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WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E ....updated now day 5, final table


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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 2 Andy Bloch Eliminated in 32nd Place It was a three way pot with Greg Raymer, Gabe Kaplan, and Andy Bloch. Bloch was all in by thrid street. Raymer: (x-x) 3s.gifac.gifda.gifks.gif Bloch: (x-x) 4s.gifkc.gif5d.gifjh.gif Kaplan: (x-x) 6s.gif7d.gif10s.gif Kaplan folded on 6th street and Raymer won the side pot. At showdwon, Raymer flipped over the as.gif for trip Aces. Bloch had a pair of fives and no low draw. Last year's runner-up Andy Bloch busted out in 32nd place.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 2 Gregorich Splits to Avoid Eliminations Three-way pot between Isabelle Mercier, Greg Raymer, and Mark Gregorich, who was all in by sixth street. Gregorich: (x-x) 4s.gif6h.gifkd.gif5h.gif Raymer: (x-x) as.gif2c.gif5d.gifac.gif Mercier: (x-x) qh.gif7c.gifkc.gif8s.gif Mercier folded on 6th street. Gregorich showed 3d.gif2h.gif for a Six-high straight and Raymer had Trip Aces with a Wheel draw. Raymer rivered the 4c.gif split the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 2 Reslock Chases Down A Winner We caught up with this hand on 5th street and the players showed... Bruno Fitoussi: (X)(X)6c.gif10h.gif10s.gif Chris Reslock: (X)(X)5d.gifqc.gif5c.gif Bruno bet and Reslock called. To 6th street.. Bruno Fitoussi: (X)(X)6c.gif10h.gif10s.gifas.gif Chris Reslock: (X)(X)5d.gifqc.gif5c.gifjd.gif Once again, Bruno bet and Reslock called. The river card came face down and this time Fitoussi checked. Reslock paused a moment, then bet. Fitoussi winced as though he regretted checking the river. He eventually folded and the dealer pushed Reslock a decent pot. Phil Hellmuth broke the silence by saying "Wow! I can't wait to see that hand on TV!" Reslock replied "I'll save you the suspense Phil...I couldn't beat the tens til the end." "Sick buddy!...you're so sick!" replied Hellmuth.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 2 Isabelle Mercier Eliminated in 31st Place Isabeller Mercier was all in on 4th street. She had a flush draw with as.gifks.gif9s.gif4s.gif, while Kaplan showed trip 6s. He filled up on 6th street and Mercier did not have a low draw. She headed to the rail in 31st place.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 2 If anyone told me that those in the final 24 would include... * the only ones who could repeat a final table appearance from last year being David Singer and Dewey Tomko. * the only WSOP Event winners left being Phil Hellmuth and Greg Raymer. * the only Europeans left being Bruno Fitoussi, Rob Hollink and Max Pescatori. * the only Big Game regulars left being Barry Greenstein and Dnaiel Negreanu. * the likes of Justin Bonomo, Gabe Kaplan and Mike Matusow! :eek ...I'd have wanted to hit you 'round the head with a wet fish. Barry Greenstein was 33/1 with Blue Square? Fecking hell. I fell asleep at 1pm and didn't bother to trawl around for odds (I was waiting for Stan James ~ who've been the one bothered enough to cover most of the final tables this year ~ to price it up and couldn't wait any longer! :lol). I'm guessing there must have been some nice prices to be had on a few of the less-hyped players as well. :$ :@

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 2 Harrah's and ESPN must be praying for a comeback rom some of 'em as the final nine looks likely to not have a lot of 'big names'. End of Day 3 Chip Counts Amnon Filippi - 2,343,000 Kenny Tran - 1,959,000 Bruno Fitoussi - 1,248,000 John Hanson - 1,215,000 David Singer - 1,017,000 Freddy Deeb - 963,000 Tim Phan - 889,000 Barry Greenstein - 700,000 Mike Matusow - 696,000 Gabe Kaplan - 625,000 Thor Hansen - 537,000 Chris Reslock - 536,000 Greg Raymer - 504,000 Mark Gregorich - 386,000 Justin Bonomo - 295,000 Stephen Wolff - 263,000 Dewey Tomko - 248,000 Noah Jefferson - 167,000 Daniel Negreanu - 149,000 Patrick Pezzin - 102,000 Max Pescatori - 81,000 Day 4 Seating Assignments Feature Table: Seat 1: Bruno Fitoussi - 1,248,000 Seat 2: Daniel Negreanu - 149,000 Seat 3: Justin Bonomo - 295,00 Seat 4: Greg Raymer - 504,000 Seat 5: Amnon Filippi - 2,343,000 Seat 6: Mike Matusow - 696,000 Seat 7: Dewey Tomko - 248,000 Table #68: Seat 1: Mark Gregorich - 386,000 Seat 2: Pat Pezzin - 102,000 Seat 3: Steve Wolff - 263,000 Seat 4: Kenny Tran - 1,959,000 Seat 5: Chris Reslock - 536,000 Seat 6: David Singer - 1,017,000 Seat 7: Max Pescatori - 81,000 Table #71: Seat 1: Tim Phan - 889,000 Seat 2: Noah Jefferson - 167,000 Seat 3: Gabe Kaplan - 625,000 Seat 4: Barry Greenstein - 650,000 Seat 5: Freddy Deeb - 963,000 Seat 6: Thor Hansen - 537,000 Seat 7: John Hanson - 1,215,000 ========== I should have gotten on the ball yesterday. I suppose Amnon Filippi and Kenny Tran might be 4/1 joint favourites or something like that and Max Pescatori maybe smething as skinny as the 40/1 outsider.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 2 wsop07-50000horse-day4-bsq.jpg If I was an odds compiler I'd be a very skinny bookie and even skinnier than Bodog, bwin or Gamebookers! :lol :rollin Chipleads have been flip-flopping around and it could pay to take a chance with someone in the middle of the pack. I'll have a think about it but probably not in time to place a bet. Filippi and Tran both look almost certain to be in the final nine.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 2 I'm actually gutted. The reason I tipped Barry is that I had a dream a week before it started that I was watching Barry G win the HORSE final table. He was around 60s or 70s on Betfair but I couldn't bring myself to back him, or back him after day one at 33s. I'm a clown, but I couldn't make a bet based purely on a dream I had. As a side note, I like Raymer, although the price is a bit anorexic. He's a dab hand at Stud this year and a decent enough record at Omaha, so he is a live one out of the "name" players still in. If Barry G wins, I'll weep and trust my premonitions more often. :wall

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Shuffle Up & Deal! There are about nine minutes left in Level 44, which is the game of stud. The ante is 5,000, the bring in is 5,000, the completion is 20,000, and the limits are 20,000-40,000. Everyone is seated and ready to go, so it's time to shuffle up and deal!

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Amnon Filippi vs. Mike Matusow On the first hand of the day, Tomko had the bring in with the 2c.gif, but it quickly became heads-up between Mike Matusow and Amnon Filippi. Amnon Filippi: X X qh.gif3h.gif7s.gifqs.gif X Mike Matusow: X X ks.gif10h.gif4c.gifkd.gif X 3rd Street: Tomko had the bring in, Filippi completes to 20,000, Matusow raises to 40,000, and Filippi calls. 4th Street: Matusow bets 20,000, Filippi raises to 40,000, and Matusow calls. 5th Street: Matusow bets 40,000, Filippi raises to 80,000, and Matusow calls. 6th Street: Both players check. 7th Street: Matusow checks, Filippi bets 80,000, and Matusow calls. Filippi reveals da.gifah.gifqc.gif for a ful house, queens full of aces, and Matusow mucks. Filippi takes down a very large pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Pescatori Doubles Up First Hand Max Pescatori was talking 'triple up' before the cards were dealt, but he had to settle for doubling up through Chris Reslock, making two pair (10's and 8's) to Reslock's one pair (7's)

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Noah Jefferson Gains Ground (7 Card Stud) This hand was back during the stud level. John Hanson, Noah Jefferson, and Gabe Kaplan were involved in a pot. John Hanson: X X qh.gif7s.gif9d.gif Noah Jefferson: X X 10h.gif3d.gifjh.gif Gabe Kaplan: X X 4s.gif8h.gif 3rd Street: Jefferson completes to 20,000, Kaplan calls, Hanson raises to 40,000, Jefferson calls, and Kaplan calls. 4th Street: Hanson bets 20,000, Jefferson raises to 40,000, Kaplan folds, and Hanson calls. 5th Street: Hanson checks, Jefferson bets 40,000, and Hanson folds. Jefferson takes the pot

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Gabe Kaplan v. Tim Phan (7 Card Stud) This hand was back during the stud level, betwee Gabe Kaplan and Tim Phan. Gabe Kaplan: X X 9s.gif7h.gif8h.gif3c.gif Tim Phan: X X kc.gif6d.gifah.gifjs.gif 3rd Street: Phan completes for 20,000, Kaplan raises to 40,000, and Phan calls. 4th Street: Phan checks, Kaplan bets 20,000, and Phan calls. 5th Street: Phan checks, Kaplan bets 40,000, and Phan calls. 6th Street: Phan checks, Kaplan bets 40,000, Phan raises to 80,000, and Kaplan calls. 7th Street: Phan checks, Kaplan bets 40,000, and Phan folds. Gabe Kaplan wins the biggest pot at his table so far today.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Barry Greenstein Takes a Big Multi-Way Pot (7 Card Stud) This hand was back during the stud level, between Freddy Deeb, John Hanson, Gabe Kaplan, and Barry Greenstein. Freddy Deeb: X X 5c.gif3s.gifkh.gifks.gif X John Hanson: X X 7d.gif5h.gifjc.gif Gabe Kaplan: X X 7c.gif5d.gif6h.gif10c.gif X Barry Greenstein: X X 3d.gifqh.gif5h.gif6s.gif X Deeb led the betting most of the way, and Hanson folded on fifth street. Kaplan check-folded the river, while Deeb check-called a bet from Greenstein. Greenstein showed a six-high straight (that he made on sixth street) to win a very large pot, and Deeb mucked.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Max Pescatori Crippled by David Singer (Hold'em) Max Pescatori is down to about 100K after his aces up lost to the full house of David Singer. Bruno Fitoussi vs. Mike Matusow (7 Card Stud 8 or Better) Bruno Fitoussi and Mike Matusow face off in the following hand: Bruno Fitoussi: X X 6c.gif3c.gifjc.gif8d.gif X Mike Matusow: X X 7c.gif2s.gifqd.gif7s.gif X 3rd Street: Greg Raymer has the bring in with the 3d.gif, Amnon Fillipi limps with the 7h.gif, Matusow completes to 20,000, Fitoussi raises to 40,000, Raymer folds, Filippi folds, and Matusow calls. 4th Street: Matusow checks, Fitoussi bets, and Matusow calls. 5th Street: Matusow checks, Fitoussi bets, and Matusow calls. 6th Street: Both players check. 7th Street: Matusow bets 40,000, and Fitoussi calls, showing kc.gifqc.gifqh.gif for a king-high flush. Matusow mucks, and Fitoussi takes the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Justin Bonomo Folds Pocket Kings to Greg Raymer with an Ace on the Board (Hold'em) Justin Bonomo raises from the cutoff to 50,000, Raymer reraises from the button to 75,000, Bonomo reraises to 100,000, and Raymer calls. The flop comes da.gif4h.gif2c.gif, Bonomo bets 25,000, and Raymer calls. The turn card is the 10d.gif, Bonomo checks, Raymer bets 50,000, and Bonomo folds, showing kh.gifks.gif. Raymer takes the pot. (Hold'em) Raymer raises under the gun to 50,000, and Bonomo calls from the big blind. The flop comes as.gif5c.gif5d.gif, and both players check. The turn card is the 5s.gif, Bonomo checks, Raymer bets 50,000, and Bonomo folds. Raymer shows A-5 for quad fives as he collects the pot.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Daniel Negreanu Eliminated in 21st Place (7 Card Stud) Daniel Negreanu and Bruno Fitoussi are heads up, and Daniel Negreanu is all in on fifth street. Here's how the hands look: Bruno Fitoussi: ac.gifas.gif3d.gif4h.gifqh.gif Daniel Negreanu: jc.gif3c.gif8c.gif8h.gifjd.gif Negreanu has the lead with two pair, jacks and eights, but Fitoussi has an overpair with a pair of aces, and if he pairs any of his cards he'll take the lead. Negreanu receives the 9h.gif on sixth street, and Fitoussi catches the 10c.gif. Negreanu is still in the lead. Negreanu's last card doesn't improve his hand, and Fitoussi glances at his final card before revealing -- the 3s.gif. Fitoussi makes his second pair, and wins the hand with aces and threes. Fan favorite Daniel Negreanu is eliminated in 21st place, and the crowd gives him a hearty round of applause. As a professional poker player, Negreanu has faced defeat many times with great poise, but today, he seems a bit frustrated by this loss.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Greg Raymer's Set of Sevens (Hold'em) Filippi raises under the gun to 50,000, and Raymer calls from the big blind. The flop comes 7d.gif6c.gif2d.gif, Raymer checks, Filippi bets 25,000, Raymer raises to 50,000, and Filippi calls. The turn card is the kh.gif, Raymer checks, Filippi bets 50,000, Raymer raises to 100,000, and Filippi calls. The river card is the 9c.gif, Raymer bets 50,000, and Filippi calls. Raymer shows 7c.gif7s.gif for a set of sevens, and Fillipi mucks. Raymer takes the pot, and Matusow says, "Quads and a set of sevens, back to back." Raymer laughs it off, pointing out that he's not the only one catching cards at the table.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Max Pescatori Doubles Thru Chris Reslock (Hold'Em) Pescatori raised from early position. Action folded to Reslock in the big blind who reraised. Pescatori re-raised all-in and Reslock made the call. The players showed: Pescatori: kh.gifjs.gif Reslock: qs.gifjh.gif The board came 10s.gif2s.gif3c.gifac.gif10d.gif and Pescatori stays alive. Dewey Tomko Doubles Through Amnon Filippi (Hold'em) Dewey Tomko raises to 50,000, and Filippi calls from the big blind. The flop comes jh.gif5s.gif2s.gif, Filippi checks, Tomko bets 25,000, and Filippi calls. The turn card pairs the board with the 2d.gif, Filippi checks, Tomko bets 50,000, Fillipi raises, and Tomko calls all in for 66,000 with 10d.gif10s.gif for two pair, tens and deuces. Filippi shows qs.gif5h.gif for a lower two pair, fives and deuces. Filippi needs to improve to bust Tomko here. The river card is the ks.gif, and Tomko wins the pot with his pocket tens, doubling up in chips.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Max Pescatori 19th Place. Max was all in in the Big Blind after being crippled by Chris Reslock the hand before. Three players saw the flop, which was 6c.gifah.gifqd.gif. Kenny Tran bet out, which caused the third player to fold. Max flipped up kh.gif8c.gif, but he was drawing really thin, as Tran turned up da.gif3c.gif. Max is out in 19th place. Now only two places from the money....things are going to get interestng.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Justin Bonomo Eliminated in 18th Place (Hold'em) Justin Bonomo is all in preflop for 67,000 against Bruno Fitoussi and Greg Raymer, who call his bet. The flop comes kh.gif5s.gif4d.gif, and both players check. The turn card is the da.gif, Fitoussi bets 50,000, and Raymer calls. The river card is the 5c.gif, Fitoussi bets 50,000, and Raymer calls. Fitoussi shows 4h.gif4s.gif for a full house, fours full of fives, and Raymer mucks. Fitoussi takes the side pot. Bonomo shows 7-7 for two pair, but it's not good enough. Justin Bonomo is eliminated in 18th place, just two spots outside of the money. The remaining 17 players are on the money bubble.

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Re: WSOP 50k H.O.R.S.E just started....updated now day 4 Hand #5 - Noah Jefferson Eliminated in 17th Place (Omaha 8 or Better) At ESPN's featured table, Filippi raises under the gun to 50,000, Matusow calls, and Raymer calls from the big blind. The flop comes ah.gifkh.gif3c.gif, Raymer checks, Filippi bets 25,000, Matusow raises to 50,000, Raymer calls, and Filippi calls. The turn card is the jd.gif, it's checked to Matusow who bets 50,000, Raymer calls, and Filippi calls. The river card is the 10d.gif, Raymer bets 50,000, Filippi folds, and Matusow calls. Raymer shows A-K-Q for an ace-high straight, and Matusow mucks. Raymer takes the pot. At Table 71, Noah Jefferson is eliminated in 17th place by Tim Phan.

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