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Just How Bad Was This Play?

Crouch Potato

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Still haven't withdrawn funds from PR yet, so have been playing around the $5 tables as I'm still wanting a few games, and can't play elsewhere as my bankroll is in PR :wall Still, I wanted to start playing a bit more and try to improve my game. Thought this type of incident is one where I could use some feedback. Just played this hand:

Seat 1: DeuceHighOz ($1,420 in chips) [ME]
Seat 2: menace35 ($5,500 in chips)
Seat 3: ikisan x ($3,240 in chips)
Seat 4: Taggart_007 ($2,165 in chips)
Seat 5: Nzame II ($2,070 in chips)
Seat 6: ekkek ($2,000 in chips)
Seat 7: alcapaal ($4,020 in chips)
Seat 8: linkki1 ($2,620 in chips)
Seat 9: dalton-joe ($4,550 in chips)
Seat 10: mandrax11 ($2,415 in chips)
ANTES/BLINDS mandrax11 posts blind ($50), DeuceHighOz posts blind ($100). PRE-FLOP menace35 calls $100, ikisan x folds, Taggart_007 folds, Nzame II bets $450, ekkek folds, alcapaal folds, linkki1 calls $450, dalton-joe folds, mandrax11 calls $400, DeuceHighOz calls $350, menace35 bets $2,400, Nzame II calls $1,620 and is all-in, linkki1 folds, mandrax11 folds, DeuceHighOz calls $970 and is all-in. FLOP [board cards 3D,4S,6C ] TURN [board cards 3D,4S,6C,5H ] RIVER [board cards 3D,4S,6C,5H,AH ] SHOWDOWN menace35 shows [ KS,AC ] Nzame II shows [ 10H,10D ] DeuceHighOz shows [ 4C,6S ] menace35 wins $430, menace35 wins $1,300, DeuceHighOz wins $5,160. ------------------ At the time of both calls, I was thinking everyone else was likely to have big cards are medium to high pairs and that if I hit my flop I was almost certain to win the pot, and that I was getting the right odds. But not having too much knowledge or experience playing, how correct was my thinking and actions? Advice appreciated.
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Re: Just How Bad Was This Play? don't think you will get many positives on this one :) 350 to win 1400, 4:1 odds with 46o if not good enough for me 350 to call is 25% of my stack? way too much to call with such weak cards if it goes min raise call and call then its 100 to win 700 (7:1) and only 7% of my stack or so, which is much ,more acceptable to take a chance with 46 Flop: having made the call and hit the flop you cannot let it go now, that would just be silly - you have decided to gamble with 46 hoping they had hi cards - so make the call and keep :hope all in all a poor play that worked out for you, but not something I would recommend for long term success cheers Damo

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Re: Just How Bad Was This Play? Thanks Damo. I often find myself making these types of plays when I am one of the low stacks, probably because I don't feel I'm good enough to play my way back up. Never quite sure if they are the percentage odds or not, probably they are in my head because I think to myself more chance of winning this than building a decent chip stack by grinding. Fortunately it paid off this time and I just won the thing, but I certainly understand and agree that it's not a long term strategy. Cheers for hte input

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Re: Just How Bad Was This Play? terrible calls :loon :loon You are right that you need to step up through the gears as your stack gets short, but you still have 14xBB, so are nowhere near desperate enough to be CALLING all in for your entire stack with 46o!!!! It is essential that IF/WHEN you do need to make calls like this, you are the one going all in, not calling all in - so that you have some fold equity

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Re: Just How Bad Was This Play? i agree with damos post:ok . it was a bad call that got lucky :) the trouble is, with only about a 10%chance of winning the hand pre flop you lose 9 out of 10:loon that will really hurt your bankroll over time. you do need to push soon in this situation ,but 10x the bb is a good time to start going more banzai ,even then 4 6 os is asking to be knocked out vs 2 players. if you fold on the flop you still have 1320 chips,this will give you at least 20 more hands before you get to 10x the bb and id bet you would get at least 19 better hands than 64;) if you double up in that time you will be on about 2500 :nana back up to a midstack and with enough chips to really do some damage:D . i know gaf done a great thread on situational betting about different zones but i cant remember what it was called .im sure if he sees this he will remember and put up a link:notworthy also there must be some great pot odds and hand vs hand win percentage threads that would really help as well . working out these three factors is one of the most important things in getting to a point where you can start outplaying people :ok

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Re: Just How Bad Was This Play? Cheers for the links, will give them a good reading through. I think the biggest problem I have is wanting to fold in that situation. Most of the time I think to myself that I'm just as likely to hit cards as I am to play my way back into things. Gotta overcome that type of thinking :ok

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Re: Just How Bad Was This Play? excellent CP - post as many HH as you want - good ones and bad ones and lets discuss as it helps us all! cheers Damo

Thanks again for the input. One of my bigger betting goals this year is to get more competent at poker' date=' so may ask a few of these questions from time to time. Advice and thoughts much appreciated.[/quote']
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