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things in poker that make you think WTF


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Re: things in poker that make you think WTF That's every time time you get 3 ssets of hole cards though - so we're constantly testing against it ..... If you play say 500 hands in a night (no idea if that's about right :unsure), then you can divide that by 500.... so the chance is 1 in 22,000 ish If you do that for 200 nights a year for 3 years :loon then you can divide by 600!! So you're down to 1 in 4,000 There might be 50 of us doing that, so the chances of any one of us doing it - divide by 50 - we're down to 1 in 80 ish !!! Of course this is just Aces, would you have come with the same comment if dealt any other pocket pair? :tongue2 Divide by 13 - that's about 1 in 6 :lol :lol :lol :lol Ok - I'm kidding - yes it's a pretty remote chance of getting AA 3 times in a row :ok - hope you got paid :loon

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Re: things in poker that make you think WTF

I belive the odds of that occurring would be 220-1 x220-1 x 220-1 which equals: 10793861. Hope you've done the Lottery tonight.
Reckon Ive played about 10,000,000 hands and it has happened for me once so that looks about right. Was four tabling once and had pkt jacks at all four tables at the same time..........beat that!
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Re: things in poker that make you think WTF Could go into big detail but to put it simply: i was on massive tilt a while ago and lost an $80 pot when i called an allin with 7high... against 8high. That promptly kicked me up the arse to never go on tilt again in a cash game and i haven't. Also my really bad luck everytime i've been chip leader in the final 3 of MTT's. And also a couple of time in a cash game on PKR one person on the table will say they have me marked as a fish, then the people who i regularly play with on there say they have me marked as a shark. It's just strange how there can be such polar opposites :lol. Then i just take all their money anyway. Being a winning player in general just makes me think WTF and proves anyone can do it.

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Re: things in poker that make you think WTF the poker gods are capricious at times. was playing in a Live game at the Grosvenor Cardiff and some fool was moaning cos i called his min raise with suited connectors and hit both on the flop to beat his pocket Q's. his exact words were "FFS. you could have at least had pocket 10s. I ****ing hate Internet players they're shit" next hand... they're my pocket tens. He pushes all in. I called. He turns over Pocket 9's but the look on his face was priceless when I told him he should be careful what he asks for. he just might get it.

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Re: things in poker that make you think WTF Things that make me think WTF? 1. People who successfully call my bluff and then type 'don't bluff me'. They like their pots smaller? 2. Self-proclaimed pot odds experts waxing lyrical on micro-limit tables 3. 5-minute intervals kicking in after an hour of a S&G when it's down to the last three and you're raring to go. I'd sooner urinate on the carpet. 4. That daft old granny with the handbag at the top of the table in PokerRoom.com's software. Tell me she's not still there... 5. 'Win a seat in the WSOP' ads that start in January and go on forever. 6. Those stupid ice hockey shirts that UltimateBet insist upon for Phil Hellmuth. I keep thinking of Tom Hanks in 'Big'. 7. Text box abuse that's devoid of wit. 8. Players who get sucked out on and react like the boot's never been on the other foot. 9. Amanda Leatherman's interview technique. Google 'Amanda Leatherman' and 'interview technique' and see for yourself. 10. Poker magazines that won't interview some of the losers for a change.

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