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we should shoot kids at birth...


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Three of us drinking vodka and playing poker for fun. Score at 1-1-1 last game for the champion of tonight. Me and my 16 year old tw@t of a son heads up...I'm all in with 34...he fcking well calls with 27os...what the hell is that about then??? The big shite hits trip sevens and forces me to post it on here. Bastard !!!!

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Re: we should shoot kids at birth... :nana:nana:nanadodgers son:lol:lol:lol i pulled off a cracker at the pl meet vs jackie. all in from utg with about 3k blinds were 400-800 and there was 5 on our table. she was on the bb with a big stack and sat for ages deciding whether to call:eek thought i better try and talk her out of it ,so i said. "come on jackie dont you wanna take me out" she almost instantly folded and showed a10,i flipped over my 72 and morls nearly fell of his seat:rollin

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