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Exit hand from tonights GNUF $1 Baby


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Here is my exit hand from tonight's MTT challenge tourney. Prior to this hand I was in about 8th (10 paid) with 33 remaining (or thereabouts). ** Hand # 2613067810 starting - 2009-05-19 21:14:37 ** One Dollar Baby[2970553]:Table 3 [Multi Table Hold 'em] (300.00|600.00 NL - MTT) Real Money endriu2 sitting in seat 2 with 6439.14 Biologs1 sitting in seat 3 with 5595.15 woodyuk sitting in seat 4 with 4570.00 mvp_skizo sitting in seat 6 with 524.09 taa9 sitting in seat 7 with 7883.64 DarkRalph sitting in seat 8 with 8696.75[Dealer] Fonzie14 sitting in seat 9 with 4981.82 l_u_c_k_y_84 sitting in seat 10 with 5724.22 Fonzie14 posted the small blind - 150.00 l_u_c_k_y_84 posted the big blind - 300.00 ** Dealing cards to Fonzie14: Jc, Jh endriu2 folded Biologs1 folded woodyuk folded mvp_skizo folded taa9 raised to 600.00 DarkRalph called - 600.00 Fonzie14 went all-in - 4831.82 l_u_c_k_y_84 folded taa9 folded DarkRalph called - 4981.82 DarkRalph shows: Qh, Qd ** Dealing the flop: 9h, 2s, 5s ** Dealing the turn: 5d ** Dealing the river: 7c DarkRalph wins 10863.64 from the main pot My thought process was - Min raise from C/O - could well be a steal; call from button - probably coming along for a cheap look at the flop with position. I didn't fancy trying to play my JJ out of position, so I thought I would push and let someone else make (what I thought would be) the difficult decision. Any thoughts on this?

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Re: Exit hand from tonights GNUF $1 Baby If a proper raise was called by the button then alarm bells may ring. This was only a min raise so I agree with your thinking - he could've been calling with a lot of hands. Flat calling a min raise with QQ is poor, weird play - he game the BB odds to call, I don't understand what he was trying to achieve, the only scenario that makes his play work is the one above. So I don't blame you for pushing with JJ. One of those things. :ok

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