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constructive criticism


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hi people,,well i have been playing against most of you for nearly 6 months now,and feel i have reached about as far as i can go...what i would like from you guys and gals is some feedback on how i can get up to the next level and start winning cash on a more regular basis,,,i have had a lot of help from morlspin which i am very grateful for,but need some positive or negative criticism thanks alan

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Re: constructive criticism

hi people,,well i have been playing against most of you for nearly 6 months now,and feel i have reached about as far as i can go...what i would like from you guys and gals is some feedback on how i can get up to the next level and start winning cash on a more regular basis,,,i have had a lot of help from morlspin which i am very grateful for,but need some positive or negative criticism thanks alan
Give it up, you are rubbish ;)
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Re: constructive criticism Alan, you don't need advice to get to the next level, looks like you're doing just fine on your own.. :ok What I do is always try to learn, why did I do that, was it right or wrong etc etc.. I'm confident you'll get there on your own initiative :dude

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Re: constructive criticism Alan, try posting some hand histories - I'm currently chucking loads of questionable hands here and getting some decent advice from the likes of Damo, Stevie, Val, and many others. Provides good talking points which can help us all improve, hopefully :hope

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Re: constructive criticism

hi people,,well i have been playing against most of you for nearly 6 months now,and feel i have reached about as far as i can go...what i would like from you guys and gals is some feedback on how i can get up to the next level and start winning cash on a more regular basis,,,i have had a lot of help from morlspin which i am very grateful for,but need some positive or negative criticism thanks alan
Alan your first mistake has obviously been listening to morls (but I think you realise that now). You have always struck me as a solid player and the next level just comes with more experience. When you have made a mistake learn from it and make sure you tackle a future similar situation a different way (lots of notes about games). Poker can take a lifetime to master and I think we are all learning and trying to achieve the next level. I wouldn't recommend any books, as some PLers may do, as I firmly believe in developing your own style not trying to imitate others. I learn from watching games online and on TV and playing as many games as time will allow on varying sites at varying levels and structures to gather the knowledge and experience required.
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Re: constructive criticism easy answer - play more :dude complicated answer what stakes do you play? what games do you play? (cash/stt's/HU etc) how much is your bankroll?(and is it fixed or can you reload?) need more info before giving a reasonable answer Damo

hi people,,well i have been playing against most of you for nearly 6 months now,and feel i have reached about as far as i can go...what i would like from you guys and gals is some feedback on how i can get up to the next level and start winning cash on a more regular basis,,,i have had a lot of help from morlspin which i am very grateful for,but need some positive or negative criticism thanks alan
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Re: constructive criticism

easy answer - play more :dude complicated answer what stakes do you play? what games do you play? (cash/stt's/HU etc) how much is your bankroll?(and is it fixed or can you reload?) need more info before giving a reasonable answer Damo
well to start i play most of the focus games because i like playing against pl,,but as for the tables i do okay with the 2c/4c up to the 5c/10c but when i get above those i hit problems and very rarely break even. stt`s i wont go above $5 and have tried the mtt`s but dont do very well in them so try to stick to stt`s,i have had 1st and 2nd but mostly bubble
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Re: constructive criticism thats a start bankroll? yes this is a personal question but there is a reason - I would advise a bankroll of at least 50 buy ins if you are playing STT's (so at least $250 for the $5.50's) more is better and 100 buy-ins means you can play consistently long term without going broke (assuming you are at least an average player at that level). cash games - are you crushing the 5/10c on a regular basis? are you keeping records to prove it? - for cash games you need at least 30 max buyin (assuming NL here) to give you the cushion you need for when things go astary ((so around $300 to play the 10c games) KEEP RECORDS - you need to know what pays and what costs you say you rarely break even at higher levels - what do you mean? can you elaborate? and why do you think you rarely break even - are you playing scared? - are you playing loose? are people out playing you? etc etc etc - are you still limping A10 off suit UTG at a full table? if so that is a leak and you need to fix it, or are you still calling with A10o on the button to a 3Xbb raise from EP and a reraise of another 3BB from MP - in which case that is a leak and needs fixing ;) post some hand histories (HH) and see whether we can help you - and be prepared for criticism of your play!! oh, and read - a LOT, books, forums, blogs, poker sites etc - read read read, remember the good stuff and ignore the rubbish - reading does help if you manage to filter out the crap and understand the reasoning behind the advice by thinking things through (a bit like my post on the Jaded's 99 thread - i.e. don't always shove 99, but in ceratin situations it is the correct play - too many people think that when someone says shove that you should ALWAYS shove - that is incorrect - so read things and think about them and understand the reasoning why). Have i MENTIONED KEEPING RECORDS!!! Hope this helps and good luck:ok Damo ps play play play - it is the best teacher as experience counts - make notes on the good things and the bad things, notes on players, when you played like a muppet but sucked out etc as well as when you got the perfect read on the villian and out played him poker is no different to any other profession or vocation - to get good at it you need to keep learning and practice (unless you are a natural talent of course!)

well to start i play most of the focus games because i like playing against pl,,but as for the tables i do okay with the 2c/4c up to the 5c/10c but when i get above those i hit problems and very rarely break even. stt`s i wont go above $5 and have tried the mtt`s but dont do very well in them so try to stick to stt`s,i have had 1st and 2nd but mostly bubble
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Re: constructive criticism well you have certainly given me something to think about,,thankyou,i have just started using pokerdominator which i find really easy to use,although money isnt tight i dont want to waste it...time is an issue especially with the pl games on every night and obviously have a family which i tend to spend equal time with,although the wife doesnt agree:lol i will try to post a few losing hands so you can tell me where i went wrong

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Re: constructive criticism my pleasure - and I sympathise re the wife and family it ain't easy balancing both - thats why we have poker nights and family nights, that way no one gets the arse with the other:ok Damo

well you have certainly given me something to think about,,thankyou,i have just started using pokerdominator which i find really easy to use,although money isnt tight i dont want to waste it...time is an issue especially with the pl games on every night and obviously have a family which i tend to spend equal time with,although the wife doesnt agree:lol i will try to post a few losing hands so you can tell me where i went wrong
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Re: constructive criticism move up slowly as your bankroll allows, there is little difference between a $5 stt and a 10/20$ game but if you cant afford to play those games dont. vary your game a lot to learn more about certain situations. read books and articles etc ...dont have to follow them but good advice. read harrington on hold em vol 1...great advice on starting hand selection. try to play decent games of poker if you can ...most of the play in a $5 is hopeless and ull pick up bad habits of playing weak hands....the champions league is decent enough and only $3 ...good games to learn from play a few heads up stts and play a bit. watch a high stakes stt and see how they play etc. loads of things you can do. most important one is to enjoy it!!!!! gl:)

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