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WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table


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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 In the Money The final 16 players are redrawing for seats at the final two tables, and they are guaranteed to win at least $88,800. Of course, their eyes are on the final table, and the first place prize of $2,276,832.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 A Cold Deck For David Singer (Omaha 8) David Singer and Steve Wolff went heads up to a flop of kh.gif6d.gif6h.gif. Singer bet, Wolff raised, Singer re-raised and Wolff capped it. The turn brought the kc.gif. Again Singer bet, Wolff raised, Singer re-raised and Wolff called all-in. The players turned up Wolff: kd.gifks.gif10h.gif10s.gif Singer: 6c.gif6s.gif5s.gif2c.gif Both players had 4 of a kind but Wolff's quad kings had Singer drawing dead. With a day and a half left to play, it may still be safe to say that this was the "Hand of the Tournament."

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Final Two Tables ESPN's FEATURED TABLE Seat 1 - Chris Reslock - 227,000 Seat 2 - Amnon Filippi - 2,352,000 Seat 3 - Dewey Tomko - 340,000 Seat 4 - David Singer - 948,000 Seat 5 - Kenny Tran - 1,900,000 Seat 6 - Steve Wolff - 731,000 Seat 7 - Mike Matusow - 75,000 Seat 8 - Barry Greenstein - 1,091,000 TABLE 66 Seat 1 - Bruno Fitoussi - 1,800,000 Seat 2 - Mark Gregorich - 700,000 Seat 3 - Greg Raymer - 750,000 Seat 4 - Tim Phan - 1,100,000 Seat 5 - Thor Hansen - 500,000 Seat 6 - Gabe Kaplan - 500,000 Seat 7 - Freddy Deeb - 1,100,000 Seat 8 - John Hanson - 280,000

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Dewey Tomko vs. Amnon Filippi (Omaha 8 or Better) On a board of 8h.gif3d.gif2d.gif7c.gif9c.gif, Dewey Tomko is betting the entire way, with Amnon Filippi calling behind. Tomko shows A-4-4-X to scoop the pot with a pair of fours for the high, and A-4 for the nut low. Dewey Tomko Scoops A Pot Against Greenstein (Omaha 8 or Better) After a flop of 9h.gif5h.gif2s.gif, Tomko bets 25,000 from the small blind, and Greenstein calls. The turn card is the 5s.gif, Tomko checks, Greenstein bets 50,000, and Tomko calls. The river card is the 8d.gif, Tomko checks, Greenstein bets 50,000, and Tomko calls. Greenstein shows A-K-Q-4 for ace-king high, and an A-4 for the low. Tomko shows A-9-3-X for a pair of nines for the high, and A-3 for the low. Tomko scoops the pot. Split Pot Between Amnon Filippi and Steve Wolff (Omaha 8 or Better) David Singer has the button, Filippi raises to 50,000, and Wolff calls from the big blind. The flop comes as.gifqs.gif8d.gif, Wolff checks, Filippi bets 25,000, and Wolff calls. The turn card is the qc.gif, Wolff checks, Filippi bets 50,000, Wolf raises to 50,000, and Filippi calls. The river card is the 7h.gif, and there's a bet and a call. Wolff shows Q-8-X-X for a full house, queens full of eights, and Filippi shows 4-2-X-X for the low side. It's a split pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Mike Matusow Survives an All In (Omaha 8 or Better) Kenny Tran has the button in seat 5, Greenstein raises under the gun to 50,000, Tomko calls, Wolff calls from the small blind, and Matusow calls from the big blind. The flop comes kd.gifjs.gif3s.gif, Matusow bets 25,000, putting himself all in, Greenstein calls, Tomko folds, and Wolff folds. Matusow shows ac.gifkc.gifkh.gif5s.gif for a set of kings, while Greenstein shows ah.gif10s.gif6c.gif2d.gif for a gutshot straight draw. The turn card is the 7c.gif, the river card is the 8s.gif, and Greenstein makes a low to split the pot. But Matusow survives to continue playing.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 David Singer Takes 75% to Amnon Filippi's 25% (Omaha 8 or Better) Barry Greenstein has the button in seat 8, Singer limps for 25,000, Matusow limps from the cutoff, and Filippi checks. The flop comes ah.gifqs.gif3h.gif, Filippi checks, Singer bets 25,000, Matusow calls, and Filippi calls. The turn card is the 6c.gif, Filippi bets 50,000, Singer raises to 100,000, Matusow folds, and Filippi calls. The river card is the jd.gif, Filippi checks, Singer bets 50,000, and Filippi calls with Q-5-3-2 for two pair, queens and threes, and a 5-2 for the low. Singer shows A-6-5-2 for two pair, aces and sixes, with a 5-2 for the low. Singer takes 3/4 of the pot, and Filippi gets 1/4 of the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Mike Matusow Eliminated in 16th Place ($88,800) (Omaha 8 or Better) Amnon Filippi has the button in seat 2, Wolff limps for 25,000, Matusow raises to 50,000, and Wolff calls. The flop comes 5d.gif4s.gif2c.gif, Wolff bets 25,000, Matusow moves all in for 50,000, and Wolff calls with A-Q-6-3 -- a wheel (five-high) straight for the high and the low. Matusow shows A-Q-9-2, and he's drawing very thin, needing a three to chop the pot with a wheel, or running spades for a flush. The turn card is the ac.gif, giving Matusow two pair, aces and deuces, and additional outs to a full house. The river card is the 8s.gif, and Wolff scoops the pot with a wheel. Mike Matusow is eliminated in 16th place, earning $88,800.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Official Chip Counts Here are the official chip counts from the break: ESPN's FEATURED TABLE Seat 1 - Chris Reslock - 185,000 Seat 2 - Amnon Filippi - 2,212,000 Seat 3 - Dewey Tomko - 762,000 Seat 4 - David Singer - 1,243,000 Seat 5 - Kenny Tran - 1,857,000 Seat 6 - Steve Wolff - 726,000 Seat 8 - Barry Greenstein - 938,000 TABLE 66 Seat 1 - Bruno Fitoussi - 2,300,000 Seat 2 - Mark Gregorich - 810,000 Seat 3 - Greg Raymer - 850,000 Seat 4 - Tim Phan - 1,195,000 Seat 5 - Thor Hansen - 610,000 Seat 6 - Gabe Kaplan - 810,000 Seat 7 - Freddy Deeb - 1,330,000 Seat 8 - John Hanson - 75,000

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Razz: Shuffle Up & Deal! The game switches to razz, with antes of 7,000, a bring in of 10,000, and a completion of 30,000. Limits are 30,000-60,000. Everyone is back from their break, so it's time to shuffle up and deal!

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Chris Reslock Takes a Hit (Razz) Chris Reslock is shortstacked against Dewey Tomko. The boards show: Reslock: X X 3c.gifkh.gif4d.gif Tomko: X X 3d.gif8h.gif7h.gif On 5th street, Tomko bets 60,000, and Reslock folds. Tomko reveals 4-2 for a made 8 low.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Chris Reslock Eliminated in 15th Place ($88,800) (Razz) Chris Reslock moves all in on third street for 42,000, Amnon Filippi calls, and Barry Greenstein calls. Reslock: X X 5d.gif10c.gif10s.gif10h.gifqh.gif Filippi: X X 3c.gifjc.gif Greenstein: X X 7s.gif6d.gifkc.gif5h.gifas.gif 4th Street: Greenstein bets 30,000, and Filippi folds. Reslock reveals 4-2 for 10-5-4-2, and Greenstein shows 7-4 for 7-7-6-4. The final boards look like this: Reslock: 4-2 5d.gif10c.gif10s.gif10h.gifqh.gif Greenstein: 7-4 7s.gif6d.gifkc.gif5h.gifas.gif Greenstein wins the pot with a seven low. Chris Reslock is eliminated in 15th place, earning $88,800. The remaining 14 players are guaranteed at least $103,008

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Action from Table 66 (Razz) -John Hanson doubles thru Mark Gregorich Hanson: T-6-A-J-Q-2-7 Gregorich: 4-A-8-4-Q-9-4 -Gabe Kaplan completes and picks up the antes. -Tim Phan picks up a pot from Thor Hansen when he bet 5th street showing Q high and Thor passed. -Deeb picks up a pot from Bruno Fitoussi when Deeb bet 4th street and Bruno folded.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 More Action from Table 66 (Razz) -Greg Raymer brings it in and Tim Phan completes. All players fold and Tim Phan takes down the pot. -Tim Phan, showing (X)(X)9c.gif5d.gif wins the pot without a showdown when he bets 4th street and Gabe Kaplan, who'd been in the hand to this point, folds. -Tim Phan brings it in and John Hanson completes. All players fold and John Hanson takes down the pot. -Mark Gregorich takes down a nice pot without a showdown when his bet on 5th street is not called by his only opponent Greg Raymer. Gregorich had (X)(X)2h.gif3d.gifda.gif showing.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 NINE left with one more to be eliminated before they call it a day. It's brutal with Filippi, Greenstein, Singer and Tran moving the chips around with Deeb and Fitoussi trying to pick their moments. Hansen and Hanson seem to be completely out of it at the moment.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 I forgot to mention Gabe Kaplan for some reason. Mind you, he just got eliminated! :eek ESPN probably breathes a small sigh of belief and are probably hurting on the outside but smiling on the inside about not having to give any unintentional free publicity to the Game Show Network. Final table seatings and chip-counts: Seat 1 - Kenny Tran - 2,445,000 Seat 2 - David Singer - 1,330,000 Seat 3 - Bruno Fitoussi - 895,000 Seat 4 - John Hanson - 1,995,000 Seat 5 - Freddy Deeb - 3,500,000 Seat 6 - Thor Hansen - 40,000 Seat 7 - Amnon Filippi - 4,015,000 Seat 8 - Barry Greenstein - 750,000 Games and blind levels (they're currently towards the end of level 55 playing Stud/8 or Better): 55 Stud/8B $10,000 $15,000 $50,000 $50,000-$100,000 56 Hold’em $30,000-$60,000 $60,000-$120,000 57 Omaha/8B $30,000-$60,000 $60,000-$120,000 58 Razz $20,000 $20,000 $80,000 $80,000-$160,000 59 Stud $20,000 $20,000 $80,000 $80,000-$160,000 60 Stud/8B $20,000 $20,000 $80,000 $80,000-$160,000 61 Hold’em $50,000-$100,000 $100,000-$200,000 62 Omaha/8B $50,000-$100,000 $100,000-$200,000 63 Razz $30,000 $30,000 $120,000 $120,000-$240,000 64 Stud $30,000 $30,000 $120,000 $120,000-$240,000 65 Stud/8B $30,000 $30,000 $120,000 $120,000-$240,000

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Well one can suggest that it's still a bit too early for some of 'em but only Blue Square have bothered to price it up so far. Shame on you, the rest of the bookies...it's the $50k HORSE event! What's up with ya!? :@ Blue Square prices: Amnon Filippi 9/4 Kaseem 'Freddy' Deeb 5/2 John Hanson 5/1 Kenny Tran 5/1 David Singer 8/1 Barry Greenstein 8/1 Bruno Fitoussi 10/1 Thor Hansen 200/1 Well Doyle Brunson was second in chips heading the market last year alongside Chip Reese last year and he got knocked out pretty quickly through ferocious bad luck and unfortunate timing so it isn't necessarily a foregone conclusion. Last year however the final table was pure NL hold'em. Amnon Filippi is kind of fortunate to have Freddy Deeb in the small blind whenever he's on the button but of course Freddy will be the big blind pretty much as soon as Thor gets KOed (Hansen will probably be out in the first two hands!). I don't think Amnon and Freddy have this in the bag (they're both in a very strong position though) and I'm willing to gamble again like last year even if it means I'm completely wrong (my run this year on betting on the WSOP has been to put it politely complete shite...Stan James loves me! :(). I'm thinking the likes of Hanson and Tran can give ESPN a huge headache and leave big name watchers in complete bewilderment as to how they won. I'll have a think about it first though.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Nobody else but Stan James have priced it up and they've done it not too dissimilarly to Blue Square... Amnon Filippi 9/4 Kaseem 'Freddy' Deeb 5/2 John Hanson 11/2 Kenny Tran 5/1 David Singer 15/2 Bruno Fitoussi 12/1 Barry Greenstein 10/1 Thor Hansen 300/1 I'm betting on Freddy Deeb and John Hanson. Amnon could have free will here and go on a complete rampage or one of the lower stacks may stage a comeback though. The huge blinds doesn't give much of a play for some folks. Barry effectively has eleven or twelve hands to play before his chips gets decimated. It could turn into a very messy crapshoot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 46841164364e5.jpg Final Table Bios: Barry Greenstein Seat 8 - Barry Greenstein - 750,000 Barry Greenstein is considered of the best poker players in the world. It doesn't matter if it is a cash game or in a tournament, Greenstein is going to be one of the best players at the table. He also has the biggest heart in poker and donates some of his tournament winnings to multiple charities such as Children Incoroporated. Greenstein cashed three times at the 2007 WSOP and has 31 lifetime cashes at the WSOP. He has won 2 bracelets and made nine WSOP final tables. He's also won two WPT events and earned more than $5M in tournaments over his career. That doesn't include how much he's won in cash games. Barry Greenstein dedicated his last bracelet (2005 Pot-Limit Omaha) to Charlie Tuttle, a young player and fan, who died of cancer a day later.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 468411ef28220.jpg Amnon Filippi - Chipleader Final Table Bios: Amnon Filippi Seat 7 - Amnon Filippi - 4,015,000 Amnon Filippi hails from New York City, and has two WSOP cashes in 2007 and four overall. He made two final tables in a WPT event, and his biggest tournament cash to date was winning the Bellagio Cup in 2005. His score at the Horse event will push him past $1M in career tournament winnings. He is seeking his first WSOP Gold bracelet. Filippi ended Day 3 as the chipleader, a position which he maintained on Day 4. He enters the final table with 4.015M

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 4684132434ccb.jpg Thor Hansen Final Table Bios: Thor Hansen Seat 6 - Thor Hansen - 40,000 Thor Hansen is originally from Oslo, Norway and is considered the Godfather of Norwegian Poker. He has four cashes at the 2007 WSOP and has over $2.1M in career earnings. Hansen has won two WSOP bracelets, one in Lowball and the other in Seven-card Stud. He comes into the final table as the short stack.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 468415c084db8.jpg Freddy Deeb Player Bios: Freddy Deeb Seat 5 - Freddy Deeb - 3,500,000 Freddy Deeb is originally from Beirut, Lebanon. He has earned over $3 million in tournaments over his career, as well as cashing 21 times at the WSOP. Freddy has made 12 final tables and won one bracelet in 1996 for Deuce to Seven Draw. Also at that final table were Doyle Brunson, Gabe Kaplan, Mickey Appleman, and David Grey. Deeb also won an event on the WPT and is fequently seen on High Stakes Poker. Deeb is second in chips with 3.5M.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 468416317b489.jpg John Hanson Player Bios: John Hanson Seat 4 - John Hanson - 1,995,000 John Hanson is the mystery man left in the field. He's probably the best story. The unknown player from New York has oulasted a field of 148 players, some of which are considered the best poker players of all time. He cashed in the $5K Heads Up event last week but that's his only WSOP cash. He was the chipleader of HORSE at the end of Day 2 and has been at the front of the pack for the last couple of days. He has plenty of ammo with 1.995M in cips.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 4684171b76ddb.jpg Bruno Fitoussi Final Table Bios: Bruno Fitoussi Seat 3 - Bruno Fitoussi - 895,000 Bruno Fitoussi is an architect from Paris, France. Bruno's nickname is "King." He has four cashes at the WSOP and has won over $670K in tournaments all over the world. This is his third final table at the WSOP. He has never won a bracelet and came close in 2005 when he finished in second place in the Razz event.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 468417aae860d.jpg David Singer Player Bios: David Singer Seat 2 - David Singer - 1,330,000 David Singer is a former enviromental lawyer from New York. He has won over $2.1M in career tournament earnings. He's cashed 13 times at the WSOP including 8 final tables (one of which was the WSOP main event in 2003 when he took 9th place). Singer is the only player to return to the final table from last year's inaugural $50K Horse event. He's also made two WPT final tables. David is looking to win his first bracelet. Singer is considered one of the best players on the circuit to have never won a bracelet.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 468418b75f256.jpg Kenny "The Kid" Tran Player Bios: Kenny Tran Seat 1 - Kenny Tran - 2,445,000 Kenny "The Kid" Tran has $420,000 in career earnings and has three previous WSOP cashes. He donates 10% of his tournament winnings to help out his extended family in Vietnam. There were several points during Day 2 and 3 when Tran flirted with the chiplead. Tran originally learned how to play poker in a bowling alley in 1992

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