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stats on bos


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Re: stats on bos Last night when playing on Betfair I had a look at the stats to see how I was playing at each break- I find that I can gain a few pointers as to where my game isn't up to scratch. I saw that I had been calling to see a flop (and folding when I missed) and paying for the turn far too much - and realised this was when I had an A and chasing. :$ I knew that the from the other stats that I was doing OK but had to sort out this area of play or else I'd be out before the next break. I kicked my own arse, tightened up and came 8th. The stats on Boss are the same and I will use them in the same way - sort of "muppet control" in my case.

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Re: stats on bos not sure at the mo - I am only playing 25c/50c PL Omaha, but I am guessing all your stats for all games are lumped together? (as I can't see a filter?) this is what mine read played 402 won 26% flops seen 62% Won w/o s/d 64% won with flops seen 40% showdowns won 47% bit confused by won w/o showdown and won with flops seen - are the w/o s/d PF raises that get folded so i pick up the blinds? (so there is no flop?) - otherwise the won with flops seen doesn't make sense? (not sure really :eek ) what I do like is this fold b4 flop 37% fold flop 16% fold turn 7% fold river 3% no fold 34% seems I am a bit tight at Omaha, which is probably a good thing? (or should I be LAAG and hope to hit?) I am sure what everything means will become apparent - I like the extra info :clap Damo

just wondered what do you read into the new stats on boss? games played games won flops seen won without showdown won with flops seen showdowns won im interested what you guys take from these stats.
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Re: stats on bos sorry, my mistake I should have said that these are for short handed tables - 5 max - so I am throwing away 2 hands out of 5 in a round, plus you generally get to limp you SB and BB and there is not much PF raising, which boosts the overall figure Damo

Is 62% flops seen tight for Omaha?
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Re: stats on bos The stats on Boss have one MAJOR flaw it logs every hand on a STT/SNG in your HE stats, so if you mix cash and STT's they will make no sense and are useless to you - This needs fixing if they are to help folks It seems to log the type of game and lump everything together, so my Omaha stats are seperate to my HE stats and I assume would be seperate to my 7CS stats etc Just a thought Damo

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Re: stats on bos Only play STT's on Boss so thought i'd throw my stats up ere. Game Summary Games played: 1,758 Games won: 23% Flops seen: 31% Won without showdown: 74% Won with flops seen: 48% Showdowns won: 57% Actions Fold: 44% Check: 21% Call: 17% Bet: 9% Raise: 7% Re-raise: 0% Point Of Fold Fold before flop: 59% Fold on flop: 7% Fold on turn: 2% Fold on river: 1% No fold: 28% I think they mean Hand Summary by Game Summary yes? Also disappointed not to see a Check-raise statistic :sad

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Re: stats on bos yes and I would think the reriase is the CR? Damo

Only play STT's on Boss so thought i'd throw my stats up ere. I think they mean Hand Summary by Game Summary yes? Also disappointed not to see a Check-raise statistic :sad
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