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Losing out on a Final table


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just went out third on a final table after being in an extremely strong position to make the final 2 and most probably win. here are the key hands. hand 1: shortstack doubles through me Game #3487522793: Hold'em NL (1500/3000) - 2007/03/16 - 11:07:01 (EST) Table "1" Seat 1 is the button. Seat 1: M_Man79th (72580 in chips) Seat 2: Styl13031 (11255 in chips) Seat 4: Chubbbb (84165 in chips) Styl13031: posts the ante 400 Chubbbb: posts the ante 400 M_Man79th: posts the ante 400 Styl13031: posts small blind 1500 Chubbbb: posts big blind 3000 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [Qd Ac] M_Man79th: raises to 9000 Styl13031: raises to 10855 and is all-in Chubbbb: folds M_Man79th: calls 1855 ----- FLOP ----- [7c 9s Tc] ----- TURN ----- [7c 9s Tc][2s] ----- RIVER ----- [7c 9s Tc 2s][Jd] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Styl13031: shows [Ad Jc] (A Pair of Jacks, Ace high) M_Man79th: shows [Qd Ac] (High Card Ace) Styl13031 collected 25910 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 25910 Main pot 25910 Rake 0 Board [7c 9s Tc 2s Jd] Seat 1: M_Man79th (button) showed [Qd Ac] and lost with High Card Ace Seat 2: Styl13031 (small blind) showed [Ad Jc] and won (25910) with A Pair of Jacks, Ace high Seat 4: Chubbbb (big blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) hand 2: i claw loads back to get comfortably first Game #3487523653: Hold'em NL (1500/3000) - 2007/03/16 - 11:11:40 (EST) Table "1" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: M_Man79th (54125 in chips) Seat 2: Styl13031 (48520 in chips) Seat 4: Chubbbb (65355 in chips) Chubbbb: posts the ante 400 M_Man79th: posts the ante 400 Styl13031: posts the ante 400 Chubbbb: posts small blind 1500 M_Man79th: posts big blind 3000 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [As 7h] Styl13031: folds Chubbbb: calls 1500 M_Man79th: raises to 9000 Chubbbb: calls 6000 ----- FLOP ----- [Ad 6d Jc] Chubbbb: checks M_Man79th: checks ----- TURN ----- [Ad 6d Jc][8h] Chubbbb: bets 3000 M_Man79th: raises to 12000 Chubbbb: calls 9000 ----- RIVER ----- [Ad 6d Jc 8h][4s] Chubbbb: checks M_Man79th: bets 12000 Chubbbb: calls 12000 ----- SHOW DOWN ----- M_Man79th: shows [As 7h] (A Pair of Aces, Jack high) Chubbbb: mucks hand [8s Th] M_Man79th collected 67200 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 67200 Main pot 67200 Rake 0 Board [Ad 6d Jc 8h 4s] Seat 1: M_Man79th (big blind) showed [As 7h] and won (67200) with A Pair of Aces, Jack high Seat 2: Styl13031 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Chubbbb (small blind) mucked [8s Th] hand 3: other shortstack doubles through me Game #3487523933: Hold'em NL (2000/4000) - 2007/03/16 - 11:13:31 (EST) Table "1" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: M_Man79th (84925 in chips) Seat 2: Styl13031 (36620 in chips) Seat 4: Chubbbb (46455 in chips) Chubbbb: posts the ante 500 M_Man79th: posts the ante 500 Styl13031: posts the ante 500 Chubbbb: posts small blind 2000 M_Man79th: posts big blind 4000 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [Jh Ah] Styl13031: folds Chubbbb: calls 2000 M_Man79th: raises to 12000 Chubbbb: calls 8000 ----- FLOP ----- [2d 5h 6h] Chubbbb: bets 33955 and is all-in M_Man79th: calls 33955 ----- TURN ----- [2d 5h 6h][7d] ----- RIVER ----- [2d 5h 6h 7d][Qc] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- Chubbbb: shows [7c 9c] (A Pair of Sevens, Queen high) M_Man79th: shows [Jh Ah] (High Card Ace) Chubbbb collected 93410 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 93410 Main pot 93410 Rake 0 Board [2d 5h 6h 7d Qc] Seat 1: M_Man79th (big blind) showed [Jh Ah] and lost with High Card Ace Seat 2: Styl13031 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Chubbbb (small blind) showed [7c 9c] and won (93410) with A Pair of Sevens, Queen high hand 4: big stack gets lucky and plaits pot with me Game #3487524033: Hold'em NL (2000/4000) - 2007/03/16 - 11:14:11 (EST) Table "1" Seat 1 is the button. Seat 1: M_Man79th (43470 in chips) Seat 2: Styl13031 (31620 in chips) Seat 4: Chubbbb (92910 in chips) Styl13031: posts the ante 500 Chubbbb: posts the ante 500 M_Man79th: posts the ante 500 Styl13031: posts small blind 2000 Chubbbb: posts big blind 4000 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [Ad 9d] M_Man79th: raises to 42970 and is all-in Styl13031: folds Chubbbb: calls 38970 ----- FLOP ----- [5d 5h Qd] ----- TURN ----- [5d 5h Qd][Js] ----- RIVER ----- [5d 5h Qd Js][Kc] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- M_Man79th: shows [Ad 9d] (A Pair of Fives, Ace high) Chubbbb: shows [2c Ac] (A Pair of Fives, Ace high) Chubbbb collected 44720 from Main pot M_Man79th collected 44720 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 89440 Main pot 89440 Rake 0 Board [5d 5h Qd Js Kc] Seat 1: M_Man79th (button) showed [Ad 9d] and won (44720) with A Pair of Fives, Ace high Seat 2: Styl13031 (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 4: Chubbbb (big blind) showed [2c Ac] and won (44720) with A Pair of Fives, Ace high hand 5: other stack gets lucky and doubles through me Game #3487524133: Hold'em NL (2000/4000) - 2007/03/16 - 11:14:35 (EST) Table "1" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: M_Man79th (44720 in chips) Seat 2: Styl13031 (29120 in chips) Seat 4: Chubbbb (94160 in chips) Chubbbb: posts the ante 500 M_Man79th: posts the ante 500 Styl13031: posts the ante 500 Chubbbb: posts small blind 2000 M_Man79th: posts big blind 4000 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [Jc Ac] Styl13031: calls 4000 Chubbbb: folds M_Man79th: raises to 44220 and is all-in Styl13031: is all-in 24620 Returned uncalled bets 15,600 to M_Man79th ----- FLOP ----- [4d 5c Qd] ----- TURN ----- [4d 5c Qd][9d] ----- RIVER ----- [4d 5c Qd 9d][Jh] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- M_Man79th: shows [Jc Ac] (A Pair of Jacks, Ace high) Styl13031: shows [Kd 5d] (A Flush, King high) Styl13031 collected 60740 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 60740 Main pot 60740 Rake 0 Board [4d 5c Qd 9d Jh] Seat 1: M_Man79th (big blind) showed [Jc Ac] and lost with A Pair of Jacks, Ace high Seat 2: Styl13031 (button) showed [Kd 5d] and won (60740) with A Flush, King high Seat 4: Chubbbb (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) hand 5: with not enough M left, i'm all in(behind) and lose Game #3487680473: Hold'em NL (2000/4000) - 2007/03/16 - 11:16:34 (EST) Table "1" Seat 2 is the button. Seat 1: M_Man79th (12600 in chips) Seat 2: Styl13031 (72740 in chips) Seat 4: Chubbbb (82660 in chips) Chubbbb: posts the ante 500 M_Man79th: posts the ante 500 Styl13031: posts the ante 500 Chubbbb: posts small blind 2000 M_Man79th: posts big blind 4000 ----- HOLE CARDS ----- dealt to M_Man79th [4d 4c] Styl13031: calls 4000 Chubbbb: folds M_Man79th: raises to 12100 and is all-in Styl13031: calls 8100 ----- FLOP ----- [Ac 9h As] ----- TURN ----- [Ac 9h As][Qd] ----- RIVER ----- [Ac 9h As Qd][6c] ----- SHOW DOWN ----- M_Man79th: shows [4d 4c] (Two Pairs, Aces and Fours, Queen high) Styl13031: shows [Js Jh] (Two Pairs, Aces and Jacks, Queen high) Styl13031 collected 27700 from Main pot ----- SUMMARY ----- Total pot 27700 Main pot 27700 Rake 0 Board [Ac 9h As Qd 6c] Seat 1: M_Man79th (big blind) showed [4d 4c] and lost with Two Pairs, Aces and Fours, Queen high Seat 2: Styl13031 (button) showed [Js Jh] and won (27700) with Two Pairs, Aces and Jacks, Queen high Seat 4: Chubbbb (small blind) folded before Flop (didn't bet) the way the cookie crumbles i guess. anyone woulda played those differently and maybe gone on to do better?

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