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10,000 Games Stats


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Here is my stats on virgin, i have no idea what i should be reading from these and would value your opinions? Games played 10000 Won /out showdown 79% Games won 24% Won w/out flop seen 47% Flops seen 34% Showdowns won 49% <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Fold 37% Bet 10% Check 21% Raise 6% Call 22% Re raise 0%

Fold before flop 58% Fold on river 2% Fold on flop 7% No fold 28% Fold on turn 3%
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Re: 10,000 Games Stats Are these the stats from the software? If so I presume everything is lumped together - cash and tourneys? full ring and short handed .... If so, can't read anything into them at all :unsure

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Re: 10,000 Games Stats

Are these the stats from the software? If so I presume everything is lumped together - cash and tourneys? full ring and short handed .... If so, can't read anything into them at all :unsure
i am pretty sure this is just sh handed cash games. it says i have never re raised 0% i do this a lot so i think its maybe not working properly?
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Re: 10,000 Games Stats I think maybe a reraise is a hand were u are the initial raiser then got what we would call reraised but for the stats to call it a reraise u would need to raise again, therfore nearly impossible to do once every 100 actions. I just tried resetting my stats and rerasing every raise and it sill showed 0% reraises so I guess raising a raise is just recorded as a raise.

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Re: 10,000 Games Stats cash games are seperate to tourneys in the stats :ok Damo

Are these the stats from the software? If so I presume everything is lumped together - cash and tourneys? full ring and short handed .... If so, can't read anything into them at all :unsure
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Re: 10,000 Games Stats If I knew your stats before I played you I be thinking. a. Theres little point trying to run a bluff past you, as once your in the hand your not likely to be folding b. Whenever I did have a hand against you I'd be expecting to be paid of handsomely as you seem very reluctant to let go at the river. The stats aren't very comprehensive compared to Poker Tracker, but from the basic figure shown thats what I would be assuming.

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Re: 10,000 Games Stats

This being the case' date=' can anyone give me some feedback?[/quote'] I don't feel at all qualified to comment ..... and have little experience of short handed play ...... but 37% pre flop folds sounds ridiciulously low to me - you get involved in 63% of hands? Would I be right in assuming that includes, for example, Heads Up stats? (or are you almost always full table (5 handed)?
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Re: 10,000 Games Stats

I don't feel at all qualified to comment ..... and have little experience of short handed play ...... but 37% pre flop folds sounds ridiciulously low to me - you get involved in 63% of hands? Would I be right in assuming that includes' date=' for example, Heads Up stats? (or are you almost always full table (5 handed)?[/quote'] i very rarely play HU as i dont really like it. its probably so low as you have to be a bit more selective with starting hands at the higher level. i can say one thing about these stats, i dont really understand them but the fact is i have not had one losing day with them and have won a serious amount of cash playing this way. it would be good to analize why this is a winning game thanks for the feedback and keep it coming, as i would like to understand them more. i only play the game you guys seem better qualified than me with the stats so its great to hear the breakdowns
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Re: 10,000 Games Stats Still seems low to me, but if it works for you don't change it. Looking at my own stats I saw 20.78% of all flops and only 11.10% of when not on a blind. This is on 9 player tables on Poker Stars. I'm 4 tabling and grinding out a pretty consistant profit with this approach

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