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Would you call this?


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Hand #404429729 at table: STT $10 NL Started: Tue Aug 29 21:55:21 2006 Stuffit is at seat 1 with 1480.00 Griff505 is at seat 4 with 1580.00 pluk1978 is at seat 5 with 2210.00 7luky7 is at seat 7 with 9130.00 Griff505 posts the large blind 400.00 Stuffit posts the small blind 200.00 Stuffit: --, -- Griff505: As, 6s pluk1978: --, -- 7luky7: --, -- Pre-flop: pluk1978: Fold 7luky7: Raise 4000.00 Stuffit: Fold Griff505: All in Showdown: Griff505 shows: As, 6s (high card, Ace) 7luky7 shows: 3h, 3c (a pair of Threes) Flop (Board: 2s, Qs, Kd): Turn (Board: 2s, Qs, Kd, 2c): River (Board: 2s, Qs, Kd, 2c, Jc): 7luky7 shows: 3h, 3c (two pair, Threes and Deuces) Mainpot: 7luky7 wins the pot of 4160 with two pair, Threes and Deuces Ignoring the result, should I have called this on the bubble? I still can't decide whether I was right to call here with A6 suited.

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Re: Would you call this?

has villian been doing this regularly with his big stack?
He had done a few times, but mostly when he had posted SB. I didn't really have a read on him so I was 50-50 on whether he had any sort of a hand or if he was trying to steal the blinds.
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Re: Would you call this? i would have folded,if u flopped an ace your kicker was bad.what did you put the villian on or were u convinced it was a steal.dont like chasing flushes unless theres a chance of a straight as an alternative(just me).as it turned out he took a great risk with 33 and it paid off. you did call and to be honest you were unlucky,but in summary i would have waited.

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Re: Would you call this? tricky one if he is doing it regularly and you want to win the game rather than just limp into the money (if you are that lucky!) then call as you are ahead of his pushing range however if it was infrequently then I might, just might fold even though I am short stacked - and be prepared to shove my SB next hand if its folded to me with any 2 cards regardless very tricky this one - of course if you knew he had 33 then call, you need to double up so a 55/45 dog is good enough for me at this stage nice situation, nice post:ok Damo

He had done a few times' date=' but mostly when he had posted SB. I didn't really have a read on him so I was 50-50 on whether he had any sort of a hand or if he was trying to steal the blinds.[/quote']
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Re: Would you call this? the kicker is irrelevant IMHO in this situation the chances are that the villain doesn't have an Ace if an ace flops as there are 2 out already - if he does have a better Ace then you are UL - I wouldn't worry about the villian having a better ace when I am short stacked and call into the raised pot - if he is playing properly his raising range is fairly big at this point as no one want to go out closeto the money. Damo

i would have folded,if u flopped an ace your kicker was bad.what did you put the villian on or were u convinced it was a steal.dont like chasing flushes unless theres a chance of a straight as an alternative(just me).as it turned out he took a great risk with 33 and it paid off. you did call and to be honest you were unlucky,but in summary i would have waited.
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Re: Would you call this? 10 seat table I'd be inclined to suggest no, but only just. For me the decision (apart from the read of the player) rests on the kicker - and I didn't see Damo's post until I'd written that!:lol Reason? Personal preference (argue with that one Damo! ;)) I would suggest that some time in the next orbit would have been the time to push, not that one. I really don't like being forced in pre-flop unless I'm up against the wall, and I don't think you were quite there yet. Definitely a toughie, and unlucky.

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Re: Would you call this? That is a tricky one there due to the huuuuge blinds. If the stacks were a bit bigger then its a fold but with those stacks hmm. Youre never ahead by THAT much tbh with a hand like A6 if you are ahead and if hes ahead of you then you could be in as a 2/1 dog a lot of the time. To be fair its hard to argue fold or call too much either way though, I couldnt fault either choice with those kind of blinds.

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Re: Would you call this? I am always reluctant to call an All in bet heads up especially if it puts me all in or will cripple me with Ax. (Suited or not) My own thinking is that so many other people will bet big with Ax. That I may only have one live card. Depending on the stck size around me. If im on the bubble and 2 or 3 people need to make a move before I do... then I would pass. If you want to take advantage of the bubble. Get your money in when you have position or against medium stacks who will be crippled if you win. Pick your spots and steel the affraid money.

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