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I can see Uranus


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Re: I can see Uranus

has someone told Mrgayuk that uranus is showing in the lobby:$
Being a relative lard-arse (relative being the operative word - attending PL meetups does wonders for my self image :rollin) I suspect that he wouldn't be interested in mine (nor would I want him to be :puke) but uranus who knows?. I try to never criticise anyones sexual preferences - I myself could well be gay I've just never knowingly seen a bloke I fancied, though some of those boy girls you see on TV could confuse anyone ;). One of my brothers was a merchant seaman in his youth - he nearly got caught out by one in a bar in Rio. A few pints (you'd need them), a dark alley and Pete Burns are the stuff of nightmares ..... :\ ... in fact if Pete Burns was really a woman it would still be a nightmare :lol
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