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what would you do?


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what hand would you put him on here and why? and before anyone asks i limped because it was a very aggresive table ***** Hand 603913218 ***** 10.00/20.00 Texas Hold'em (No Limit ) - 30 April 2007 18:22:49 Table TH 204 (Real /Cash Game ) Seat 1: ivanrober (2000.00) Seat 2: the mole (3195.50) Seat 3: X-straAA (1320.00) Seat 4: pappapwn (2217.00) pappapwn post SB 10.00 ivanrober post BB 20.00 ** Deal ** ivanrober [N/A, N/A] the mole [10d, 10h] X-straAA [N/A, N/A] pappapwn [N/A, N/A] *** Bet Round 1 *** the mole Call 20.00 X-straAA Fold pappapwn Fold ivanrober Raise to 80.00 the mole Call 80.00 *** Flop(Board): *** : [2c, 3s, 2d] *** Bet Round 2 *** ivanrober Bet 180.00 the mole Raise to 460.00 ivanrober Call 460.00 *** Turn(Board): *** : [2c, 3s, 2d, 4c] *** Bet Round 3 *** ivanrober All-in 1460.00

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Re: what would you do? The fact that he has raised initially to 80 i would perhaps put him on a mid pair esp if he is a loose player. I would want to know how often he was playing before I said call. If he was very loose I would be calling him putting him on 77 88 or maybe 99. If he was quite a tight layer i would be putting him on 22 33 or 44 and would be folding. I dont see him on A 5.

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Re: what would you do?

The fact that he has raised initially to 80 i would perhaps put him on a mid pair esp if he is a loose player. I would want to know how often he was playing before I said call. If he was very loose I would be calling him putting him on 77 88 or maybe 99. If he was quite a tight layer i would be putting him on 22 33 or 44 and would be folding. I dont see him on A 5.
he was new to the table, this was his first hand
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Re: what would you do? I cant put him on a hand at all ..... I dont play enough short handed or at this level (I know it's the same game, BUT it's played totally differently from anything I know!!! Unfortunately!!) But, I'm not so sure you can discount A5 .... 4 handed against 1 limper ..... I've seen stranger plays :unsure

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Re: what would you do? Well, I don't put him on a tiny pair of 22, 33 or 44 - why frighten you away? It's a 40-60 call between a mid-pair (lower than you) or a higher pair (got you beat). I'd fold. But I am a scaredy cat when it comes to big cash :eyes McG

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Re: what would you do? I'll go for JJ, the raise before the flop indicates he has a solid hand but perhaps not too amazing, so when the lower cards come down on the flop he wants to take no chances of you hitting any over cards on the turn or river so wants to take the pot immediately. But as others have said it could really be anything! it's just my random thought :)

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Re: what would you do? ok heres how i read it when he bet 180 on the flop i wasnt sure i re raised to 460 if he had aa - jj i reckon thats the time to go all in. so when another small card came on the turn, i was confident (the board was not helping him). he went all in i was very confident that i was winning here and put him on 88 or 99. heres what he had the mole Call 1460.00 *** River(Board): *** : [2c, 3s, 2d, 4c, 10s] *** Showdown *** : Rake: 3.00 Total Pot: 4007.00 ivanrober [9d, 9s] Two pair nines and deuces Win: 0.00 the mole [10d, 10h] Full house Win: 4007.00 X-straAA Fold Win: 0.00 pappapwn Fold Win: 0.00 top marks to staffy who read this well !!

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Re: what would you do?

good read also nade as he could have had jj' date=' but aa kk or qq woulda been an all in after my re raise possibly not with jj[/quote'] Cheers, but i imagine that's why you play at those stakes and i play at the 10/20c tables :lol. Well played :ok
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Re: what would you do?

Cheers, but i imagine that's why you play at those stakes and i play at the 10/20c tables :lol. Well played :ok
It's only a matter of time Nade, you have to believe :) - I'm certain that Mole must have worked his way up to the limits hes playing now.
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Re: what would you do?

It's only a matter of time Nade, you have to believe :) - I'm certain that Mole must have worked his way up to the limits hes playing now.
Cheers Joe, if that's your real name ;)... Seriously though i am always looking to improve with every hand of every second i play as i am a fair way off where i want to be at the moment. I try to learn more and more and i take a lot of advice from people on here, especially the ones who slag many of my thoughts and plays (and there seem to be many) :lol If you can't aim for the top then what's the point of doing anything i say . GL with your poker and anything else too:ok
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Re: what would you do? All I can say is WOW mole, playing so consistently at such a high level. Great play & keep it up :ok Can i suggest(/recommend - as I'd personally love to see your progress over a prolonged length of time) that you'd create your own thread posting all big hands? :nana

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Re: what would you do?

It's only a matter of time Nade, you have to believe :) - I'm certain that Mole must have worked his way up to the limits hes playing now.
If I remember correctly The Mole deposited £50 in to S.O. and has worked his way up. I don't know (nor intend to ask) about his bankroll management, but I think it has taken him about 2 years to get to this level. :clap having just read through, I honestly thought that Staffy's reply was 'wishful thinking' and that Jomell was closer. :$ Wishful thinking is when you have KK and when playing a cooler hand you hope the villain has QQ rather than AA. I think 88 to JJ is reasonable along with AK/AQ. Nice call Staffy, and nice one Mole. ;)
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