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2w2k - WASP's Thread


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Re: 2m2k - WASP's Thread

Good start Bri :) next can you 'Suss' how to make the image fit on one screen :eyes
One challenge a month is enough thank you ;) Prob going to continue with $50 SH PLO tonight but I may play 3/4 tables depends what else is going on. Can't play tomorrow or Sunday but GL everyone :ok
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Re: 2m2k - WASP's Thread :lol ***** Hand History for Game 1798140074 ***** (Party) $50.00 USD PL Omaha - Friday, October 02, 06:13:00 ET 2009 Table Table OH 809 (Real Money) Seat 4 is the button Seat 1: miancelo ( $98.21 USD ) Seat 2: Moneyac ( $12.17 USD ) Seat 3: larryvuelo ( $47.05 USD ) Seat 4: MCFC81 ( $48.00 USD ) Seat 5: pepebcn1 ( $91.55 USD ) pepebcn1 posts small blind [$0.25 USD]. miancelo posts big blind [$0.50 USD]. ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to MCFC81 [ Td Ac 9s Ah ] Moneyac folds larryvuelo folds MCFC81 raises [$1.75 USD] pepebcn1 folds miancelo raises [$5.00 USD] MCFC81 raises [$15.00 USD] miancelo raises [$45.00 USD] MCFC81 calls [$31.25 USD] ** Dealing Flop ** [ Js, Jd, Kc ] ** Dealing Turn ** [ 4h ] ** Dealing River ** [ Qc ] miancelo shows [7c, Ad As Ks ] MCFC81 shows [Td, Ac 9s Ah ] miancelo wins $2.50 USD from main pot MCFC81 wins $93.25 USD from main pot

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Re: 2m2k - WASP's Thread Had a quadtastic night :eyes Can't be bothered to do the stats now but I reckon I am negative but maybe slip into positive with rakeback. Will sort out on Monday :ok PS Please post in here if you want to see all the sick beats, it's therapy I tells yer :(

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Re: 2m2k - WASP's Thread

Why not try HORSE at $1-$2 Bri, you don't get many that are good at all variants - and the one I had the biggest leaks in Omaha 8, is probably one of your better games methinks. Plus Limit isn't quite as swingy.
I was trying to stick to just one site and Boss don't do HORSE I'm also playing at a level I'm not use to (which is still only ten buy ins) over a short period of time which may not show the results of PLO if a dip comes at the end of the period. How people grind at these levels I'll never know they must put in some serious volume. I'm stuck with only being able to play short sessions 3 or 4 times a week - which is obviously the challenge for me. I could shovel a load of STT's but if I hit say a 5% ROI I would have to shovel a lot to make $2K. I guess I need a good MTT or freeroll win to make this work and I hate MTT's.
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Re: 2m2k - WASP's Thread Graph hasn't changed much but will not be on my home PC now until Tuesday, I've won 3 Vroll's this week :zzz So my Vpoints are about 9K. So I'm sitting at about a $730 bankroll and I'm off to Dublin for a few days - do live winnings count? (as I freerolled in last month so strictly speaking it is not out of this months BR ;))

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Re: 2m2k - WASP's Thread

So I'm sitting at about a $730 bankroll and I'm off to Dublin for a few days - do live winnings count? (as I freerolled in last month so strictly speaking it is not out of this months BR ;))
Entirely up to you :ok
5th in the PLO event for $2250 Job done ;)
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Re: 2w2k - WASP's Thread

Voluntary Maximum of 10% bankroll can be spent on STTs Voluntary Maximum of 2.5% of bankroll can be spent on MTTs (I can sat through to higher value games) Voluntary Maximum of 5% of bankroll can be used to sit down at a cash table (I must buy in for the maximum)
:okWell done in your win in dublin, but don't think it should of counted in 2k2m chanlange as the rules say only 2.5% of bankroll can be used to bye in. Your bankroll was $730 and that means you could bye in for $18.25 i think the bye-in was €150 (+€15 reg)which converted to dollers is adout $222 (+$22 reg), Correct me if i am wrong keep up the good work.
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Re: 2w2k - WASP's Thread This isn't really a competition between ourselves - but a means to try and motivate ourselves - whilst the rules you quote were posted, in the discussion we also said that we'd leave it up to each individual to do as they wish. I think they're more guidelines than rules.

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Re: 2w2k - WASP's Thread

:okWell done in your win in dublin, but don't think it should of counted in 2k2m chanlange as the rules say only 2.5% of bankroll can be used to bye in. Your bankroll was $730 and that means you could bye in for $18.25 i think the bye-in was €150 (+€15 reg)which converted to dollers is adout $222 (+$22 reg), Correct me if i am wrong keep up the good work.
fck me who are you the challenge police :lol I also said I was prepared to play higher and if I bust the $500 I would reload and play for $2.k. I was playing with 10 buyin's all along and the problem I had with this challenge was to do the grind I would have to put in some volume but as it panned out I could only manage about 3 short sessions a week. (and I don't do MTT's or STT's) I also forgot I would be away for 2 weekends in October and 3 in November that further compounded matters. The challenge for me was to see if I could grind at low levels again and I needed something like this for a focus. The live game request was a bit tongue in cheek but if I would have lost I would have taken that off my bankroll. What I have proved to myself is that I am not a grinder or an online player. I play online at higher levels with no BR management and win but I would be comfortable with a big loss as well :ok and for fun I get out to casino's and festivals as much as possible and play NLHE and PLO tourneys (and win ;)) Good look with the challenge guys I will still record any sessions I play and if there is any significant movement up or down I will post it up :ok
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