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Blackpool G 10th -12th November


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I'm off for a weekend full of poker at the G this Saturday/Sunday (maybe Monday :eyes) It is the start of the Northern Lights festival but before that on the Saturday Afternoon they have the APAT regional :ok Then Saturday evening is £100 NLHE RB Sunday evening is £150 NLHE DC FO Monday (is my birthday :beer) but I may stay on for the super sats to the GUKPT ME which starts on the Thursday. Me and mad Gaz going so far, anybody fancy it give me a shout :ok, come on PLer's join the caravan of love xx

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Re: Blackpool GUKPT Festival If anyone is planning on going here this week take your crash helmet as it is bedlam. I didn't make the Saturday night rebuy but apparently my brother said it ended in an 8 way chop and a fight at 5.30am Sunday morning. Played the £150 DC yesterday fortunately my brother registered me the day before as it was full, 200 runners, at 2pm 5 hours before kick off. There were 50 odd on the reserve list as the were allowing alternates for the first two levels. But all hell broke lose when it came to seating as there were 30 odd players who had regged via other Grosvenors who had not been put on the list (due to an error :lol) so they were told they couldn't play, some had traveled from Scotland :(. So the tourney was held up for about an hour, so it kicked off at 45 minute levels then after the first break we sat down to find out we were on 20 minute levels :rollin . We were also told you couldn't take your chips until you had lost your first chance, which is not my idea of a double chance. It wasn't a nice atmosphere there was a lot of fighting and arguing going on, the bouncers came into the card room a couple of times to break up fights (one involving a very famous pro player ;)) When I eventually went out (you dont want to hear it) I claimed the last seat in a £105 SNG to the main event. Only to wait 2 hours for it to kick off due to a lack of staff and chips apparently!!. I was told when I regged that it was 2000 chips 15min blinds. I sit down to be told they have to get a move on so its 1000 chips and 6min blinds. I argued a few of the other players tried to bully me into playing but I fooked it off and got my money back. I then made the best decision of the night £100 dealers choice cash tables. The funny thing was people were trying to be clever but they were choosing games they were not strong at, mostly PLO or Omaha Hi Lo but they were all Texas players and it showed. I further confused them on my choices by playing super stud :lol. So I managed to clear £400 :dude Oh BTW my brother cashed in the £150 and has bought into the main event :ok

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Re: Blackpool G 10th -12th November

Sounds like a bit of a nightmare! At least your brother did OK in it... Hope it is better organised for the GUKPT ME... my first live event and it's sounds like a total shambles!
Tweety I didn't know you were playing. I think the biggest problem is the casino wasn't expecting the vast numbers that turned up for the first two events and they weren't covered enough staff wise, the cock up with the pre reg was vast but what can you say when you leave a woman to do a mans job ;) I'm sure the main event will be smooth as they will be pretty much sure they will be getting 200 runners on each day. It is a nice new comfy cardroom and the dealers are good, you will like it, so just relax and have fun :ok
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Re: Blackpool G 10th -12th November Cheers Bri! Got through from the Pokerplayer freeroll where I won a satellite ticket and went on to qualify from there. Missus was not happy at being woken by cries of 'I'm going to Balckpool' at 2am! :loon Yeah, gonna try and enjoy it... not sure how to play deep stacked but sure I will pick it up as I go along! It will be an experience at least and hopefully a profitable one too... you never know! No comment on the man's job thingy... I hear there are women with bolt cutters in here!:unsure

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Re: Blackpool G 10th -12th November Well done Steve :clap:clap I was on your table for a while when we got down to the 50's, saw you hit that Ace on the river to stay in ;) I may be there at some point during the proceedings, so I'll see you there :ok

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Re: Blackpool G 10th -12th November

I qualified last night Tweety' date=' (Inside Poker) freeroll chuffed to bits. They've entered me for day 1b Fri happy with that as it's a bit short notice. See you there perhaps we can do a deal on the final table:tongue2.[/quote'] Nice one Invasor! I got stuck with Day 1a... so will be playing Thursday! May come and rail you on day2 if I can't find anything to do in Blackpool! As for doing a deal... I'm sure we could come to some arrangement... ;)
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Re: Blackpool G 10th -12th November Absolutely knackered after a weekend of fun and frolics in blustery Blackpool. Had a quick blast on Betfair earlier playing a new super aggressive style that everyone seems to be playing live and called off all my chips preflop with JJ. Anyway my tournament (Blackpool) went as follows: Sat down at a table with "Mad Marty",Dave Smith (GUKPT top of leaderboard)and Bev Pace amongst others. Marty quickly took control of the table with his constant banter and our table quickly beacme the focus of the whole poker room. I had no genuine hands for the first 2 hrs A10 being the best and so I bluffed Marty in 2 pots with absolutely nothing to keep my stack just above average. Then the last hand before dinner it's limped round to me on the button and with 10s 8s I call and theres 1500 in the pot. The flop comes KsQs9s an absolute dream of a flop for me its checked round to me and I bet 900 and the big blind calls. I immediately put him on As as he's been playing relatively tight. The turn comes blank he checks I bet 1000 and he reraises to 3000. Alarm bells start ringing here and I think he's either reraising with a higher flush or he's making a play drawing to the As. I nearly push all in but decide to call and check the river. Unbelievably he checked behind me and showed As 3s and stated he was afraid I had the str8 flush (lol). This left me with about 6850 chips, after the break I received no hands and Surindar sunar and Jeff Kimber joined the table and Surindar made a couple of steals of my blinds. My chips whittled down further to about 5,000 and with blinds at 150 - 300 and 25 antes with a min raise and call in front of me I look down at QQ and push allin and get a call from Mad Marty with AK he hits his ace on the turn and thats my tourny down the shoot. What I did notice is how loose the game has become as people try to accumulate large chip stacks early on and make crazy moves on dangerous flops. Roberto Romanello got busted by a call with 7 3 to a large raise. I ventured into a £250 NL cash game sat and sun night and the style of poker was still super aggressive but I was happy to wait for the big hands and duly got paid off and finished the trip some £600 in profit after all expenses. In summary I feel that tournaments are extremely difficult to win playing tight aggressive poker you have to take calculated risks or you'll never compete with the enormous chip stacks you'll encounter but in cash games playing tight aggressive poker will always hold you in good stead.

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Re: Blackpool G 10th -12th November Well done mate :clap My brother went out early on the first day, so I never bothered going up there. But our mate Mike Williams made the final table, think he finished 5th or 6th for about £17K :notworthy

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Re: Blackpool G 10th -12th November My Blackpool visit was sadly no better than others it seems. Not sure who was on my table but there were certainly a few faces I recongized... the table was fairly loose early on and when I did finally get AA in the cut-off, surprise suprise everone had folded around to me so when I raised it up I only got 1 caller and my bet on the flop finished that hand. Every hand was being raised so I was looking forward to getting some chips in and crossing my fingers... but I only had a few hands that were playable (small pairs, suited connectors and a couple of Ax hands) and the flops missed me by a mile. With all the aggression going on I was out of my depth and ended up folding my 55 when AKQ etc. came down on the flop and the betting began. After the second break the blinds increased to 150/300 and finally I got some hands. First was AKo in mid-poisition... folded to me, I raised 3xBB and was called by the SB. FLop was Q32 all hearts. I bet out potsize and got re-raised and after consideration decided I was well behind and folded. Next hand I get QQ... 3xBB UTG followed by 3 folds... I had 5.5K and decided that this was the time to move and shoved all-in. He asked me if I had aces, and after some thought he calls and turn over KK...:sad... flop brought me some hope being 89T but a K on the turn and no J on the river and it was game over. Enjoyed it but would definately play different next time as TAG did not work for me... but I couldn't hit a flop to save my life that day and never really got started. Next time things will be different....

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