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SO 5 seater game stats


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started with $20 Tournament Count : 104 Total Buy-ins : $567 Total Payouts : $1,070 Total Won/Lost : $503 Average Won/Lost : $5 just thought id put this on, been playing these for last two months, league games and normal ones (much easier) mostly $5 buy in, a few $10 never really played 5 seaters much but have to say i enjoy them much more than 10 seaters atm and getting a nice standard win rate anyone else find this?

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Re: SO 5 seater game stats Me too, haven't checked what I have played but when I do play them I expect to finish first or second. Mostly I let them take each other out and only play monster hands then start playing when there's 3 of left. Last two I played I won. Did have quad A's in the last one though :lol , does help a bit. Find the league ones a different kettle of fish though, they go on forever and I bubble to hobbo thre :rollin Will start keeping notes now though to see my success rate (kiss of death no doubt)

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