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Aussie Millions NewPlayer Package with MansionPoker


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Win A $15,000 Aussie Millions Package aussie-freeroll.gifCalling all new players! Win a $15,000 Aussie Millions Package. It’s Fair Dinkum!<?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = O />

Celebrate the festive season with me and start your New Year in style Down Under, compliments of MANSIONPOKER.com. <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />JoinTeamMANSION at the fabulous Crown Casino in Melbourne, Australia for the 2008 Aussie Millions, where the winner stands to pocket a seriously sexy guaranteed $1 Million. If you’re looking for an easy way to win your seat for the Aussie Millions Main Event, we’ve got a cracker of a Christmas promotion for you. That’s right …we've got an exclusive Aussie Millions package for new players up for grabs in our Aussie Millions Freeroll tournament on Saturday, January 5 2008. It’s worth an impressive $15,000 including Main Event entry and cash towards travel costs.

So, how does it work?

Simply register with us as a brand new Member between December 15, 2007 and January 1, 2008. Start playing Mansion Poker during the holidays and earn up to 300 MANSION Poker Points (MPP) - you will receive a free satellite ticket to compete in our Aussie Millions freeroll tournament on January 5 at 20:00 (GMT)

I’ve marked it in my diary. So should you. quote2.GIF Not only could you be winging your way to Melbourne if you win our Aussie Millions Freeroll, but there’s a special guest bounty on my head. Keep an eye out for me at the Tables during our January 5, 2008 Freeroll – I play online under the handle ‘Mr Pink’- and if you’re thelucky player who knocks me out of the tournament, you will not only earn the bragging rights but a very handy $500 bonus as well.

Plus, get ahead of the pack and pick up some strategy tips from me along the way. I’ll be sharing some of my best kept Poker secrets over a three-course dinner at one of the many fine restaurants at the Crown complex. With some intensive money-can’t-buy private coaching sessions, I promise to have you playing your best hand in no time. The Aussie Millions is known as one of the major events on the pro tour calendar and it is attended by a who’s who in the poker world. The location is breathtaking and the side action amazing, so get yourself a seat before it’s too late. Play now to win and enjoy a summer Down Under. You may even be a step closer to becoming an Aussie Millionaire… It’s the ultimate Poker players’ New Year’s getaway. There’s an Aussie lot to play for and it’s not to be missed!

See you there. All the best, Mr Cool.

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