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apat live tourney birmingham


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Guest gazza271

Re: apat live tourney birmingham :welcome to PL JD and Pie :ok Was not there but is great to read the write ups and you guys comments about PL and a meet up. Just another thing that makes PL and poker sooooooo worthwhile :ok :ok :ok :ok

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

Welcome to PL fella's, good to meet a few of you in brum, would like to be involved if a PL v LPM gets arranged. Cheers Mike
I've already booked my LPM shirt! :eek Thanks to everyone for all of your positive comments on the APAT event. We look forward to hosting you all again at some point in the not too distant future. Richard Prew's excellent event report can be found in the lobby, and I hope to have c. 600 images (will require serious whittling!) from the weekend to share with you in the next few days. Regards, Des.
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

I've already booked my LPM shirt! :eek Thanks to everyone for all of your positive comments on the APAT event. We look forward to hosting you all again at some point in the not too distant future. Richard Prew's excellent event report can be found in the lobby, and I hope to have c. 600 images (will require serious whittling!) from the weekend to share with you in the next few days. Regards, Des.
Des Have a look at this post http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34688 if you wanna come along, your more than welcome Graeme
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

Des Have a look at this post http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34688 if you wanna come along, your more than welcome Graeme
My anniversary, now how could I explain going off to play poker....:lol I 'suspect' I might have to miss on this occasion Morls...but good luck on the night and on your trip. Cheers, Des.
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham

My anniversary, now how could I explain going off to play poker....:lol I 'suspect' I might have to miss on this occasion Morls...but good luck on the night and on your trip. Cheers, Des.
Bring her along mate, double celebration and " well what ya know, a poker game" she'll never twig lol Thanks for the good luck and have a good anniversary mate!
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Re: apat live tourney birmingham ok my slightly longer summary of the weekend ...... Already praised the APAT organisation of the tournament and by the sounds of it we should be able to get a good number to go to Scotland if people want to play. Great again to meet PL members old and new and people from other forums / gaming rooms and I didn't see anyone playing or watching (which I did too much of on day 2) in anything but the right spirit. A few M6 traffic problems going down but not too bad, compared to the traffic jam at the casino trying to sign up with membership forms from the APAT email or off the casino website - which they no longer accepted. Perhaps the one area that could be improved on. On my first table I was sat next to Danarama and opposite BurnleyJoe. Don't have a great memory for hands but do remember Dan's AA getting beat by 56 (2 pair) so when I got them only a few hands later I effectively over-raised and got no calls. KK a few hands later picked up 2 or 3 more blinds and was around 11k when our table broke up and I was sent to the 'table of death' (where the first two out, and four of the first five out, had been sitting - chip leader already over 70k). The hand that basically kept me in overnight occurred quite a bit before the 7pm break when with QQ I called MoneyIvey's AK raise to 2400, only for both of us to be put all-in by the guy on my left, who had JJ. No A K or J to be seen on the board but a Q on the turn I think for good measure. That put me on 23k, dropped to 20k by the food break, and ended the day at 11pm on 22k - but happy to have survived. Then the Sunday disaster. Straight away I am the BB for 3k and the guy in seat 2 or 3 raised about his fifth pot in a row - 4 last night and the first today - up to 7k. I hate Q suited, and don't play Q suited, there are threads on here in which I confirm I don't play Q suited - so of course I called with my Q8c ! Flop is J 8 5 with the 5 the only club. I now have middle pair which is more than I had 2 minutes ago so I announce all-in and he calls before my chips have moved ! KJos gives him top pair and although the club on the turn gives me hope the 9d river seals my fate. He did go on to finish third after being chip leader at the food break and chip leader when down to three. I'm annoyed with myself (and put it down to my brain still trying to get over having finished full english breakfast at 11am followed by the chinese buffet arranged by APAT at 1pm) but have still enjoyed it. Can't say the same a few hours later when I spill a whole coffee latte down me and have to go back to the car to strip and change into yesterday's clothes ! Coming to a CCTV show near you soon ! Even more annoyed when around 7pm we discover someone has picked up my glasses case and walked off with my prescription sunglasses - hope they give them a headache. Mind you they might have been after the lipsyl I also keep in there ! If you see a man wearing sunglasses, bumping into things, but with glossy lips, in the Birmingham area let me know. :ok

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Re: apat live tourney birmingham :welcome Pie, JDforce, and Ironside. Hope you enjoy the rest of the site and we'll maybe see you in some of our games in the future. Ironside - your singing was one of the highlights of the weekend, especially as I'd been stood on the rail for 2 days! :D

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