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Taking on the 30 seat STTs


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Although I finished 2nd in the STT challenge that we had recently I still think my final overall figures should have been better. So...going to use a spreadsheet to track my performances in PokerKings 30 player STTs. They really are wild and frantic for the first half hour by which time the field are often down to the final table. Starting my first one in a few minutes and will post up a table after every 5 games played...not posting each individual game but I will store them on my PC. No specific target...but hoping to hit a reasonable overall ROI of say 10%+ over 50 games in total. So there we have it...am hoping that by posting on here I give myself that little bit more inspiration to stop making silly moves...you know what I mean...''I know I'm beaten here but got to see what he has, it's only a 3€ game after all'' or ''I haven't got anywhere near pot odds but I've got a nut flush draw''. It's bad decisions like this that will destroy ROI. Anyway...back in 5 games time.

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Re: Taking on the 30 seat STTs Seem to have misjudged these to a certain extent...apart from the 3€ ones they are much tighter than I seem to remember. However my losses on these are being covered by profits from Omaha games so I'm sticking with them as I still feel I can crack this...although will be happy with just +ve ROI after 50 games. :eyes 60609317ut2.jpg Final table 11/20 is great...it's getting the money that is proving a problem, although I have seen AK cracked by a lower Ace three times so far...not wanting to cry ''unlucky'' but I do feel I'm not doing so much wrong. (famous last words...) OK...Editing this post in the hope that I can just slink away with my tail between my legs. :eyes Been doing well on the Omaha and that was what prompted me to take up a challenge. However I've been playing like a donkey on heat :@ in these and after 24 games ROI -70%. :cry So I'm abandoning this challenge before I have to dip into my own money. From now on will be sticking mainly to Omaha games plus the PL games of course. :$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$

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