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' The Shildon Mob'


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Late night last night as Dave488 (bro) and I headed up to Aspers in Newcastle for £30 + £3 freezeout. I was knocked out early on rather a bad beat (no really) but Dave made the final table finishing 6th for £150:clap:clap We don't play that regular live but from the last 4 live tourneys we've both entered I've had 2 final tables and Dave's had the 1 above, so 3 out of 4 ain't bad by my reckoning. Now I'm no expert on the english language but not sure if 2 people can be called a 'mob'? and technically I don't live in Shildon anymore:unsure. However think the name has a nice ring to it and would welcome any more PLrs who wish to join to create the 'mob' Also paramount to this is the need for some good nicknames ie Joe 'the elegance' Beevers. Now I like Dave 488 bad beats:lol:lol but any further suggestions are welcome! God isn't it amazing the things you think when bored and alone!!:rollin So to summerise hopefully 'The Shildon Mob' will make an appearance at the virgin festival in newcastle! And tommorrow the world.............:lol:lol Milber 'Dr Evil' Force.

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