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$50,000 horse final table


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Re: $50,000 horse final table Yes, I’ve seen it.

I’ve never played live Poker, but I cannot believe that it is acceptable behaviour in a televised game, particularly from someone, who, for whatever reason, has been somehow titled as the “Prince of Poker”. Particularly, the constant swearing from him, abuse towards the drink servers and showing his cards to the crowd. Sometimes, the end result cannot ever be justified by the means under which it was achieved.

Seriously, is any or all of that behaviour allowed in televised poker? I just cannot see that as acceptable behaviour these days, regardless of how many bracelets he has won in the past.

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Re: $50,000 horse final table I'm not sure what all the 'beeps' where , but I would have thought he deserved some sort of 'time' penalty for the amount of abuse that came out of his mouth. The mans a complete arse ...... hopefully he lost it all on the Craps tables on the way out of the Rio. :hope

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Re: $50,000 horse final table Absolute disgrace, Chip Reese would probably be turning in his grave, and this cnut wins his memorial trophy, forget the bad mouthing, he was soft playing, and exposing his cards to an audience, he should have been disqualified. Terrible etiquette. Now an EX fan of Scotty Baby :( Layne Flack was also way out of order btw

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Re: $50,000 horse final table Just watched it now and think a few of them were to blame as well as Scotty. Firstly DeMichelle was out of line celebrating every time he won a pot, then Lindgren ordered cocktails and admits in InsidePoker that he was trying to get Scotty drunk, then there was Layne Flack acting disgracefully on the rail. It was all a bit of a shambles with all the antics going on and ruined what should have been a great event in poker history. The TD's definitely should have taken control of the situation earlier on. But at least 1 funny moment came from it when EDog left Flack hangin :lol:lol:lol:lol

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Re: $50,000 horse final table So how come the "Prince of Poker" can eff and jeff whenever he likes and no-one says a thing but others have to get formal warnings or time penalties if they utter one? He's won the bracelet, but lost a lot of respect from most poker fans, I'd say :spank

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Re: $50,000 horse final table The trouble is with players like Scotty, Hellmuth, Matuso etc believe themselves to be not just poker players but "superstars". They seem to forget that they have a talent for playing cards where luck is a huge part of the game and that's fcuk all to be boastful about.

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