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Limit Session goes Wrong...

Punto Banco

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During current Hold'em session you were dealt 65 hands and saw flop: - 7 out of 12 times while in big blind (58%) - 3 out of 12 times while in small blind (25%) - 9 out of 41 times in other positions (21%) - a total of 19 out of 65 (29%) Pots won at showdown - 2 of 7 (28%) Pots won without showdown - 6 This is the session that took back every cent I have made from playing this limit over the past 2 days... should I continue on or just dump it now and play the the more conservative no limit (it truly is)... 3 particular rivers killing my 2pair with higher 2 pairs.... straights v flushes.... every AK AQ hand I cant remember winning on (more than change)... and a hand flopping set of kings ends in small pot... after bet raise call (me) call... the blank turn I bet out... every1 folds... hmm o well back to square last week...

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Re: Limit Session goes Wrong... Going well today then this... but i am still in high spirits....:ok PokerStars Game #10427095485: Hold'em Limit ($0.50/$1.00) - 2007/06/14 - 02:56:22 (ET) Table 'Phaetusa V' 6-max Seat #6 is the button Seat 1: eightfold ($13.80 in chips) Seat 2: Sayers40 ($26.15 in chips) Seat 3: Keske17 ($20.30 in chips) Seat 4: hoonarr ($18.95 in chips) Seat 5: I'm Idaho ($29.65 in chips) Seat 6: iChipd ($43.35 in chips) eightfold: posts small blind $0.25 Sayers40: posts big blind $0.50 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to iChipd [4s 4c] Keske17: folds hoonarr: raises $0.50 to $1 I'm Idaho: folds iChipd: calls $1 eightfold: folds Sayers40 has timed out while being disconnected Sayers40 is being treated as all-in *** FLOP *** [3c 4d Kh] hoonarr: bets $0.50 iChipd: calls $0.50 *** TURN *** [3c 4d Kh] [7s] hoonarr: bets $1 iChipd: calls $1 *** RIVER *** [3c 4d Kh 7s] [Th] hoonarr: bets $1 iChipd: raises $1 to $2 hoonarr: raises $1 to $3 iChipd: raises $1 to $4 Betting is capped hoonarr: calls $1 *** SHOW DOWN *** iChipd: shows [4s 4c] (three of a kind, Fours) hoonarr: shows [Tc Ts] (three of a kind, Tens) hoonarr collected $11.55 from side pot iChipd said, "arrg'" Sayers40: mucks hand Sayers40 is sitting out Sayers40 has returned hoonarr collected $1.70 from main pot iChipd said, "*** me" *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $13.75 Main pot $1.70. Side pot $11.55. | Rake $0.50 Board [3c 4d Kh 7s Th] Seat 1: eightfold (small blind) folded before Flop Seat 2: Sayers40 (big blind) mucked [2d Js] Seat 3: Keske17 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: hoonarr showed [Tc Ts] and won ($13.25) with three of a kind, Tens Seat 5: I'm Idaho folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: iChipd (button) showed [4s 4c] and lost with three of a kind, Fours

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Re: Limit Session goes Wrong...

Any particular reason for playing limit Mak?
Back in my playing day... lol just sounds funny... I have always played limit... and yes i know that in limit these things happens I am just not used to taking poker beats on the chin yet... but i always intended once i had enough id give limit a whirl again... once i move to another room ill give no limit the go but at stars it is just way too tight... i find i have to make my way by winning many small pots... in .5/.10 I have only ever won 1 $10+ pot that was with AA hitting an over set on someone on the flop... cant do that it is so frustrating... plus I really enjoy limit more... I need more poker friends I guess to complain too... I just need to vent at this point when something gets under my skin or I will end up tilting my money away... not sure but I hope that answers ur question...
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Re: Limit Session goes Wrong... Yeah I guess it does, no real reason but I was just curious as much as anything. I agree NLHE can become a bit of a grind, though truthfully playing on Stars maybe isn't the best idea lol. I've changed games too, but I'm mostly playing PLO cash games these days and saving the NLHE for tournies.

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Re: Limit Session goes Wrong...

Yeah I guess it does' date=' no real reason but I was just curious as much as anything. I agree NLHE can become a bit of a grind, though truthfully playing on Stars maybe isn't the best idea lol. I've changed games too, but I'm mostly playing PLO cash games these days and saving the NLHE for tournies.[/quote'] I find at stars in the .5/1 limit is somewhat of a nice balance of maniacs and somewhat conservative players... some sites at .5/1 preflop gets capped 3 or 4 flops a rotation... and that is not the way to play... some players are good but I am making notes and see a few faces regularly... I just stay away... 95% you can get called to the river with the best hand... and that is good enough for me... while my bank is small ATM this buyin does not intimidate me... I feel comfortable, but with also a strong desire to build and I think that puts me in a good place....:ok
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Re: Limit Session goes Wrong... ... though this isnt a sole reason i should play it but it helps... with so many decent pots I am now within 200 fpp's of my second bonus and leaving stars... I think I can build money by then and if not the $50 should off set any loss... i believe it will only be small...

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