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WSOP Main Event Stake Share $67 Staked $126.20 Returned CLOSED

Burnley Joe

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Re: WSOP Main Event Stake Request SOLD A Cruel Turn for Beckman Posted 13 minutes ago by change100 "What the f**k is going on?" said Ryan Dodge, who was sitting in the small blind as this hand unfolded. Our eyebrows were raised too. See if you can follow along. Garrett Beckman opened for 24,000 from under-the-gun. Jose Nadal called from UTG+1, and Alan Keating three-bet to 75,000. Vazgen Terpogosyan cold-called on the button, David Baker called from the big blind, and with the action back on Beckman, he four-bet to 210,000. Nadal folded, Keating folded, Terpogosyan called, and Baker folded. Got that? The flop came down 6s.gif4d.gif2d.gif. Beckman snap-shoved for 900,000 and Terpogosyan snap-called for his remaining 487,000. Beckman kh.gifkd.gif Terpogosyan 5s.gif5h.gif Beckman's kings were miles ahead of Terpogosyan's underpair and gutshot straight draw, but the 5c.gif hit the turn, making Terpogosyan a set. The 2s.gif on the river filled him up and Terpogosyan raked in the 1.68 million pot, leaving a stunned Beckman with only 520,000.

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Re: WSOP Main Event Stake Share SOLD November Nine. It's an alliterative phrase that rolls off the tongue. It offers the potential of life-changing money and the opportunity to serve as a poker ambassador for a year or more. It's what every one of the 205 players left in the 2010 World Series of Poker Main Event is surely starting to think about this morning as we prepare for Day 6. Last night, 205 players were still in their seats at the end of the night when the chip bags were brought out for the sixth time (well, tenth if you count all the multiple Day 1 and Day 2 flights). Five of them managed to bag up more than 3.0 million in chips: Theo Jorgensen, Duy Le, Joseph Cheong, Michael Skender and Evan Lamprea. Lamprea is the leader with 3,564,000 chips, but at limits of 8,000 and 16,000 a difference of a few hundred thousand chips isn't as large as it seems. Beyond that, starting the day as the chip leader doesn't guarantee anything for anybody. Just ask Day 4 overnight chip leader Tony Dunst, who went from the pole position at the start of Day 5 almost all the way to what we like to call the Dank Position (last in chips) by the end of the night. Dunst started Day 5 with 1.5 million in chips, 1st of 574 players. He ended Day 5 with 327,000 chips, 182nd out of 205 players. A lot can happen during a long day of poker. We're not sure how many levels are going to be played today. The schedule calls for four levels, but the schedule has been very fluid the last few days as TD Jack Effel has sought to ensure that the field plays down in a timely fashion to reach the November Nine Saturday night. If we need to play an extra level or two, you can be sure Effel will add them to today's schedule. Cards will be in the air in about twenty minutes. GO BECKS GO :clap:clap:clap

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Re: WSOP Main Event Stake Share SOLD Joe, Is any of the tournament televised live or do they just pre-record? Been keeping an eye on your Stake on the wsop site but found the chip count page very confusing in the early stages. Good Luck!

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Re: WSOP Main Event Stake Share SOLD With the pot already well-developed in a cutoff versus button battle, Garrett Beckman moved all in for his last 550,000 on the turn on a board of 9 2 Q 8, but Evgeny Shnayder snap-called. Beckman: 8 2 Shnayder: J 10 A creative two pair for Beckman but Shnayder snagged a straight on the turn which held on the 6 river. Beckman is out as Shnayder is currently racking up a mountain of chips worth around 4 million.

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