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Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up?


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I am just wondering why PL members don't seem to play live much but in particular the APAT tournies. I think at any form of gambling you need to constantly strive to find good value situations. There are some great online poker players on here who would definitely have an edge in live games but never seem to play these value tournies. The APAT events generally have about £4000 added thats $8000k added for a 200 runner event something you would normally snap at online, why wouldn't you try and play in that live? The only reasons I can think are buy in and distance, the £75 buy in is extremely reasonable and should be well within the bankroll of most players on here, if its not, there is something wrong with your bankroll management, if you dont believe you can play at that level, believe me you can and you will never move on with poker if you do not advance to the next level on a regular basis. Distance may be a problem but the tour does visit most places and with the exception of a couple of members who live in the western or channel isles you should be in driving distance of one or two games. I went to Luton and there was 2 PL there whilst other, less established and even less known forums had healthy contingents of a dozen or more. I think there are 3 of us going to Walsall - these poker rooms are not off the beaten track, they are central for most people. I was also slightly amused at the lack of interest in the Blackpool team event this week as PL can't scrape a team together and we have to rely on family and friends to make our team up. Yet two other forums with a lot less members and traffic than PL get two teams together each and have others in reserve. I'm not having a go, criticising anyone, being big headed/holier than though/arrogant bastid (this time anyway). I am just trying to understand the reasons why good PL poker players dont play live, please help me understand.

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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up? I will be in Walsall having qualified through the satellite on Monday on BlueSq. (didn't want to risk the clickfest on Tuesday) Anyone got any more news on how the satellite tourney works? Website said $200 for top 10% which equated to £75 entry plus a few bob expenses. How does APAT know what our BlueSq aliases are? and how do they get the money to us?

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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up?

I am just wondering why PL members don't seem to play live much but in particular the APAT tournies. I think at any form of gambling you need to constantly strive to find good value situations. There are some great online poker players on here who would definitely have an edge in live games but never seem to play these value tournies. The APAT events generally have about £4000 added thats $8000k added for a 200 runner event something you would normally snap at online, why wouldn't you try and play in that live? The only reasons I can think are buy in and distance, the £75 buy in is extremely reasonable and should be well within the bankroll of most players on here, if its not, there is something wrong with your bankroll management, if you dont believe you can play at that level, believe me you can and you will never move on with poker if you do not advance to the next level on a regular basis. Distance may be a problem but the tour does visit most places and with the exception of a couple of members who live in the western or channel isles you should be in driving distance of one or two games. I went to Luton and there was 2 PL there whilst other, less established and even less known forums had healthy contingents of a dozen or more. I think there are 3 of us going to Walsall - these poker rooms are not off the beaten track, they are central for most people. I was also slightly amused at the lack of interest in the Blackpool team event this week as PL can't scrape a team together and we have to rely on family and friends to make our team up. Yet two other forums with a lot less members and traffic than PL get two teams together each and have others in reserve. I'm not having a go, criticising anyone, being big headed/holier than though/arrogant bastid (this time anyway). I am just trying to understand the reasons why good PL poker players dont play live, please help me understand.
We get plenty (got plenty) at the free/almost free events. Join the dots:lol Nah, some people have other commitments aswell. Money wise It's not just a buy-in either it's petrol and accomodation, meals and drinks that's the killer for a lot I would think. I only play (badly) recreationally so there's no way I'm going to make an effort to get to a live event. Although I'll probably turn up and do some railing next time there's a tourny in Birmingham (Virgin i think). Another thing is I don't go in the poker sections a great deal so I tend to miss these things. I could do with a weekend in Blackpool.
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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up? Yeah sorry Paul the thread was aimed at regular poker players who play on here every night not the lot that turn up at Barry's after being at Wolverhampton races all day practicing their entries into the Ministry of Funny Walks :lol ;)

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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up?

I'm not having a go' date=' criticising anyone, being big headed/holier than though/arrogant bastid (this time anyway). I am just trying to understand the reasons why good PL poker players dont play live, please help me understand.[/quote'] This is a fair question Brian, which you've asked in such a way as to encourage me to answer. :clap I've got an number of reasons. 1. I'm a tight bastid when it comes to entertainment. I'm also a totally illogiocal bastid when it comes to entertainment. I will (and so will Mrs_C) willingly pay £75 per head for a really good meal out. I hate the idea of paying £75 for a game of poker where I might be eliminated after a short time. However, I'll willingly pay £5 - £10 for a live game (at Rileys for instance) even though I know I might get eliminated early. There's no logic to it I know. 2. I play poker for fun, I hate it being too serious and I hate the idea of falling out with anyone over a game of cards. I fear the higher the stakes the more likely this is to happen. I refer to myself in this, I'm a competitive bastid and the bigger the stake the more likely I am to react in a poor way that I would be ashamed of later. 3. I love playing poker live with people I know and like. I enjoy the Barries games, our recent PL Watford game, and such like much more than say I enjoyed playing the $5,000 entry tournament in Singapore. I know, I know, I must be a stupid fcuker. 4. I enjoy any entertainment more if I know that Mrs_C is also enjoying it. Mrs_C enjoys playing with people she knows, she is more likely to feel intimidated with people she doesn't know. She has watched me play when she hasn't wanted to play/hasn't qualified, e.g. Dublin, but I don't like expecting her to do that too often. 5. I don't have your skills at negotiating a pass to an awayday/weekend to play poker. How the foooook do you manage that? I remember asking Diane that several months ago. I also remember Mrs_C saying to Diane that she wasn't to tell me how you do it. :lol:lol:lol
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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up?

The only reasons I can think are buy in and distance, the £75 buy in is extremely reasonable and should be well within the bankroll of most players on here, if its not, there is something wrong with your bankroll management, I'm not having a go, criticising anyone, being big headed/holier than though/arrogant bastid (this time anyway). I am just trying to understand the reasons why good PL poker players dont play live, please help me understand.
I think you are confusing total bankroll with bankrroll management - if you have good bankroll management you know whether you can afford to play in any game - maybe folks don't have the £300 it will take to play over a weekend (buy-in, hotel, travel, food, BEER! etc etc etc), so they are exhibiting sound bankroll management by not going? There might be a whole host of other reasons - family for one, having a few hours out on a night might be something that is workable - but a whole day/couple of days might not be. travel as you said - if you are based in newcastle do you want to travel to brighton to play etc? work - lots of people might work shifts/weekends and can't commit and I think the most important is comfort zone - online at home its easy to play in a game or 2 or three.... but having to sit there and play against real people, and possibly fold hand after hand after hand for hours might not be everyone's cup of tea and they might feel really uncomfortable about doing it - then again you only get comfortable by doing it:ok Everytime I play live, my heart pounds like mad from adrenline the first hand I decide to play, once thats over I am much better :) Damo
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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up?

travel as you said - if you are based in newcastle do you want to travel to brighton to play etc? Damo
Surely if you lived in newcastle you'd be willing to travel anywhere at anytime just to get away LOL. :) More seriously the major limits for me are child care and work, money obviously is a consideration but the first two (especially the 2nd) are the more difficult ones. Family are usually available for the first but getting time off work can be a bitch.
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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up? Good question. For me its the 3 F's; family, football and fcuking work. In the past few years Ive not had many weekends off, but when I do I have to share my time evenly between other interests.I wish I could go to the match every weekend too, but its a case of picking and choosing matches and then planning to military precision. Play every friday at our local club, but its not the same as playing in a bigger tournament. Have made myself a member of approx 10 different casino's in the last 18 months or so, but unfortunatley visits are very infrequent.I think the daftest was to drive down to London ( about a 4 hour drive on that night ) to play in the Poker Player £20 freezeout at Loose Cannon club. I used to play quite frequently on a tuesday night at Napoleons in Sheffield, but I found I was always shattered on a wednesday, cause the final table didnt finish until about 4 in the morning ;) APAT is not too bad value, and I applaud their decision to have regional and more online satellites, as last seasons clickfest put me off slightly, after missing out a few times.I look forward to playing in a couple when DTD opens as its only about an hour away. Anyway, enough rambling, see you in Walsall :ok

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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up? Poker is a cruel game, and it would be sickening to make a lot of effort and spend money to attend a live event, then go out after 3 hands when your set runs into a higher set. It's different if you can win an online sat and get someone else to pay :ok

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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up? A couple of points really - no I'm not getting confused with bankroll and bankroll management - I suggest some players dont use a bankroll, they win they withdraw and spend and dont invest any winnings back into a usable bankroll and then wonder why they cannot play poker at the next level. Which is perfectly fine i'm hedonistic myself so go for it :ok I never mentioned £300 and why would I? I used the APAT's as an extreme example but even they can be done for less than £100 there is no need to stay over, the food and drink is provided you just need a little petrol money (for a local one obviously but surely the great majority of us live within 40 mins of an APAT tourney). The point is; for a massive overlay is the risk of £100 not worth it sometimes if you believe you have that edge, if you go out in the first three hands so what, isn't it better to die trying than to have never tried at all?? There are also lower buy in tournies with added value around if you look for them. I see Colu's point as other points on Family, work, comfort zone etc etc these and other issues are commonplace and you would expect them on any community like PL but isn't that the same for other forums?? I can name at least four other forums smaller than PL who show at these events (not just APAT) in great numbers. Surely the demographics of PL are no different to other forums, which is the crux of my point really.

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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up? I am planning to play in the APAT qualifier at DTD poker room in December(I only live 15miles away from DTD poker room)... But generally most of the decent live events are on the weekend and I take out my Godchildren out to the football,etc....at the weekend

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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up? Maybe locality plus a low-ish buy-in is the answer. If there is a value-added £25 tourney at DTD, will I be there? Damn straight I will. Justifiable to the wife, 15 miles home by bus/taxi, and not a fortune. An APAT tourney at Walsall (or anywhere similar) is a deal more expensive!

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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up?

Surely the demographics of PL are no different to other forums' date=' which is the crux of my point really.[/quote'] Maybe they are though..... PL is first and foremost a betting community not here purely for poker. Perhaps we have a higher than average presence of members with football/racing etc betting interests who also happen to play poker. We have several very good players and many above average players but they did not necessarily come to PL in the first place for the poker forum - they found this friendly community and stuck around on the back of looking for betting value. I know this isn't the case for many of us (I rarely wander out of Poker, Poker, Poker and certainly did join up purely for this) but there are probably enough to skew the demographics against other purely poker forums.
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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up?

I see Colu's point as other points on Family' date=' work, comfort zone etc etc these and other issues are commonplace and you would expect them on any community like PL but isn't that the same for other forums?? I can name at least four other forums smaller than PL who show at these events (not just APAT) in great numbers. Surely the demographics of PL are no different to other forums, which is the crux of my point really.[/quote'] Maybe your average PL member leads a more rounded and rich life than your average member of other forums? Hmmmm, yes I like that, that works for me. :ok Perhaps Slappy can carry out a survey and measure the means, standard deviations and probabilities of this hypothisis? :lol
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Re: Live Tournaments - why dont PL turn up? A few reason's why i don't play live poker 1.I'm skint and any money i make over the top of my bankroll is withdrawn to live with. 2.I can smoke. 3.Toilet is 2 seconds away with no queue. 4.Kettle is right beside me computer,so a drink at anytime i want. 5.The clincher really!I suffer from Agoraphobia.

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