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200902 Benchmarking Scenario 1 - 88 UTG (2 off Button) - Limp or Raise?


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Plan: Use the database to see what way has been most profitable of playing certain scenarios. Who? Anyone can suggest scenarios - maybe situations similar to circumstances you've faced and weren't sure what to do. Or maybe something completely contrived. It shouldnt be too specific though - we need to have data on it! So if you have a scenario, then just create a thread for it :ok Timing: I dont intend to put data up straight away - will leave it a little bit to hopefully allow some thought and discussion. Please no "snobism" and saying "it wouldn't be like that against proper opponents" - you know that this is 5c/10c data - so your decisions need to be reasoned for the opponents you are facing!! So, scenario 1, you are dealt 88 UTG (two off the button). The table is 5 handed - stacks are "various" and "average" for this level, as are your opponents. Do you raise to show aggression and to put money in the pot when you probably have the best hand, and to disguise your hand, or do you limp to try and create a multi way pot (this is a drawing hand isnt it?) and to maximise your implied odds?

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Re: 200902 Benchmarking Scenario 1 - 88 UTG (2 off Button) - Limp or Raise? Ah - just looking - between us, 88 2 off the button has only occured 35 times - so not a great sample - but 15 times there was a raise, and 20 times an open limp - so a pretty even split - which do YOU think was more profitable?

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Re: 200902 Benchmarking Scenario 1 - 88 UTG (2 off Button) - Limp or Raise? Even 6-handed i raise all pocket pairs any position so would emphasise it even greater being 5handed. Reasons are: builds a bigger pot for when you flop a set. Gives a chance to take down the pot pre flop. Saves from being raised pre flop from someone in late position as they then have the initiative and you'll be check/folding way way more times then you bet out. Open limping makes you (look like) a fish. Probably a lot more reasons too.

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Re: 200902 Benchmarking Scenario 1 - 88 UTG (2 off Button) - Limp or Raise? Just looked at my stats. Had 88 utg 12 times and limped all of them losing €0.95 in the process. This lead me to look at all pocket pairs 88-22 and I have won €12.15 in 66 hands giving a return of 18BB/100 so I don't think I am playing them "badly" although I can certainly see the virtues in raising them. I did raise 22 once and 77 once and took down both hands on the flop unchallenged. I don't think the sample is a very good size at all so take from that what you will.

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Re: 200902 Benchmarking Scenario 1 - 88 UTG (2 off Button) - Limp or Raise? Ok - I'm not going to wait as long as I intended because I've been doing some digging and getting some pretty amazing results which should give us something to think about! I'll do that in its own thread ;) The results here are pretty similar for limping or raising, but with a slight advantage for raising. Top table is all 88 UTG Middle table is where you raise first in UTG with 88 Bottom table is where you open limp UTG with 88 f_Scenario01m_427b89b.gif

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