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Big Slick Club Privacy Issue


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:@ :@ :@ :@ Just received two emails one from King Solomons Poker and one from Webdollar confirming that big slick have infact signed me up to a poker site! I never asked them to, i never gave permission and i dont know what to do short of going to the police regarding them using my details to sign me up without my knowledge. Hi Graeme, Nickname: morlspin10 Welcome to King Solomons Poker in association with BigSlick.co.uk! Please find below your login details for your Poker account: Username: morlspin10 Password: ********* We hope you enjoy your time here at King Solomons Poker. Wishing you the very best with you game of wit and skill. Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Regards, Oded KSPoker.com Support Dear graeme, Thank you for registering to open an account at King Solomons Poker (PIN: **************). This e-mail confirms that your Security Code has been issued and sent by regular mail to the postal address you registered when you opened your account. Upon receiving your Security Code, keep it confidential. For security reasons, the WebDollar Cashier will ask you to submit your unique Security Code to verify account withdrawals and larger account deposits. Please allow ample time for the Security Code to be delivered to your postal address. It may take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks to reach you, depending on your location. If you should later lose or forget the Security Code you have received from WebDollar, go to the "My Account" section in the WebDollar Cashier to request a new Security Code to be issued and sent to your registered postal address. If you should ever change the name or postal address associated with your WebDollar account, a new Security Code will be issued to you automatically and sent to your registered postal address. Important: Whenever a new Security Code is requested or issued automatically, your former Security Code immediately becomes invalid. For security reasons, your Security Code is sent only to your registered postal address and cannot be rerouted or issued by phone, fax or e-mail. Thank you for your cooperation in our efforts to protect your funds and personal information. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the 24-hour WebDollar Customer Support service using the information listed below. Best regards, WebDollar Customer Support ******************************************** WebDollar Customer Support Open 24 hours Toll-Free Numbers: Austria 0800 677 199 Canada 1 866 394 4441 France 00800 2677 0000 Germany 00800 2677 0000 Italy 800 986 233 Spain 00800 2677 0000 Switzerland 00800 2677 0000 UK 00800 2677 0000 U.S. 1 866 803 0411 Support Number (toll call): +46 470 70 57 70 Customer Support by E-mail:

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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue Just checked out their T&C ..... seems it's something they plan for from the beginning 9. Upon membership, new members may be offered complimentary accounts with the club’s preferred online poker room, casino and sports book, which can be used at the members' descretion. Not that that makes it right!!!

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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue This is really weird that this got posted just as I did my post in the live forum weeeeeeeeird! I could have a word with the owner tomorrow and get back to you on any questions you may like to ask if you wish (personally I dont see what the fuss is though :unsure) but id be more than happy too

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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue

i dont know what to do short of going to the police regarding them using my details to sign me up without my knowledge.
Morl, its hardly a criminal issue is it? How does them opening a poker account in your name in anyway affect you? If in fact their T&Cs of the form you should have signed to become a member offer you the chance to become a member of the poker room which is loaded up on the terminals upstairs in the club. Seems like they are just leading you to use it, and its not as if they have got your credit card details and deposited money is it? Shred the account details from Webdollar and forget about it.
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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue Yeah thats what I thought Legend though I thought I might be missing something because of the discontent. You been to the club then aLegend s you know about the terminals upstairs? Thats a point actually, they have lots of computers with internet that you can play on in the club by yourself and alongside friends, you would need to use the software that they signed you up in to utilise that im guessing.

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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue

Big Slick is delighted to invite you to join the Private Members Club and The Players Club. Membership is FREE, so why not join today for the latest news, reviews, promotions and exclusive bonuses only available to members. Joining is easy, simply enter your details in the boxes below and submit -OR- print out the word version of the form, fill it in and bring along to the club.Please don't forget to bring along your passport and/or driving licence as proof of identity when you first visit the club -OR- if you have a scanner, you can email copies directly to [email protected] APPLICANTS MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER PLEASE FILL IN ALL FIELDS!
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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue thats the application form, i always make sure i say no to marketting or otherwise(the last question), the fact that they have just ignored my choice pees me off, then they sign me up to an online gaming site without my knowledge or permission, thats annoying and so are the txts at 2am too

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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue Graeme, I'm not sure if you remember me - my name is Ashleigh and I am one of the managers at BiG SLiCK. One of the support team have already emailed you back from the previous mail you sent us, and although it seems you have posted on the Hendon Mob site as well, I will only reply on this one. As other people have commented, I don't really think it is a matter for hte police or the gaming commision as you threatened in the email we received. As our support staff said, your King Solomon account has been deactivated and your membership to our club cancelled as per your request. I would like to make it clear to other forum users that although we do sign our members up to KS (which is made clear from the get-go) and therefore WebDollar, NONE of your credit card details are on there (obviously!) so there is no kind of fraudlent activity going on at the club! We opened BiG SLiCK as a place for people to come and play live and online poker, which Graeme and his friends all enjoyed very recently. It is a shame that one incident will now stop him from playing here as from what I gathered, they all enjoyed themselves. As for receving 'obtrusive text messages at 2am', I have never received any complaints before as most of our members are either up playing poker, or have their phones off. I will apologise once more Graeme for any harm BiG SLiCK appears to have caused you and I hope this is now the last we hear of any problems experienced. Ashleigh Ace

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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue Cheers for the reply Ashleigh, your right its not a matter for the police, that was a daft thing to say as i was very angry last night, but as someone used that in a quote i couldnt change it after. Part 9 of your own terms and conditions states : 9. Upon membership, new members may be offered complimentary accounts with the club’s preferred online poker room, casino and sports book, which can be used at the members' descretion. Was i offered this? No, Big Slick simply went ahead and did it, with no thought as to wether i was ok about it, wanted it or wanted to allow an unknown company(to me) to have my personal details. I dunno if its possible or if you have the information to hand, but i always select no to any of my details being passed to 3rd party companies, and selected partners, simply because if i want to sign up for something, ill seek it out myself. No where on the online application form states that i would be signed up to KS Poker......so maybe there your intentions, but surely they should be written for us to see alongside the application form. Other members of this forum have also had the pleasure of 2am texts, not just myself, surely a txt offering your tournaments could be done at reasonable hours of the day, not much to ask. Regarding the club itself, its a great club, and i hope you succeed in being a success, the two nights ive played there ive really enjoyed myself:ok

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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue

As for receving 'obtrusive text messages at 2am', I have never received any complaints before as most of our members are either up playing poker, or have their phones off*. Ashleigh Ace
Mainly becuase there is less risk of receiving drunken text messages from people who are having a far better time than you!
Other members of this forum have also had the pleasure of 2am texts, not just myself, surely a txt offering your tournaments could be done at reasonable hours of the day, not much to ask.
So MCFC was texting you at stupid o clock as well was he mate? :eyes :lol
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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue

Mainly becuase there is less risk of receiving drunken text messages from people who are having a far better time than you! So MCFC was texting you at stupid o clock as well was he mate? :eyes :lol
:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$:$ sorry mate...you aswell how many more I wonder
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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue Dear Graeme, I am very sorry that you have been upset by any action we at Big Slick have taken. Please be assured that your details will be removed from the KS and BS databases and you should receive no more emails or text messages from either party. Upon signing-up for membership to the Big Slick Club, you would have been offered optional membership not only to the Big Slick Club, but also our preferred online partners. In return for this, free money would have been deposited into an account for you, which you had the option to use or ignore. I am presuming that you did complete the form. Without it, you could not have entered the club - nor would KS have been aware of your email address or that your username is 'morlspin'. Additionally, I should add, that under the terms of our premises licence we are obliged to record full details of every member, including name and address, along with proof of identity (a copy passport or driving licence) - and we have also to take a photograph of every member. However, since it is your wish to rescind your membership (which of course anyone is entitled to do at anytime), all records will be destroyed. We can assure you and all of our members that all such records that we have are kept securely and are treated with absolute confidentality. As previously stated, members' details have only ever been passed on to our online partners at KS, in line with the terms stated on the membership application form. Once again, please allow me to extend an unreserved apology to any member we have in any way offended. Anyone who has ever visited our club will know that we have tried to create a friendly club for lovers of the great game with a welcoming atmosphere and where the vast majority members are know individually to staff and fellows alike. Our aim has been to provide for our thousands of members a great place to play poker, as well as obtain good service and value online through our trading partner KS. If we got it wrong in your case Graeme, we apologise.

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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue Hi again Graeme, thanks for replying - I'm pleased you have reconsidered calling the police, and also that you ahve enjoyed playing at the club. I have taken all your comments under advisement and will make sure that we do not send out anymore texts at 2am...they will all be early evening, you have my word! We hope that you and your friends might reconsider playing down here again. Ashleigh

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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue Hey Washman, Not yet sure what effect Derek Kelly's/GutShot's case will have on us but we are still running as normal and hope to do so for a very long time! Personally I knew nothing about poker until I started at BiG SLiCK on opening night, and now I'm really into it! I think it is a great shame for Derek Kelly and all the people that work at the GutShot especially as poker is hitting such a boom recently - it's every where you look:) ! Ash

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Re: Big Slick Club Privacy Issue

Hi again Graeme, thanks for replying - I'm pleased you have reconsidered calling the police, and also that you ahve enjoyed playing at the club. I have taken all your comments under advisement and will make sure that we do not send out anymore texts at 2am...they will all be early evening, you have my word! We hope that you and your friends might reconsider playing down here again. Ashleigh
Hi Ashleigh Like i said, it was an angry over reaction on my behalf and with your colleague and yourself explaining things its calmed me down! I just would have expected a simple email regarding the sign ups, as i genuinely didnt know about it and wasnt interested, but now its all sorted i thank you for your help and replies, forgiven and forgotton as far as im concerned. Hope everything works out for you re: the Gutshot case and buisiness booms for all poker clubs, you never know, if you will still have me as a member i may see you again one day! Graeme:ok
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