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Poker trackers and software


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I have never used any software or trackers, do you guys feel it is an asset to have them? how hard are they to work? does it take up a lot of your time? and what are the best ones? i am not sure whether it would benefit me to have one as i feel you may get bogged down reading into things too much.

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Re: Poker trackers and software Poker Tracker is IMO invaluable, and especially for someone playing at your level. I would imagine ,from reading articles in magazines, that all other serious pros use technology to a greater or lesser extent. WIth Poker Tracker you don't have to spend hours looking over data, although i'm you can if you want, but it lets you re-play hands to see what odds your were getting, see which hands are costing you money and which hands are making you money. I think you still can get the full program for a free 1000 hand trial (free download) which is plenty enough to let you get the low down on your trends. But with unlimited hand histories what i have started to do is open all the Ladbrokes tables and leave them collecting data for hours on end on all the other tables at my buy in. This then (after a decent while) will give you lowdown on who are the successfull players and who are the ones you can make money from. Poker Office I also have , but don't use as much, although i may well do in the future. Game Time is another free Poker Tracker addon that gives data on all your current table opponents. Which would be useful providing you don't play more than 2 tables at once. GaF is a complete techno-slave so I'm sure he will enlighten you even further In the meantime go here http://www.pokertracker.com/ and download it immediately !! you won't regret it

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Re: Poker trackers and software I think poker tracker for me is an absolute must - for multitabling low level cash games. It is great for 2 things: 1) Plugging leaks in your own game 2) Having live information on your opponents during a hand I prefer PokerOffice for tournaments, but its utility is far less. You cant use PT yet on Boss (on Paradise it's not the best system, having to utilise email) - but the new hand historues should be totally PT compatible, so it's only a matter of time..... There is a danger of getting bogged down in insignificant details, but so long as you're aware of that and only looking for the major things (and significant - ie with enough hand histories), you should be ok..... Does it take up a lot of my time? No!! BUT it should!!!! I largely just let it run and use it live, with a few minutes data mining here and there - I SHOULD be spending more time with it and looking at the data in more depth..... I think you'd be surprised how much you learn about your own game by using it!!!! I think youd find some surprises - situations or hands that you think are profitable, but aren't (and vice versia!!) Should also make it significantly easier to see your opponents weaknesses!!! For example, you can very quickly look at all the situations your opponents is on the button and shows down AA, and replay the hands .... seeing them grouped together like that makes it far easier to find weaknesses/trends/tells

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Re: Poker trackers and software

But with unlimited hand histories what i have started to do is open all the Ladbrokes tables and leave them collecting data for hours on end on all the other tables at my buy in. This then (after a decent while) will give you lowdown on who are the successfull players and who are the ones you can make money from.
I thought you had to be playing to collect data on your opponents? Can you just view a table and get PT to import the hand history? :unsure I've been using the Omaha version of PT and feel that it has made some difference. I'll see how it goes over the 1000 hand trial before deciding whether or not to buy.
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Re: Poker trackers and software

I thought you had to be playing to collect data on your opponents? Can you just view a table and get PT to import the hand history? :unsure
It depends on the network - on Laddies/Prima, just "observing" the hand is enough. I too open 10 tables and leave them collecting data all day ;) On Poker Tracker Omaha - be careful of the default auto rate - by his own admission, Pat at PT isn't a good Omaha player and the auto rate rules he put in the software are supposedly questionable ..... these certainly need to be revised it seems :ok ( a google will probably throw up some recommendations) Anyone using the Holdem version - thoroughly recommend the PokerTracker articles at www.bet-the-pot.com (I think :unsure) - and especially the new set of autorate "rules" that can be downloaded (and imported into PT) in article 2a.....
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Re: Poker trackers and software Hey Mole, Id defo get yourself PokerTracker. It doesnt matter if you dont use it for anything but the basics even. I feel the standard stats on how much youve won/lost net with each starting hand is a very good tool. With someone who plays many hands as you do/have youd have a very good base of data to work from and it could help you plug any leaks in your game if youve seen that youre not having much joy with certain types of hand. Alternatively if everything looks sweet itll just make you feel sweet about it all.

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Re: Poker trackers and software Some Great Advice coming from here:ok Been Reading poker books and watching poker play quite alot recently to improve my game and this will cover another angle. Will Certainly use this to find weak players to ease money off. Mole - Have a look at Virgin, the Money you play at may earn you quite alot in Airmiles. Free trip to Vegas?

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Re: Poker trackers and software Have made a short (12 mins/27MB) vid of me playing a cash table on laddies to give a brief idea of what it's like in game using PT (with Gametime). Usually I do this, but with 6 tables showing the info. You can quickly see who the poor players are (though the chat box gives a pretty good clue too). Remember, this is jjust half of what PT is good for - in game info, the other (which you dont see here) relates to plugging your leaks, which you would do "offline".... http://rapidshare.com/files/11120611/pokertracker1.avi.html

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Re: Poker trackers and software

Am I right in thinking its at its most valuable for cash games?
I have the same question. As a bit of a poker newbie, i'm not yet confident enough to play cash games and so am solely entering freerolls or low-level buy in MTT's. Is it still worth using this type of software for tournament situations?
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Re: Poker trackers and software

Am I right in thinking its at its most valuable for cash games?
Sorry missed this :$ Yes - essential for cash games, questionable utility for tournaments...... In tournaments, you're moving through the gears, so your opponents games are constant/consistent enough to be able to really read the data in the same way that you do in cash games.... I don't usually use software in tourneys, but if I do, I prefer something simpler like Poker-Spy, just to recap the last 17 hands.......
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  • 3 months later...

Re: Poker trackers and software How the flying foob do you use pokertracker? I've installed the free trial but then what? There's about a million different options and on 99% of them a warning message pops up in the middle of the screen. Needing it for ipoker btw. Any help appreciated! :)

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Re: Poker trackers and software You should have a button "auto import hand histories from ipoker network" (it's the 15th button on my version). Make sure you have something in the "Hand History Folder Location", then "start timer" (I have it every 1 minute). Then use Gametime + (3rd party software, but free) to give you a live overlay on your table...... PokerOffice is a lot more automatic......

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Re: Poker trackers and software

You should have a button "auto import hand histories from ipoker network" (it's the 15th button on my version). Make sure you have something in the "Hand History Folder Location", then "start timer" (I have it every 1 minute). Then use Gametime + (3rd party software, but free) to give you a live overlay on your table...... PokerOffice is a lot more automatic......
Cheers :ok. Still coming up with error messages and nothings happening, can't really be arsed with the hassle though tbh. Pokeroffice was great apart from it died after 5hands and was screwing up my table i was on :loon.
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Re: Poker trackers and software I've also never used poker tracker mainly a sit n go player but playing a lot of cash now and realise the importance of this tool. I've downloaded the free trial but can't make head or tail of it. Any chance of some quick info on how to get started, your comment would be very much appreciated (prima network).

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Re: Poker trackers and software The absolute tops is http://www.bet-the-pot.com/poker-tracker-part-one-page31.html There are 7 parts to it - Part IIa is very important (download the new autorate rules and understand what your opponents icons mean...) - I think that will help you far more than any brief explanations we can give in a few lines .... Prima is quite straightforward - there's an "auto detect" button for the hand histories ... so you dont need to know where they are stored.....

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