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Is this a little bit suspicious?

Mad Duke

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Re: Is this a little bit suspicious? I disagree morl - I think one player playing the same tournament under two different ID's has to be against the site rules and unacceptable.... Only thing I dont really understand is why a player would want to do it on a game without an overlay :unsure And I would assume he's playing both IDs at the same time, not sat out on one - either with 2 PCs or with Virtual PC..... If you see nothing wrong morl - what if it were a cash table (or an STT) and one player was sat there with 2 ID's?

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Re: Is this a little bit suspicious? I never said i didnt see anything wrong with it, its blatant cheating! However, we had this situation years ago in a number of the boss freerolls and they said there was little they could do as that player was using different clients and therefore had technically not breached any rules.

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Re: Is this a little bit suspicious? If that really is the Boss position, then I'm sitting down at cash tables, using Microsoft Virtual PC and playing multiple ID's on one table. I would be stunned though if that is the position. I dont recall this coming up before and being discussed before (similar but different situations, yes) :unsure Are you able to find the thread?

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Re: Is this a little bit suspicious?

If that really is the Boss position, then I'm sitting down at cash tables, using Microsoft Virtual PC and playing multiple ID's on one table. I would be stunned though if that is the position. I dont recall this coming up before and being discussed before (similar but different situations, yes) :unsure Are you able to find the thread?
No mate no threads, it was before i was a member of PL There used to be a 10 raked hands freeroll and players with more than 1 boss account could play 10 on each account and therefore register for the game, after complaining about a table where 1 player had his two usernames on the same table, they said he had legitimately entered using the separate 2 accounts and therefore had not done anything wrong. We also had the situation of the hungarians in the safety net, how often did we see multireging and nothing being done about it? hundreds of times! I do wonder how many players do the cash table thing either on vmware or using separate pc's. As long as their nicknames are totally different no one would have the faintest idea. Mine are all morlspin 1 2 3 4 etc, so easy to spot, however say you logged in as telepe, gotafancy, miss stacey and any others u may have, how would any unsuspecting user know there being robbed?
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Re: Is this a little bit suspicious? I find it amazing that it's allowed :eek I was thinking about starting to play cash on virgin but with this little revelation there's absolutely no way in a million years i'll play cash on Boss now :eek. And if people think 'people would never do that' then they're mistaken imo, i've read about people getting up to all sorts of tricks at all levels on 'reputable' sites. Nothing as bad as having 2 accounts on 1 table though.

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Re: Is this a little bit suspicious? I just cannot believe it could be allowed. Thinking about it, you wouldn't even need Virtual PC/2nd PC - there is a web browser version (yahoo) that you can use, I believe, similtaneously.....

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Re: Is this a little bit suspicious? So the same person logging in twice on the same ISP could play at the same table? Is that more of a problem than two different people logging in together and sharing information? Not sure how they work but there are reasonably priced plug in mobile internet connections, so whats to stop me going down my mates and playing together totally undetected. Forget the sites would notice, theres millions of them out there. As an aside wouldnt it be great if you had this hyper intellegent super being looking over your shoulder recording your every play and the play of every other player at the table. A being capable of analysing the stats in a nano second and offering you the optimum stategy to use in any given game. A being so amazing he could also look at all the other tables at the same time and record the actions of every single player at your level. Couldnt happen, could it?

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