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would you lay this down?


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last night was playing an omaha hi/lo $10 tourney with 28 starters,reached the final table when i got this hand..... would like some feedback on my play Game #1824448539 - Tournament Resort (Omaha H/L) - 100/200 Pot Limit Omaha Hi/Lo 8 - 2006/12/28-16:18:39.8 (CST) Table "Resort 4" (MTT) -- Seat 2 is the button Seat 1: hotnnasty66 (3,793 in chips) Seat 2: dangermouse (2,601 in chips) Seat 3: KevinV (1,446 in chips) Seat 4: golgot13 (5,834 in chips) Seat 5: Benthamite (4,712 in chips) Seat 6: teaulcsg1 (3,920 in chips) Seat 7: SuperSwe2 (15,408 in chips) Seat 8: Dany Ocean (1,230 in chips) Seat 9: chez1234 (3,056 in chips) KevinV : Post Small Blind (100) golgot13: Post Big Blind (200) Dealing... Dealt to teaulcsg1 [ 2s ] Dealt to teaulcsg1 [ 6c ] Dealt to teaulcsg1 [ Kc ] Dealt to teaulcsg1 [ Ks ] Benthamite: Call (200) teaulcsg1: Call (200) SuperSwe2: Fold Dany Ocean: Fold chez1234: Fold hotnnasty66: Call (200) dangermouse: Call (200) KevinV : Call (100) golgot13: Check *** FLOP *** : [ Jc Tc 7c ] KevinV : Check golgot13: Check Benthamite: Bet (200) teaulcsg1: Raise (400) hotnnasty66: Fold dangermouse: Fold KevinV : Fold golgot13: Fold Benthamite: Call (200) *** TURN *** : [ Jc Tc 7c ] [ 4s ] Benthamite: Check teaulcsg1: Bet (600) Benthamite: Raise (3,800) teaulcsg1: Call All-in (2,720) *** RIVER *** : [ Jc Tc 7c 4s ] [ 2c ] *** SUMMARY *** Pot: 8,640 | Board: [ Jc Tc 7c 4s 2c ] hotnnasty66 lost 200 (folded) dangermouse lost 200 (folded) KevinV lost 200 (folded) golgot13 lost 200 (folded) Benthamite bet 4,400, collected 9,120, net +4,720 (showed hand) [ Ac 9d 8s 3c ] LO: 7,4,3,2,A HI: a flush, ace high teaulcsg1 lost 3,920 (showed hand) [ 2s 6c Kc Ks ] HI: a flush, king high SuperSwe2 didn't bet (folded) Dany Ocean didn't bet (folded) chez1234 didn't bet (folded) -----------------------------------------------------

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Re: would you lay this down? First thing I thought of was the nut flush when the flop comes down, holding an ace also makes your lo hand weak. I don't like omaha because there are too many possible hands out and too many ways to be outdrawn. Last PL league omaha game I flopped the nuts twice and lost both times. Silly game.

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Re: would you lay this down?

First thing I thought of was the nut flush when the flop comes down, holding an ace also makes your lo hand weak. I don't like omaha because there are too many possible hands out and too many ways to be outdrawn. Last PL league omaha game I flopped the nuts twice and lost both times. Silly game.
but would you throw the king flush away?
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Re: would you lay this down? I wouldn't have played it in the first place... 26KK double suited? Not very good low draw, and for high, you have a good pair and 2 draws, but the draws could cost you a fortune. Remember, the chances of a K high flush losing to an A high flush in this game are nowhere near as low as they are in Texas! In Omaha H/L, it takes a LOT of compelling reasons for me to play any hand without an A in.

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Re: would you lay this down? feck knows - i am shite at omaha Ace flush beats you - 89c beats you he would have to be brave to shove trips on a flush board so i would probably discount that the other thing to think about is your position vis the others - there are two lower stacks than you and one of them is in the BB next hand - do you need to play this hand at all PF? if you are going to play this kind of hand with only poor draws from EP then raise to thin the field and :hope I can't see how limping helps you at all unless you flop KK, too many draws at omaha Hi/low to beat you even if you flop trips Damo

last night was playing an omaha hi/lo $10 tourney with 28 starters,reached the final table when i got this hand..... would like some feedback on my play
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