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Bad call or bad shove?


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Re: Bad call or bad shove?

Sorry but Paul that's completely ridiculous to say you don't want me at PL events because i've said comments like "you need to read some strat. books". So the person who's swearing at other PLers and giving personal abuse in threads is absolutely absolved of anything? If that's the case, and it totally seems it is, then i really don't want to be a part of this place where some people are given leeway due to personal friendships. Again everyone is floating around the point that Brian has used some of the most disgusting language i've ever seen in PL games and threads and is getting away with it, like i'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. I've said all my pieces now, apologised for all the minor and major things i may have or have not done so we can get back to some normality but if his comments are allowed to stand free as day then it's clique absolute rule IMO.
why don't ya just bite your lip?
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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Ive not posted about any of this in the previous thread or in here yet but ill tell it now as i found it and why I said what I said to Nade at the table. When Brian called and took you out, you said the following as pointed out by Martyn (VoJ) '88 great play' 'Your all Donks' 'You want to read some Books' To me this was out of order and made it look like you had a total lack of respect for anyone on that table....including myself. I replied immediately after this for you shut up and get lost cos we get enough rubbish spouted in open tournaments that we dont need it spoken in our private games. You then continued having a go...you just couldn't let it go, after which Brian simply said, "f**k off Nade" and then you had another pop....to which he replied "ill see you at the next live game".....again you had another pop and replied with " ill play you at PES2009 on xbox live" I actually chuckled at this..:lol...but in reallity, you were just winding him up some more. I KNOW your a good player and the acheivements you have had over the last 12-18 months are great and i praise you for them, but you acted like a complete and utter nob IMO on thursday night. However , No one wants to get rid of you from the forum as you could be a very good asset here, and with your continued development along with helping others, i beleive we can all learn something. What i will say is, ive been there....ive been the mouthy shit, and ive been close to getting a ban a few times, but ive learned from that, ive grown up and now im doing what i can to help players, If i can do it, so can you. Best of luck in your games, bite ya lip and let your poker do the talking:ok

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Re: Bad call or bad shove? Fair enough Morls, i'll have to accept saying 'ur all donks' was over-stepping the mark but why anyone would take me seriously i have no idea, especially when the comments were in the context of me saying 'ill kick ur ass at xbox live' and saying 'read some strat books' to the guy who's just knocked me out. I was trying to make it obvious that i was on full sarcasm mode but it didn't sink in nevermind. Also back to the original hand, i remembered last night that not long before shoving there i said i had just raised with 72o as it was the 3rd time i had it but someone reraised so i had to fold. This gave me an even crazier image than normal so that was even more reason why i wasn't pissed off at all at being called by 88. Anyway i've always been known as the sarcastic 'one' and everyone's quick to remind me that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit :lol My new motto from now on: Bite yer lip ! Thread Lock, unless someone wants to discuss the strat. with Damo :tongue2

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