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** Poker Wednesday 23rd January **


** Poker Wednesday 23rd January **  

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    • No poker
    • 18:20 GMT iPoker $2500 Gtd Freezeout
    • 19:00 GMT Betway Battlefield - $200 Added
    • 19:30 GMT William Hill £1500 Added
    • 20:10 GMT iPoker $6000 Gtd Freezeout
    • 20:15 GMT Blue Square GUKPT January League
    • 20:30 GMT 32Red Everyone's a Bounty
    • 21:30 GMT Paradise 50 Up Club - â?¬75 Freeroll
    • 21:40 GMT iPoker $2500 Gtd Freezeout

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Re: ** Poker Wednesday 23rd January ** 498th for me - was sick of table bully hoovering up the blinds, so re-raised his min raise, he came over the top and I called with A4:wall against his AK :$:$. Not the brightest move ever, and I was chuffed to see a 4 on the flop, but justice was done with a King on the turn and I was left to rue, once again, how much I have to learn. Think I'll go renew my membership of Opus Dei and have a quick flog:spank :hope to all still in

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Re: ** Poker Wednesday 23rd January ** I'm such a ******* idiot, feel really embarrassed about that heads up play as if i've let PL down going in with that King :wall:wall:wall:wall OMG i'm never going to win a tournament :eyes:eyes Sorry all. Well played everyone else :clap. If my memory is right (and that's unlikely) that was only my second MTT this year and came 6th in the other one (A PL exclusive game) :unsure Maybe i should play more MTT :unsure Can i just say as well i must be the must f'd up PL poker player - last night i made reference to doing a heath ledger in general chat, nobody took notice but i seriously felt like completely at worlds end now next day i'm winning £350 for 5hrs work :\ Good night and sorry again :sad

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Re: ** Poker Wednesday 23rd January **

I've had problems on iPoker for months. The support say nobody else is affected but I find it hard to believe its just me. I have no problems anywere else. I'm just going to stop playing on iPoker.
bet you don`t,or are you conceding the league game on sundays :tongue2:tongue2:tongue2
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Re: ** Poker Wednesday 23rd January **

I'm such a ******* idiot, feel really embarrassed about that heads up play as if i've let PL down going in with that King :wall:wall:wall:wall OMG i'm never going to win a tournament :eyes:eyes Sorry all. Well played everyone else :clap. If my memory is right (and that's unlikely) that was only my second MTT this year and came 6th in the other one (A PL exclusive game) :unsure Maybe i should play more MTT :unsure Can i just say as well i must be the must f'd up PL poker player - last night i made reference to doing a heath ledger in general chat, nobody took notice but i seriously felt like completely at worlds end now next day i'm winning £350 for 5hrs work :\ Good night and sorry again :sad
2nd out of 1300 - that's a class result :ok
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Re: ** Poker Wednesday 23rd January ** Cheers guys :) Forgot to put in how i messed up - Had battered my oppo to get slight chip leader, couple of hands later i have K10o, he min raises i call, flop comes AKJ i bet he goes all in and i call thinking he's a bit stressed at having lost his lead as i kept raising and re-raising him but no he had a hand and i make muppet of the century call. That was my tournament to win, although VoJ played miles better than me on the final table things just went right for me with the bit of luck needed so i'm happy with 2nd but it's definitely a missed opportunity in my poker life, nevermind.

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Re: ** Poker Wednesday 23rd January **

Cheers guys :) on the final table things just went right for me with the bit of luck needed so i'm happy with 2nd but it's definitely a missed opportunity in my poker life, nevermind.
When the blinds are so big that bit of luck is needed by anyone - you 58o push against the guys AJs was inspired - especially when it made into a full house :loon I definitely played a lot tighter (in the early,middle stages) than I normally would, and threw away KQs AQo QJs 33 44 of what I remember when I was in early position and people where all in or fold.
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Re: ** Poker Wednesday 23rd January **

When the blinds are so big that bit of luck is needed by anyone - you 58o push against the guys AJs was inspired - especially when it made into a full house :loon I definitely played a lot tighter (in the early,middle stages) than I normally would, and threw away KQs AQo QJs 33 44 of what I remember when I was in early position and people where all in or fold.
Think the 58 was suited spades, i thought i need to double up or take these blinds at that point, if i'm called it's very likely i'd have live cards and that proved to be the case and lucky hit the full house :lol The final table was weird as the blinds were really high meaning everyone was inside the red/orange M zone (not that i pay too much attention to this i'm just playing by instinct atm in MTT but M is mentioned a lot on here). I think you controlled the final 5 really and deserved to win it, you'll have a lot more success for the rest of the year i'm sure :ok. My plan was to just take blinds and pots at good opportunities and wait for others to be knocked out in their haste to get involved in pots and it seemed to work as people dropped like flies from the final 50 onwards. It was a good experience anyway and fills me with a lot more confidence to play more MTT as they've been very profitable so far for me this year!
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