figures came under close scrutiny I am sure Hugh will also take timed screenshots, similar to what all tipsters in the Racing Post have to do to prove prices were available. So that puts the argument about fake prices to rest. Caseys other argument seems to be that no bookies lay 28/1 shots when there is an odds on fav in a maiden. Yes they do. The majority of Hugh's followers will only be small stakes punters and they will have no problems getting on. I can back 28/1 shots EW in maidens all I like and its only the big hitters that will have resitrctions/bans on their accounts. Firstly, why would big hitters like that need to follow Hugh anyway? If they are worth their salt they will have their own opinions and not have to rely on Hugh putting in all the work for free so they can lump on and piggyback onto the success. I accept that not everybody with a bookmaker account will be able to get on to large stakes with the bet he is requesting, but that is not a fault of Hugh, it is down to their own previous success, and if such punters really need to follow a tipster (which I doubt many would) they would look elsewhere for a tipster with a smaller following, increasing their chance of getting on as the prices are likely to be around for longer and less prone to collpase when the masses back them?

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Re: Hugo Taylor Casey, as far as I'm concerned you should get on your bike and piss off. Insulting hard working members by calling them thick is just inexcusable. And if you hate him so much, why do you continue to waste your time and pay such close attention to what he's tipping? Do us all a favour and do one away from this forum

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