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Worst Call Ever Part 2


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*********** # 5 ************** PokerStars Game #11670743422: Tournament #59215045, $1.00+$0.10 Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2007/08/24 - 18:27:30 (ET) Table '59215045 4' 9-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: the gg unit (2285 in chips) is sitting out Seat 2: Tijsterman76 (5385 in chips) Seat 3: riverugly (1690 in chips) Seat 4: working dog (3320 in chips) Seat 5: ArtosAramis (4905 in chips) Seat 6: schorsch1204 (1550 in chips) Seat 7: morlspin (3520 in chips) Seat 8: gregn7 (3230 in chips) Seat 9: Walther1966 (1080 in chips) morlspin: posts small blind 25 gregn7: posts big blind 50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to morlspin [Ad 9s] Walther1966: folds the gg unit: folds Tijsterman76: folds riverugly: folds working dog: folds ArtosAramis: folds schorsch1204: folds morlspin: calls 25 gregn7: raises 200 to 250 morlspin: raises 700 to 950 the gg unit has returned gregn7: calls 700 *** FLOP *** [Ks 3h 2d] morlspin: bets 2300 gregn7: calls 2280 and is all-in *** TURN *** [Ks 3h 2d] [4h] *** RIVER *** [Ks 3h 2d 4h] [8s] *** SHOW DOWN *** morlspin: shows [Ad 9s] (high card Ace) gregn7: shows [Td Qd] (high card King) morlspin collected 6460 from pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 6460 | Rake 0 Board [Ks 3h 2d 4h 8s] Seat 7: morlspin (small blind) showed [Ad 9s] and won (6460) with high card Ace Seat 8: gregn7 (big blind) showed [Td Qd] and lost with high card King HERE IS THE CHAT THAT ENSUED! gregn7 [observer] said, "knew had nothing" morlspin said, "LMAO SO U CALL WITH NOTHING?" gregn7 [observer] said, "because i didnt have u on an ace" gregn7 [observer] said, "otherwise i wouldnt have called" morlspin said, "HOLY COW" morlspin said, "U THOUGHT Q HIGH WAS AHEAD?" gregn7 [observer] said, "yes. u called small blind. when i raised u made a ridiculous re-raise" gregn7 [observer] said, "which made me think u were stealing my raise" morlspin said, "U RAISED 5X BB , I RAISED 4X UR RAISE" gregn7 [observer] said, "yes to get rid of your limp in" morlspin said, "CAN I ADD YOU TO MY FRIENDS ON HERE" gregn7 [observer] said, "yeh if u want mate"

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Re: Worst Call Ever Part 2 Really got to wonder why this guy was still in the hand post flop... :unsure Suppose its the joy of micro-limits!!

FullTiltPoker Game #3332074517: Table Pergola Point - $0.05/$0.10 - Pot Limit Hold'em - 16:36:33 ET - 2007/08/22 Seat 1: PLBrael ($9.90) Seat 2: bacamc98 ($2.80) Seat 3: REB611 ($10) Seat 4: billdo777 ($7.30) Seat 5: 2tall2 ($2.05) Seat 6: whifleball lgnd ($4) Seat 7: three7snkc ($3.25) Seat 8: tooldogg ($10) Seat 9: meb1025 ($7.70) meb1025 posts the small blind of $0.05 PLBrael posts the big blind of $0.10 5 seconds left to act whifleball lgnd posts $0.10 The button is in seat #8 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to PLBrael [Ah Ac] bacamc98 calls $0.10 billdo777 calls $0.10 2tall2 folds whifleball lgnd has 15 seconds left to act whifleball lgnd checks three7snkc folds tooldogg folds meb1025 calls $0.05 PLBrael raises to $0.45 bacamc98 has 15 seconds left to act bacamc98 folds billdo777 calls $0.35 whifleball lgnd calls $0.35 meb1025 folds *** FLOP *** [9c 3h 6h] PLBrael bets $0.75 billdo777 calls $0.75 whifleball lgnd folds *** TURN *** [9c 3h 6h] [Kc] PLBrael has 15 seconds left to act PLBrael bets $1.50 billdo777 calls $1.50 *** RIVER *** [9c 3h 6h Kc] [9h] PLBrael has 15 seconds left to act PLBrael bets $1 billdo777 has 15 seconds left to act billdo777 raises to $2.50 PLBrael calls $1.50 *** SHOW DOWN *** billdo777 shows [3c Jc] two pair, Nines and Threes PLBrael shows [Ah Ac] two pair, Aces and Nines PLBrael wins the pot ($9.95) with two pair, Aces and Nines *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $11.05 | Rake $1.10 Board: [9c 3h 6h Kc 9h]
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Re: Worst Call Ever Part 2 Unbelieveable call as you say, BUT would you be surprised morl that if the cards were turned up and he had to make a decision, he is NOT making a big mistake by calling - he had about 30% to win the hand, which is about the odds the pot was offering....

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Re: Worst Call Ever Part 2

No - I agree with you morl - He didn't know your cards' date=' so it cannot be defended at all, BUT as it turns out he actually had the true odds to call....[/quote'] yeah i know, but i dont play pot odds that much, makes no difference to me how much is in the pot, im not risking my tournament with rubbish cos i get good odds..
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