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Ok, I´m not too sure if I am doing this correctly,but I am sure some kind soul will put me right if I am not. I will start with a 100 point bank(real money). I will use 10%(10pts)as my "base stake". After each winner(hopefully)I will keep 50% of the profits,and add the other 50% to the "base stake" until such time as I pick a loser,then i will revert back to the "base stake" again. All bets are placed at the fair,& the odds quoted in brackets are the actual odds I have taken. I will be trying to pick winning away teams(hence the title) Ok,I hope thats clear. Here we go with tonights pix. (as they play at more or less the same time,they will both receive 10pts each). 7.00pm.Dutch Div 2.FC Omniworld Vs VVV VENLO(1.55) 7.30pm.Austria Div 1.Kapfenburg Vs RAPID VIENNA(1.61) I hope we can nick a few quid from these selections as we go. Thankyou. LIOM

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Re: PLAYING AWAY(again) Oh well. Two nice winners there,BUT obviously no-ones interested,22 visits and not one reply. Not to worry,I will just carry on in private,as I´m apparently not even worth welcoming. I will leave your private little back slapping club to those already in it. I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavours. Thankyou. LIOM

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